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Grafpup-2.xx first development snapshot

Posted: Thu 08 Feb 2007, 08:16
by Nathan F
See for the release announcement including release notes and download locations. This is for testing only and is not really complete yet, but should give you all some idea what to expect from Grafpup-2.0.


Some notes for Puppy users:
  • Uses graf_save for persistent storage so it won't mess with your Puppy.
    Both Opera and Seamonkey builds.
    Not for older hardware, but not that memory intensive. I can run it sucessfully on a 533mhz Athlon, but it's a bit sluggish there. Since both iso's are just over 100mb you will need a bit more ram to run it than you do for Puppy.
    Based on Puppy-2.13 with a copious amount of the latest 2.14 snapshot hacked in.
    This pup can run X as a normal user :shock:
    The Grafpup package repo now has over 800 packages. I expect it to hit 1000 before Grafpup-2.00 final is released.
    Uses gtk+-2.10, so don't even think about trying to run most Grafpup packages in Puppy anymore because it won't work.
Most of the other important information should be included in the release notes, please do read if you want to give it a spin. As always I look forward to your feedback, and will gladly accept extra mirrors and hardware donations (I need a graphics tablet :wink: ).


Posted: Thu 08 Feb 2007, 09:01
by TonshA
YAY!! Way to go Nathan!! I'll download it tonight when I get home.

(I don't mind saying, I'm quite excited by this...)


Posted: Thu 08 Feb 2007, 09:24
by klhrevolutionist
Nathan F. I have downloaded the .iso files & am ready to mirror I also created some metalink's which can be downloaded using aria2c-gui which has inbuilt md5sum/sha1 checking

grafpup-20070207-opera.iso mirror coblitz
grafpup-20070207-opera.iso mirror coralcdn

grafpup-20070207-seamonkey.iso mirror coblitz
grafpup-20070207-seamonkey.iso mirror coralcdn


Also please link to a specific "tablet" so that the community can help you out :)

Thanks to the mirrors &

Posted: Thu 08 Feb 2007, 14:41
by Lobster
:) Thanks Nathan for letting us take a look at what you are doing. Very good idea to release two Browser versions - I notice there is even a text browser in there :)

This is early days for this major upgrade and I really look forward to a beta.

Even at this early stage we get a feel for the quality Nathan is working towards. I downloaded the Opera version and had a look at MtPaint 3.10 and Inkscape (run it from the terminal with "inkscape" as the command) got an error message from the menu

You are using IceWm? With a 'lxpanel . . .' could not quite work it out . . . and had to poweroff from the prompt as not sure how to return to the WM . . . its xfce? I think so . . . ?

I would recommend pfind to use as a search facility. I think it is about 10k of script. Good to see cutting edge Alpha Puppy code already being used :) SoxGui for example.

I hope you get loads of positive feedback because this has so much going for it.

Very exciting.


Posted: Thu 08 Feb 2007, 14:46
by raffy
Graphics fans will celebrate these releases - thanks, Nathan.

Posted: Thu 08 Feb 2007, 16:37
by Nathan F
You are using IceWm? With a 'lxpanel . . .' could not quite work it out . . . and had to poweroff from the prompt as not sure how to return to the WM . . . its xfce? I think so . . . ?
Actually, I dropped iceWM in this release in favor of Openbox. For the development snapshots I'm also giving the user a second WM to choose from, in this snapshot it happens to be Blackbox. You'll have top wait a couple weeks to find out what it will be in the next one.

Returning to the graphical setup is as simple as typing either 'xwin' or 'startx'. There is a simple graphical switcher that will allow you to set your default desktop available in the menu, I think it ended up in setup? I'll have to look again. If you want to switch from the prompt the commands would be 'xwin openbox-session' and 'xwin blackbox-session' respectively. The 'session' portion calls my primitive session manager scripts, which allow a user to have customizations stored inside their home directory. This is a work in progress, the graphical utility for it has not even been started.
its xfce? I think so . . . ?
No xfce is not in the main release. However, the latest xfce release is already available as an extra package (actually several extra packages, but you can install the xfce_all meta package and it will snag all of the rest for you).

I'll be sure to document more as I get closer to a stable release, I already know it could cause some issues for people who are used to the gui doing everything.
I would recommend pfind to use as a search facility.
I've been a bit busy so haven't had time to check it out, although I did see the forum post. I'll try to get it into the next snapshot.

klhrevolutionist - thanks for the links. Will add them to the downpage when I get the chance. Could you maybe PM me with some more specific instructions on how to use the metalinks please? I'm a little unfamiliar with what instructions to give the end user.

Thanks everybody,

Posted: Thu 08 Feb 2007, 19:37
by amish
grafpup 104 and deluxe are amazing. the one real "bug" i fonud was that since mp was missing, the "tweak" option in the xorgwizard didn't work.

this could be fixed by pointing it to vi or vim (one of which is still included) or adding mp back (preferable, it's the first thing from puppy i would add to grafpup, and it's a console app, much more friendly than vi) still, i'll be content as long as leafpad is not removed. can't wait to try the release of grafpup, nathan, tho i may have to a little while, i'm looking forward to it. have been since i read about it. and thanks for including elinks in 104!

Posted: Thu 08 Feb 2007, 20:36
by Nathan F
I just ran across the bug with the xorgwizard myself today and was planning to fix it. I'll point the script towards mcedit, as I'd rather not add mp back in at this point. I agree it's a good editor though.


Posted: Thu 08 Feb 2007, 21:23
by klhrevolutionist

Posted: Thu 08 Feb 2007, 23:48
by Pizzasgood
Goody. I really liked the beta from the last version that I tried back in May. I'll have to make time tomorrow or next week to give this one a try. :)

The New Grafpup - Wow!

Posted: Fri 09 Feb 2007, 16:24
by Henry
Just tried it. What a leap!


Posted: Fri 09 Feb 2007, 21:57
by cthisbear
You are in Distrowatch today

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 13:53
by Artie
Good to see this project still very much alive! :-) Is Flash9 working in Opera version? If so, what did you do to get it to work? I'm using 2.12 and is just a grey window in Opera 9.10 although it works fine in SeaMonkey. Thanks!


Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2007, 18:23
by Nathan F
Flash9 is a mess in general and I refuse to ship it. Not only is it now way too bloated (about three times the size of flash7) but it crashes most browsers in Linux intermittently. Actually I decided not to ship the flash plugin with Grafpup anymore, but created an unleashed package for each version of flash, and for each browser. So it is still going to be easy to install if a user decides they want it.

Personally I think flash is a total piece of garbage and try to avoid installing it until my kids make me. :roll:


Grafburn error

Posted: Mon 12 Feb 2007, 07:04
by Yogi
When I try to use Grafburn on a CD-RW it insists that I unmount hdc first when in fact it's already unmounted. This error message occurs at the point when I try to blank my CD-RW. My current flavor is Puppy 1.0.9 CE and Graveman and burn2iso both work fine. I was just trying out your new version and thought I'd pass this on.


Posted: Mon 12 Feb 2007, 10:56
by Nathan F
I'm aware of this issue and need to code around it. This usually means that you haven't set up the burner drive in the preferences. I will try and get it fixed so that it will warn you and make you set it before trying to burn or blank a disk.

Thanks for the bug report, they help.


Posted: Tue 13 Feb 2007, 20:08
by Yogi

That's a good point. I forgot to mention it but I did set the burner preference. Hopes this helps.

Posted: Fri 16 Feb 2007, 17:31
by Nathan F
OK, Yogi, I looked into it and yes there was a bug. It will be fixed in the next Grafburn snapshot, and I'm uploading a new Grafburn to the forum in the additional software section. I inadvertantly introduced the bug when I was fixing a different one. Thanks again for reporting it.
