Will 2.02 Frame buffer for old Laptop?

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Will 2.02 Frame buffer for old Laptop?

#1 Post by marc66thomas »

Dell latitude LM laptop p133 40mb ram 2G HD Bios is not CD bootable linux swap of 75mb (video requires Frame Buffering) I'm running 2.14 as a frugal install.

But due to near unusable load time for Sea monkey (16 minutes) and near unusable applications Geany. I'm looking for a leaner puppy. Meanpup 2.02 has been suggested: ... 38b42a5ef7
I have used the cd to load the live cd of 2.02; but with bad video, using wakepup2. 2.02 seems to not have the newer video detection of 2.13, 2.14

Is there a Wakepup2 floppy crack or a grub command to tell Meanpup 2.02 I have vga=788 frame buffering.

I have copied the meanpup2.02 files to partition 7 but dont have the file "idehd" on partition 7.
my working grub for 2.14 is on Partition 6. Below is my working grub menu.lst entry.
title Puppy 2.14 SeaMonkey
rootnoverify (hd0,5)
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 PMEDIA=idehd
initrd /initrd.gz

Any suggestoins to speed up this laptop? Please let me if I'm on the right track?
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