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Cherry Tree as Project File Organizer

Posted: Sun 07 Jun 2020, 01:08
by mikeslr
Cherry Tree is usually considered an application for taking notes and so shows up under the Document Category, such as here: ... 72#1060172. That impression, however, may obscure its real strength: the ability it provides the user to link together in a structured order files of many types and urls. For greater detail, see the above post.

Opening DataFiles in an Application

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2020, 00:41
by mikeslr
You add nodes from CherryTree's Tree Menu. Once you've created a node, one of the things you can do is associate that note with a datafile you've already created using a different application. For example rather than Edit>Insert Table --which will create a rather primitive table structure-- you can either Edit>Insert File or Edit>Insert/Edit Link to a Word-process Table or Spreadsheet. Either way, double-clicking the node opens the datafile in your operating systems default application for that type of file.

I think Edit>Insert Link works better. The data file 'seems' to open faster and mfb reported CherryTree closes more responsively. If I'm not mistaken, Insert >file actually embeds the document into the CherryTree File and may be necessary if you're going to save CherryTree files to a USB-Key for use on more than one computer. But, I may be wrong.

CherryTree appears to use mine-types to associate datafiles with the applications to manipulate them. At least, I think 'mime-type' is the technical term for a file's ending which reflects how it was formatted; e.g. .odt is the file-type, 'open-document-text', which is the default formatting used by both Liber-and-Open Office Writer and available as an option under Textmaker.

Planner is an application available via PPM in many Puppies. See Screenshot. It's file-ending is ".planner". CherryTree opened it as a text file. Not very helpful. :(

However, I could customize Rox's Right-Click Menu to "Set Run Action" to open *.planner files in Planner. With that association set (Restart-x may be required) CherryTree opened a node of a *.planner datafile in Planner.

(Remember to Save such settings to your SaveFile/Folder).

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2020, 04:33
by musher0
Good tip, mikeslr.

CherryTree64 May not just be for 'Ubuntus'

Posted: Sun 28 Jun 2020, 16:05
by mikeslr
While exploring CherryTree, ... 40#1061840 I realized there were no binaries, only python modules and libraries.

So, it may function under Slackos. Untested.

Are separate builds for 32 and 64 bit necessary? Or is python, like bash, just a scripting language?