How secure is that Firelog Firewall?

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Joined: Tue 06 Mar 2007, 15:11

How secure is that Firelog Firewall?

#1 Post by alamourus »

I've been using firefox on puppy linux for the last and i'm enjoying it immensely!
So far though, I haven't logged onto to my bank account or my PayPal account.
I have the firelog firewall on all the time. Is that a safe enough protection for doing financial transactions and stuff online. Is is as safe as using IE7, for example?
Posts: 42
Joined: Wed 07 Mar 2007, 01:09

#2 Post by orbisvicis »

the firewall is as safe as you make it, itll block the ports you want closed. For transactions I think the only ports youll need open are the ssl and the http ports, unless you use a proxy. Also a firewall only blocks viruses, etc from your computer; you're unlikely to get those from secure bank sites. Anyway linux is inherently proof to viruses & etc anyway.

IE comes with activeX and javascript/java rules, but then again so does firefox/opera. IE also has a phishing filter, but so does opera. If you want anonymousity, use tor.

As long as you use a secure connection, you should be fine. I dont actualy see what security concerns you'd have with connecting to such site. Just make sure you connect to the legit sites (not fakes) and perhaps password protect your puppy cd just in case you lose it.


P.S disclaimer: i am far from expert, so if you want to be 100% sure of staying safe, dont listen to me, or get second opinions.
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