Issues getting GTKPOD to work

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Issues getting GTKPOD to work

#1 Post by Brian729 »

GTKPOD 0.99-4 dotpup install on Puppy 2.16
I am having some problems getting GTKPOD to work. I can successfully play MP4 and MP3 files from the iPod with Gxine after mounting the ipod as /mnt/ipod and accessing the files with Rox.
Mounted with the following /etc/fstab:
/dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 0 1
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts gid=2,mode=620 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,rw 0 0
/dev/sda2 /mnt/ipod vfat defaults 0 0

and then mounting with a:
mount -a

However, Apple nicely hides the content titles from you and the file names are four letters and the appropriate file extension, e.g. aqxd.mp4. You have no idea what aqxd is unless you just play it and hope for the best, or use GTKPOD. I have installed GTKPOD, and when I run it from a rxvt console, I get the following output (no window ever pops up):

sh-3.00# gtkpod
df: invalid option -- P
BusyBox v1.01 (2006.08.20-09:28+0000) multi-call binary

Usage: df [-hmk] [FILESYSTEM ...]

Print the filesystem space used and space available.


-h print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 243M 2G )
-m print sizes in megabytes
-k print sizes in kilobytes(default)

Segmentation fault

Now df works and shows the ipod mounted as /mnt/ipod

Anyone have an idea where I'm going wrong? Thank you in advance for you help.
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#2 Post by HairyWill »

I know this post was three months ago but I've recently fixed the dodgy disk on my ipod[1] and am playing with ipod software using puppy 3.00.

I get the same error from gtkpod it is caused by the cutdown df implementation in puppy provided by busybox. After spewing this error for 30-60 seconds gtkpod starts and seems to work OK. I can read the itunes db from it and find and play tracks using the database. I haven't yet tried writing back to the ipod though.

You might try replacing /bin/df with a proper version from some other distro

My ipod is a 4G 4 tone grayscale.
the firmware on it is about 2-3 years old
it says its version is 3.1.1
It doesn't have standard partitioning as I have a small ext2 partition in between the Apple OS and the main FAT music partition. This has ipod linux installed.

An alternative solution could be to use easytag, there is a dotpup posted by Dougal here
Easytag can be used to read/write id3 tags for your mp3 files. It can create a catalogue of all the files on your ipod. You could also copy all the mp3s onto your computer and use it to rename the files based on their tags.

I haven't used easytag much so I haven't worked out if it is possible to save the files in artist/album format. You could write a script to do this based on the modified filenames

For more fun with your ipod you might like to install rockbox [2] or even ipodlinux [3] though both of these will require you to poke around rewriting the Master Boot Record on your ipod. It is allegedly impossible to break your ipod doing this stuff though you may lose all the data on it and in the worst case have to use the itunes / ipod updater to reformat the disk.

[1]by stuffing a bit of cardboard into the case to squeeze the drive a little
[2] open source portable media player software including picture viewer (even works with 4 tone grayscale!), games and zx spectrum emulator
[3] I sort of got this working though when I try to open a shell it crashes I'm not certain that my ipod version is fully supported yet
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gtkpod and iPod Shuffle?

#3 Post by HaroldHallikainen »

My wife just won an iPod Shuffle. I can put stuff on it using my laptop with gtkpod and Fedora 6. Since her machine is smaller, she's running Puppy Linux. gtkpod can't find the iPod. I suspect it has to do with Puppy not automounting the usb drive while Fedora 6 does. Is this correct? What do I do to get gtkpod (or similar) working under Puppy?


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#4 Post by HairyWill »

You are correct about the lack of automounting being the problem.
GTKPod expects the ipod to be mounted on /mnt/ipod
You need to manually create this directory and each time the ipod is connected you need
mount /dev/sd?1 /mnt/ipod
don't forget to unmount when finished
umount /dev/sd?1
eject /dev/sd?

Alternatively you can change the expected ipod mount point in the GTKPod preferences, general tab. There is not a lot of point in doing this unles you are 100% certain that the ipod will always be given the same device nodes, ie you never have any other detachable storage connected.
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