I miss Google Desktop Search - any suggestions?

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I miss Google Desktop Search - any suggestions?

#1 Post by lickthefrog2 »

I'm just converting from Windows XP to Puppy (Muppy006).

Firefox is my chief application and luckily the extensions I use most are equivalent in Linux.

The application I am most used to using on Windows, though, is Google Desktop Search (GDS).

I used it constantly to launch programs and files of any type. Further, it searched titles and within the file, so I could type a name and it would display a link in my browser to both an email to a person with that name and a document with that name. Clicking on the link in the browser would then launch the application associated with that file or take me to the live or cached webpage containing what I'm looking for. Also GDS indexes my Gmail account and my Firefox browsing history, not to mention lots of other filetypes. People are developing it to index more and more filetypes, as well.

If you're not familiar with GDS, it really is a time-saver. I'm looking for a Linux replacement.

So far I found Beagle and I'm planning on trying BasKet.

BasKet isn't exactly like GDS because it requires user input. GDS allows me to be an idiot about where I put things but I can still find them and access them easily. That's my goal, to have my computer cover my sloppy a**.

If anyone has any tips or suggestions, I'm all ears. I miss GDS...a lot.

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