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Muppy 007-212

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 01:46
by MU
full size picture: muppy007.jpg

Download: ... 07-212.iso ... so.md5.txt

Password see:


Mirror 2: (442 MB)

- adds the icedock configuration utility ... cepack.pup ... cepack.pup

Do not install Muppy 007 over a old version.

A "upgrade-from-006-pack" might follow until weekend.
I also might create a version without KDE and Adobe (more than 100 MB smaller).


Fixed bugs:
- xorgwizard keys work now correct.
- a line with usb-detection (was reported)
- replaced gsview with epdf (symlink), as it crashed too often

Adobe Acrobat 7
PB-CDripper 1.9
Puppybackup 0.9.0
Grafburn 0.2
wine 0.9.28
Nvidia drivers (in 3DCC)
Firefox with mplayerplugin
Audacity 1.3.2beta
KDE-Base (Konqueror, kcontrol)
KDE-Multimedia (not tested at all)
Amarok 1.4.1
2 Icewm-themes by Pizzasgood
New background by tometo
Desktop-help now offers online manuals

The integration is not perfect, there are conflicts in the XDG-menusystem, so kcontrol does not work.
But all kcontrol-modules can be launched from Icewm.
Muppy does not intend to run KDE as a standalone desktop, instead it allows you to run the most often requested applications directly in Icewm/Rox, Muppys default-dektop.
That might be enhanced in future.
Search forum for "mkkde" to build a "full KDE-Puppy".

Acrobat throws an error, but works.
How to remove the errormessage?

add somehow a timeout to the dialog where you are offered to mount all files.
Required if keyboard is not recognized.
Busybox "read" does not support -t -n :(

add a pre-dialog to network-wizard to disable autodhcp.
edit /etc/rc.d/rc.muppy-network.
set "autoconnect" to "no".

add missing libraries for krusader
update Mplayer with lates update by Tempestous

add missing file to mcedit (works, but throws message)

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 01:57
by MU
too much traffic :?
I'll try again tomorrow.


Muppy Pup

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 05:53
by Lobster
:) Very much look forward to this.

Yes it is a humongous Puppy by size BUT amazingly usable (based on 006) Good to see Nathans and Pizzasgoods work in there.

Needs its own wiki page

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 08:58
by MU

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 09:00
by Sage
Good morning, Mark; hope you slept well. 007 - thank you.
Just got my d/l running before the Euroteenies and Yanks get out of bed!

Update: Some problem (apart from congestion?) ? My d/l cut off at 253Mb showing it as complete??? Can't get back onto your server now.

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 10:30
by MU
Server might be overloaded.
I'll upload to puptrix too, but that will take several hours.

I added a servicepack, forgot to upgrade icedock with the new wizard. See first message.

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 10:38
by MU
or use Gftp , it is in the /isos folder: ... 8052#88052

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 11:21
by Sage
Up-update: Got it thanks, Mark. But the servicepack is locked solid!

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 11:44
by MU
try again please: ... cepack.pup

I had some problems on, moved it now to

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 11:52
by Sage
Oooooo! That link is giving me a text file. Well, code-in-text, to be exact!

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 12:01
by MU
ok, I added a .htaccess to set the AuthType to zip.
Hope it works.
Else right-click -> save as.
Or click here, that is a renamed one if you still have it in your cache:

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 16:02
by polux
Am I missing something? KDE applications doesn't work :?

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 16:06
by MU
When it starts, did you confirm to use all applications?

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 16:17
by polux
Sorry I was kind of a Noob :oops: Didn't explain some more.

Answering your question when I booted I selected to load it in ram to have the cd free.

In Jwm I have nothing in the KDE Menu section so I went to /usr/local/MuppyKDE/ and clicked to all the applications there and got a message saying: File doesn't exists or I cant access it.

But with your question I suppose that I must use the applications from the CD to be able to use them all, right?

Thank you for your help :)

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 16:52
by MU
Yes, KDE is very huge, so Muppy is divided in 2 parts.

1.) Basic system
The most important applications are in pup_212.sfs, so they can load to Ram on most computers.
Like this they are very fast.

2.) Addons
You optionally can choose to load more programs like 3D-drivers, KDE, Codecs, Java, Wine, Tuxracer.
Especially copying them from CD is slow (~300 MB), so this remains optional (I don't need KDE just to quickly check my Email).
If you have a lot of Ram (512 MB or so), they also load to Ram completely.
If the computer does not have enough Ram (or a huge swap-partition), then those addons run directly from CD.
They are in mupp_212.sfs.

Then they are slower, and you don't have the CD-drive free, but they at least work on computers with not so much Ram.
But the main programs (Abiword, videoplayers, Firefox, Streamtuner) remain extremely fast thanks to this new concept.

Behaviour on different computers (Pentium III 700/800 Mhz):

- Desktop, 1 Gigabyte Ram, no harddisk:
everything is copied to Ram from CD, starts slow, KDE works very fast.

- Notebook, 256 MB, 500 MB swap:
Main-applications are copied to Ram from CD, addons are copied to swap from CD, starts slow, KDE works fast.

- Notebook, 256 MB, no harddisk:
Main-applications are copied to Ram from CD, addons run directly from CD, starts fast, KDE works slow.

- Notebook, 256 MB, after using speedwizard :
Main-applications are copied to Ram from harddisk, addons run from harddisk, starts fast, KDE works fast.


Posted: Thu 18 Jan 2007, 08:18
by Sage
Mark - I finally got it loaded, but there are serious problems with the keyboard. Neither the option for the UK nor (save us all!) the US are responding correctly, possibly not loading properly. The numerals are only obtainable by holding down the shift key and I couldn't set my network because I couldn't find the full stop (point, period). There were a lot of strange symbol keys present, but these didn't seem to correspond to any recognisable European or Asian script. This is fairly fundamental, probably meriting an incremental version issue rather than a patch? Indeed, I cannot d/l any patches until it's fixed.
[ If you need a selection of UK keyboards, let me know how many! I may have a French one somewhere, too. ]

Otherwise it is totally brilliant and you deserve a lot of congratulations. Glad to see the TuxRacer has become de rigeur at last - apart from Solitaire, and this one I don't know why small distro writers bother with some of the other cr*p listed under their token games offerings. Waste of space in many cases.

But, but, but - once you manage to refine and debug everything, I would strongly advise that you reinstate the full install to HD option. This one really is worth it. This facility should make it viable on an even larger range of HW.

Posted: Thu 18 Jan 2007, 08:24
by MU
strange, I ran it on a notebook with US-layout yesterday.
Will investigate later, must leave now.
Anyone else has this problem?

Posted: Thu 18 Jan 2007, 11:15
by Sage
Stranger and stranger. Seems to be some machine-specific issues, possibly associated with memory capacity? My biggest, fastest machine runs OK with everything loaded including KDE, but lesser beasts seem to give a range of different issues, including k/b mis-function, lock-ups, etc. Initial selections can give some strange behavior, too, but not reproducibly. Await the results from additional testers. But it's still terrific and rivals the major distros now.
In the meantime, it would be helpful to have an assessment of the minimum memory requirement for the full monty, please.

Posted: Thu 18 Jan 2007, 12:14
by MU
I ran it on a notebook with I think 256 MB (don't have it here).
It ran fine, but I used a 500 MB swap-partition.
Older Muppy-versions freezed the computer without swap, when I ran OpenOffice.
(when the memory-bar in Icedock reached maximum).

So on low-memory machines, a swap-partition seems to be a "must".


Posted: Thu 18 Jan 2007, 13:05
by Sage
Thanks for that, Mark. In the interests of speed of testing, I loosened all the HD cradles to run the CD, so no swap. Assumed those machines had enough main memory. Perhaps not. Bigger, does, of course, bring its own penalties! Perhaps a warning is needed in the initial boot screen so that new converts don't get a bad impression?