Puppy 2.15 won't shut down

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Puppy 2.15 won't shut down

#1 Post by mlamelas »

i am trying out 2.15 Final and have a problem because when I select shutdown the system freezes. The PC does not shut down. The screen goes blank, altough the cursor remains on the screen, but does not move. I don't even get a prompt to create a save file. Previous versions of Puppy have not had this problem.

Any suggestions?


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Joined: Wed 04 Oct 2006, 12:53
Location: Madrid, Spain

Issue Resolved

#2 Post by mlamelas »

I think I found the solution. The problem seems to be the wifi module on the notebook. I blacklisted it on rc.modules, installed the Windows drivers via ndiswrapper, and now I am able to shutdown and reboot.
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#3 Post by Skipper »

I don't know... I had a similar problem, but I don't have any wireless device in my old Pentium II 400 MHz.

I guess its a problem with Seamonkey and Flash 9, Xorg, or GXine (very buggy).

I don't know.

PD: Fullscreen of GXine with Xorg is very dangerous on my SiS onboard video card.
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I can second this!

#4 Post by 8086 »

I have only been running this distro for a day (but have several years of Slackware, Debian, and Ubuntu experience), but I have already experienced that hte system freezes five or six times!
Every time has been at shutdown or has involved X in some way. The cases have been different, but the last one happened when I tried just typing "reboot" in the console, in stead of logging out, and then typing reboot (or was it restart? Don't remember :).

One of the comments above mentions wi-fi as a probable cause, and in that case it might help to say that I'm using the ath_pci driver (Madwifi) for my Atheros card.
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Joined: Sun 22 Apr 2007, 06:31

#5 Post by Skipper »

No, it's not a wifi problem. It looks like an X or script problem. And the system actually shutdown, but I can't see the messages, so I have to wait for the fan silence, and press the power button for a seconds.

I should to logout and type "halt" or something.

Script problem, may be.
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