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How to switch between virtual desktops by keyboard?

Posted: Wed 25 Mar 2020, 11:49
by aldeon
I wonder if I could switch between virtual keyboards by keyboard or not. If there is no hotkey for it, maybe setting one could be possible?

I'm using Bionicpup64 8.0

Re: How to switch between virtual desktops by keyboard?

Posted: Wed 25 Mar 2020, 12:38
by gychang
aldeon wrote:I wonder if I could switch between virtual keyboards by keyboard or not. If there is no hotkey for it, maybe setting one could be possible?

I'm using Bionicpup64 8.0
1) geany ~/root/.jwm/jwm-personal from terminal
2) add these lines under <!-- Keybindings -->
<Key mask="CS" key="Right">rdesktop</Key>
<Key mask="CS" key="Left">ldesktop</Key>
<Key mask="CS" key="#">desktop#</Key>
3) restartwm

now pressing Ctrl-Shift+? should work.

Re: How to switch between virtual desktops by keyboard?

Posted: Wed 25 Mar 2020, 13:13
by aldeon
gychang wrote:
aldeon wrote:I wonder if I could switch between virtual keyboards by keyboard or not. If there is no hotkey for it, maybe setting one could be possible?

I'm using Bionicpup64 8.0
1) geany ~/root/.jwm/jwm-personal from terminal
2) add these lines under <!-- Keybindings -->
<Key mask="CS" key="Right">rdesktop</Key>
<Key mask="CS" key="Left">ldesktop</Key>
<Key mask="CS" key="#">desktop#</Key>
3) restartwm

now pressing Ctrl-Shift+? should work.
Thanks a lot. It was perfect.

Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2020, 18:09
by williams2
I think the default hotkeys to switch the jwm virtual desktops are:


Posted: Sat 28 Mar 2020, 00:35
by tallboy
williams2 is absolutely correct. Funny thing is that when you refer to a virtual desktop in a script, the count starts at 0, not 1. :D

I would also recommend reading the good'ol GNU/Linux Command-Line Tools Summary at the old The Linux Documentation Project. Even seasoned Linux users have some aha-experiences there! :D
Just remember that some of the commands are not available in BusyBox, which is the lightweight version used in most Puppys, instead of the full Linux utilities.

Posted: Sun 29 Mar 2020, 13:51
by ndujoe1
The default Alt+1, etc, is correct.

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2020, 14:15
by ndujoe1
It is possible that EASY OS has a different keybinding set than Bionicpup 64 which I use.

Posted: Sun 12 Apr 2020, 17:01
by number77
williams2 wrote:I think the default hotkeys to switch the jwm virtual desktops are:

Nice one williams2. Thanks.

Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2020, 11:15
by Mike Walsh
number77 wrote:
williams2 wrote:I think the default hotkeys to switch the jwm virtual desktops are:

Nice one williams2. Thanks.
Indeed; seconded. Summat new I've learnt today..!

(Although I'm curious as to why this works with the 'main' number keys at the top of the keyboard, yet not with the number pad to the right. After all, these reference the exact same key-codes, don't they?)

Mike. :D

Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2020, 11:33
by phat7
Mike Walsh wrote:After all, these reference the exact same key-codes, don't they?
Codes are different. Check with xev.