apt list --upgradable | grep -v 'Listing...' | cut -d/ -f1 | tr '\r\n' ' ' | sed '$s/ $/\n/'
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt autoremove -y
sudo snap refresh
sudo flatpak update -y
Last two lines optional, depending on whether or not you use snap or flatpak packages.
Second line address upgradable packages, list them (optional).
Call this script update, make it executable and put it under usr/bin.
To upgrade your OS : $ update
Updating a Dog-based OS : bash script
With Pkg (https://gitlab.com/sc0ttj/Pkg) installed, in proper Puppy Linux (not a DebianDog etc), you can do this:
Code: Select all
pkg list-installed # list upgradeable packages
pkg update-sources # update list of installed repos
pkg repo-update # get latest repo files from online
pkg update # update installed packages (not inc builtins)
[b][url=https://bit.ly/2KjtxoD]Pkg[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2U6dzxV]mdsh[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2G49OE8]Woofy[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/bzBU1]Akita[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/SO5ug]VLC-GTK[/url], [url=https://tiny.cc/c2hnfz]Search[/url][/b]