Puppy in an old Win 98

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Puppy in an old Win 98

#1 Post by Fiberflinger »

My husband has a very old well loved win 98. Just jammed full of "junk". (he's not too maticulous) It is probably corrupted also. He must be a genious, because, how he gets it to work is beyond me. He can barely load 98 much less get out of it. Anyway, Puppy failed to immediately load in his cd. 128 memory, 5 G.

the Fiber Flinger
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#2 Post by pelokwin »

Hello Fiberflinger,
1st off what version of puppy are you useing? Can you give more info on the computer, brand,laptop or desk, basicly the specs. Also are you sure that the cd was burnt right? I use BurnCDCC http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/utilities.html
It works perfict every time. The other problem I had with older machines is the cd drive it self, can it read the cdr you used. (I can not use cd-rw in any of my laptops) if all of this is on the up and up then check the BIOS to make sure the machine is set to boot from a cd.
I will be here until about 7:15am then i'll be back later to night(n.j. time I am posting at 6:56) but I am sure someone else will pop there head in and help you out. so good luck.
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#3 Post by Sage »

First things first - get the W98 system cleaned up. W98 needs to be defragged and scandisk run every day. The latter can be scheduled automatically. All M$ defraggers are rubbish - use Diskeeper Lite (free).
Then run a basic registry cleaner. I use Regheal - there's a free version. It's just possible that a bent 'doze system (aren't they all) is causing a glitch.
'Junk' is subjective - one man's junk is another woman's gem.
128Mb is adequate to run all mainline versions of Puppy, only Muppy might need more. Use PMagic or GPartEd to create a small swap partition of ~128Mb in your case, although a smaller on would do, just in case.
Check your d/l with the md5 checksum and, if OK, re-burn your .iso at a slower speed (not necessarily for the obvious reason, but a discussion here is outside present scope). Some CD drives refuse to work with some/all CD-RW, so run it onto a CD-R if there's a problem.
If you've still got problems, try Puppy v.1.0.8rc1 which is utterly reliable on a vast range of HW.
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#4 Post by Fiberflinger »

I purchased the puppy disc straight from Barry Kauler it works perfect on my machine. Well it would If I had a microdot worth of knowledge of what I am doing. I can't seem to locate anything, the folder system is soooooo biiggg.

Thanks I'll tell him.
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#5 Post by Sage »

It starts like that for all of us users. There's only a handful of gurus who know about the inner workings. Struggle on mon brave. Go for the swap partition? Try another video card? Try a newer CD-drive? Have you adjusted the BIOS to boot CD first?
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