The integration of ZFS from within the Ubuntu OS

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The integration of ZFS from within the Ubuntu OS

#1 Post by labbe5 »

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#2 Post by Flash »

The quote doesn't even mention Ubuntu. That's a bit confusing.
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#3 Post by s243a »

It might be a great file system but it sounds like it might not mesh with some ideas about free software.
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#4 Post by rufwoof »

s243a wrote:It might be a great file system but it sounds like it might not mesh with some ideas about free software.
3. Licensing
One of the reasons OpenZFS came so late on the GNU/Linux ecosystem is because of its license incompatibility with GNU GPL. Without getting into too much details, Btrfs is under GPL which allows users to take source code and modify it, but the modifications should also be published under GPL and stay open source.

OpenZFS on the other hand, is licensed under CDDL which is much more permissive and allows users to modify and distribute code with a greater degree of freedom.
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