Floppy is 1440 KB or 1424 KB ?

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Floppy is 1440 KB or 1424 KB ?

#1 Post by increa »

I have a need to execute the WinXP_en_pro_bf.exe Windows exectable under Puppy 5.7.1, using Wine v1.4. This program creates six 1.44 MB floppies, which can then be used to boot up and install Windows XP from a CD DRIVE that cannot be booted from.

So.. I created floppies using fdformat and mkfs. I used winecfg to add an "A:" drive to the Wine environment, and playing with explorer.exe, it seems to work fine (I could write and read files).

When I run the Windows executable, it complains that the floppy is the wrong size and indeed when I check with df, it shows 1424 KB instead of 1440 KB. Why is it under size by 16 KB?

The disk needs to be exactly the right size because I think the executable is dumping binary images onto the drives and can't "spill over".
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#2 Post by bigpup »

The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
YaPI(any iso installer)
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