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How to see examples of my installed fonts? [SOLVED]

Posted: Sat 09 May 2020, 06:00
by pp4mnklinux

I need a special font to edit a image.

I have hundreds of installed fonts, but I need to see examples of them all, to decide which one must I use.

Is there any program to see an example of all of them?

Thanks a lot.

If "yes", PLEASE, include al link to download and install it, THANKS

Posted: Sat 09 May 2020, 08:38
by musher0
Hello pp4mnklinux.

You don't necessarily need a dedicated font-viewing application.
If it's for typing a message in a picture, mtpaint provides a font selector.

To activate it, run mpaint, load your picture, then click on the "T" icon on
the icon line underneath the drop-down menu line.

A panel will open showing on the left the fonts you have available
in /usr/share/fonts/default/TTF. The fonts you have in OTHER
directories will NOT show in this list.

In the middle of this panel, there is a place where to type your text and
preview its appearance. When satisfied, click on the "Commit" button
and it will be pasted on the picture. This panel also offers text color and text
direction features.

Save the result when finished, obviously.

A screen capture is provided.


Posted: Sat 09 May 2020, 11:26
by fabrice_035
My solution :shock:

can be improved

Code: Select all

# this script write abiword file contain and list all fonts

read -r -d '' VAR << EOM
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE abiword PUBLIC "-//ABISOURCE//DTD AWML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<abiword template="false" xmlns:ct="" xmlns:fo="" xmlns:svg="" xid-max="2" xmlns:dc="" styles="unlocked" fileformat="1.1" xmlns:math="" xmlns:awml="" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.9.1" xml:space="preserve" props="dom-dir:ltr; document-footnote-restart-section:0; document-endnote-type:numeric; document-endnote-place-enddoc:1; document-endnote-initial:1; lang:fr-FR; document-endnote-restart-section:0; document-footnote-restart-page:0; document-footnote-type:numeric; document-footnote-initial:1; document-endnote-place-endsection:0">
<m key="abiword.date_last_changed">Sat May  9 12:38:41 2020
<m key="abiword.generator">AbiWord</m>
<m key="dc.creator">root</m>
<m key="">Sat May  9 12:38:41 2020
<m key="dc.format">application/x-abiword</m>
<pagesize pagetype="A4" orientation="portrait" width="210.000000" height="297.000000" units="mm" page-scale="1.000000"/>
<section xid="1" props="page-margin-footer:0.5000in; page-margin-header:0.5000in; page-margin-right:1.0000in; page-margin-left:1.0000in; page-margin-top:1.0000in; page-margin-bottom:1.0000in">



rm -f "$dest"
echo "$VAR" > "$dest"

fc-list | awk -F":" '{print $2}' | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}' | awk -F"." '{print $1}' > font.txt

font=$(sort font.txt | uniq)

for line in `sort font.txt | uniq` ; do
echo $line
echo "<p style=\"Normal\" xid=\"2\"><c props=\"font-family:"$line"; font-size:8pt\">"$line" Hello, WORLD! 1234567890.</c></p>" >> "$dest"
echo "<p style=\"Normal\" xid=\"2\"><c props=\"font-family:"$line"; font-size:24pt\">"$line" HELLO, World! 1234567890.</c></p>" >> "$dest"

echo "</section>" >> "$dest"
echo "</abiword>" >> "$dest"

# finaly show result
defaultwordprocessor "$dest" &

can be improved


Posted: Mon 11 May 2020, 20:10
by Mike Walsh
I always thought there were those two 'default' apps in every Pup. Y'know; Menu->Desktop->Xfontsel font viewer or Gfontsel font viewer? Every Puppy has them 'built-in'.....

Or perhaps some of us have got so used to always looking for the complicated solutions that they've completely lost sight of the simple, obvious answers? :roll:

Why make life harder than it has to be, hm?

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Mon 11 May 2020, 20:43
by HerrBert
Also there is
I suggest to download PrintMyFonts for Linux as Portable Binary (1.68 MB)
No Installation required. Just unziip, open destination and click executable.


Posted: Sun 07 Jun 2020, 15:43
by pp4mnklinux
Thanks for your solutions.

They help me a lot.- PROBLEM SOLVED

Posted: Sun 07 Jun 2020, 18:20
by rockedge