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Puppy Bling from the future

Posted: Mon 03 Jun 2019, 07:25
by Lobster
As Official Cructacean my self appointed duties include:

- Being mad
- Traveling to the future and other Puppy dimensions

You will be happy to know my unofficial Puppy bling (a Bionic tea mug and lobster coffee mug) travel with me.

Over the years I have had two Puppy t-shirts - one I made and one kindly sent. Both have since disintegrated ... :cry:

I was hoping to send a picture of 'Stir Fry' the mascot for Puppy 8.1, a luvvly Yorkshire Terrier but he either got rehoused or may have been eaten ... (it was not me!) :roll:

Our original mascot was presumed eaten by a dingo BUT I believe he is immortal ...

Anyway enough madness from me ... :oops:
Do you have any Puppy bling? :D

Puppy9 which all going well is available in 020CE - hence the codename 2020 vision
Image hosted at - no idea if they are any good but did not have to sign my life and soul away to host :shock:

Posted: Mon 03 Jun 2019, 13:58
by Mike Walsh
Hiya, O Crustaceous one.....

Re; PostImage. Yep, very good image hosting site. Switched from Imgur over a year ago (due to the extended madness of their front-page 'face-lift'; took so long, I just got fed-up in the end, and said 'Sod it...')

Haven't regretted it yet, 'cos it's a lot easier to use than Imgur.

Re; Puppy 'bling'. Well.....about the extent of my personal Puppy adornments boils down to my self-created machine 'stickers'. I got rid of all the Windoze junk labelling, and used my own instead.....

[Click to enlarge]


Ye anciente Dell lappie, proudly sporting the above adornment. (It's like 'go-faster' stripes, mate; she's deffo more responsive with that sticker on there!!) :lol: :lol:

[Click to enlarge]



Mike. :wink:

Posted: Tue 04 Jun 2019, 09:24
by Lobster
Nice label. :D

Worth getting a lightscribe DVD burner for an ISO etching? ... 985#334965

I used to have a lightscribe CD burner. Now I am booting from DVD.
Maybe I should be booting from a micro sd card but how to personalise them?

Posted: Thu 06 Jun 2019, 03:37
by Lobster
I have just been using Dpup Stretch in another dimension ...

The dog stretch is my favourite asana. :roll:

Goat yoga is a thing here but Puppy yoga is better ... :D ... index.html

... and now back to the bling ...