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Apple Privacy Yeah!

Posted: Wed 29 May 2019, 20:50
by cthisbear
What happens on your iPhone stays on your iPhone

" You might assume you can count on Apple to sweat all the privacy details.
After all, it touted in a recent ad, "What happens on your iPhone stays on your iPhone."

My investigation suggests otherwise. " ... 51s9e.html


Posted: Thu 30 May 2019, 01:05
by Lobster
thanks for letting us know @cthisbear 8)

It is much the same for the Ipaid (through the nose)

We are locked into our devices/services?

Is the open security model better? Every squawk we ever Twatter
effecting our Farcebook destiny profile for ever?

Had a look at my cookies on the Ipad
Google is there - boo - still do no evil? Yeah you own our data? Free to sell it. Document it. Must stop using their commercial hardware/software commercial spyware.

/end rant ...

... meanwhile, the recent IOS update scam had turned on new experimental features. I have to turn them off manually. I am not on your beta test program Appalling Apple. Not gonna bother jailbreaking ...

Puppy Freedom
Linux for Techno Luddites. Back to Basics.

Posted: Thu 30 May 2019, 12:30
by Burn_IT
It seems like their policy is that the only people to get your private data is those they quietly profit from; any legal access is strictly blocked and a big public fuss is created to give them free advertising.

Posted: Fri 31 May 2019, 02:49
by tallboy
Hmm, I have no smartphone, and articles like that does not make me miss one! I am going to get a new Huawei, though, but only for the incredible built-in photo hardware. I need a new camera, and if I can get away with carrying only one gadget around, it doesn't hurt that there is a phone built into it. :lol:
I got my first 15 lbs 'mobile' phone back in 1984, and since then I always treated my phones as telephones, not portable reflections of my life stored on a chip. I'll disable all services except talk and sms, and have a nice camera with occational plingeling sounds... 8)

Posted: Fri 31 May 2019, 06:09
by Lobster
tallboy wrote:Hmm, I have no smartphone, and articles like that does not make me miss one! I am going to get a new Huawei, though, but only for the incredible built-in photo hardware. I need a new camera, and if I can get away with carrying only one gadget around, it doesn't hurt that there is a phone built into it. :lol:

Tee Hee I prefer a bridge camera with an optical zoom. There are some awesome phones with optical zooms coming. May be tempted ...

You are a fellow Dinosaur @Tallboy
The cities have been infested with phone zombies. They do not know where they are or where they are going without directions on thinking and what to buy. My last phone which I don't really use was given to me, great snap taker and video of course ...

Neo Puppy Linux
We are the Borg Resistance. Run fast. Run Free

Posted: Fri 31 May 2019, 10:41
by Burn_IT
If you're dinosaurs then I'm an insect!!
I still use an SLR film camera for studio work and a Fuji Finepix with interchangeable lenses for "snapping".