qemu-puppy & sharing files with WinXP host

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qemu-puppy & sharing files with WinXP host

#1 Post by nairobi »

Hello all

I'm trying to set up qemu-puppy on a 1GB USB stick for my wife to take with her to demonstrate webpages for her website-writing business when she's on the road.

Excellent as it is, Erik is somewhat enigmatic when he describes how to share files between the host and client computers. In particular, although I can use FTP to transfer files between the two, I've had no luck at all in mounting the FTP server (the host's files) as a filesystem on the client machine. I simply couldn't get lufs (ftpfs?) or fuse (I tried sshfs and fuseftp) to work. This was after installing gcc on my qemu-puppy machine - man, I'd really want to avoid compiling anything on that again if I can help it! I found quite a few things that simply wouldn't compile properly or, if they did, then they simply didn't work at all. Can anyone who has been able to get these to work provide me with some pointers on getting it to work?

Ultimately what I'd like to do is have a /scratch file on my USB stick to which she can save files, which will then be easily mountable within qemu-puppy. I suppose my next try would be to access it through samba/Windows file-sharing. Any other clues/ideas?

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