#! test

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#! test

#1 Post by rufwoof »

Can you pass the #! test ?

Clue ... Matrix (the Source enlightenment is just a few clicks away)
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Re: #! test

#2 Post by s243a »

rufwoof wrote:Can you pass the #! test ?

Clue ... Matrix (the Source enlightenment is just a few clicks away)
Interesting way to hide a script on a web page :)...so supposedly it give you a free shell account.
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#3 Post by rufwoof »

Yep. With initially weechat (irc), mutt (mail), net connection etc, running in tmux. I use lynx for brower but there's also w3m ...etc. available. Personally for browsing however I just (mostly) use my Puppy/whatever gui browser.

I have my local tmux set to use backtick as the prefix key, F11 to add a new window, F12 to step between windows. The default tmux prefix is ctrl-b, so for example ctrl-b c to create a new window, ctrl-b 2 to jump to window 2 ...etc. You can detatch using ctrl-b d to exit to normal (single) command prompt, tmux a (or tmux attach) command to reattach again. weechat and mutt aren't the easiest IMO, for instance alpine is a lot easier - but weechat and mutt are more functional (more command options and scripting potential).

IIRC when you first join you get the choice of 4 or so server locations, all in the USA however. I joined the New York server and speed wise from London is fine. i.e. I can ssh in from London to New York and then ssh back again and despite a 7000 mile round trip operational speed is fine.

In the attached its a EasyOS tray, with sakura terminal window, that has my tmux windows at the top, that's connected to ny1.hashbang.sh with its tmux windows at the bottom. Window shows it connected to sdf.org watching a com anonradio thread whilst running firefox also inside a EasyOS container that's listening to anonradio.net livestream (Tob's show).
(150.49 KiB) Downloaded 411 times
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#4 Post by rufwoof »

With a hashbang account, on say their ny1 server, setting up a socks5 ...

Code: Select all

ssh -D 9999 -q -C -N <userid>@ny1.hashbang.sh
(changing <userid> for your hashbang userid)
sets up port 9999 listening/forwarding through a ssh tunnel. Run that in a terminal and it doesn't return, i.e stays active as long as the terminal stays active (put it into the background and kill that pid when done is another choice).

In seamonkey you can set it to use the socks via the preference menu, however for Google Chrome, running as root (so need --no-sandbox), you need to set it to use the socks5 proxy using a command line invocation of ...

Code: Select all

/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --no-sandbox --proxy-server="socks5://localhost:9999"
(I've assigned port 9999 in both of the above, which could be any other non used port).

In practice, Chrome within Fatdog is really quick with the above setup.

That has all chrome traffic flowing through the ssh tunnel, so your local end (ISP) only sees that ssh connection and encrypted data flow. Web sites visited see the hashbang servers IP, not your IP. hashbang could potentially watch your activities however.

For things like online banking, its probably best to not use hashbang as a socks proxy, use your ISP instead - i..e close the socks connection and just run chrome as normal (without the additional --proxy parameter). For other more general activities where you'd rather web sites didn't see your IP, and/or you'd rather your local end ISP (state) didn't see your activities then using the socks setup as above is probably a reasonable choice.

Monitoring traffic using ifstat -i -n ... whilst using the above socks method indeed indicated traffic flowing via ::1 (i.e. IP6 form of ... localhost).
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#5 Post by rufwoof »

An alternative to using someone else as a ssh server, is to install your own ssh server at home. So when out and about you can use your home network via a ssh tunnel ... as though all http pages etc visited were being accessed from home, with the added benefit that (assuming private/public ssh keys are being used) that a man in middle attack at the internet cafe or wherever is pretty much thwarted (unless you ignore the warnings that are thrown out about suspicious host keys etc.).

For that you're home sshd_config file would need AllowTcpForwarding yes and GatewayPorts yes (and sshd restarted).

I like to set my home ssh server up on port 443, which is usually used for https traffic, as that way you're less likely to have the internet cafe blocking your ssh connection. The firewall (router) also needs to have that traffic being forwarded to the home server PC, and the PC's firewall also has to be set to allow that traffic through.

Some mobile/land line service providers may provide free 'call home' calls. And if like me your home ISP is unlimited then you could perhaps use a dial up arrangement to phone home and data connect to your home ssh server as a socks proxy and also have free unlimited internet traffic whilst out and about (albeit being restricted to modem type speeds).
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vlc socks

#6 Post by rufwoof »

Setting socks proxy in vlc is somewhat hidden ...

In Tools, Preferences, Select "ALL" in the "Show settings" form.
Click on "input/codecs" item from the list.
In the right part of the window, scroll until you find the SOCKS settings and change them as you need.
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