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Learn to program + Programming in Puppy

Posted: Mon 05 Sep 2005, 13:43
by Mathiasdm
This page links to useful programming guides/tutorials about all sorts of programming languages.

It will also include information about how to use a certain programming language in Puppy.

Feel free to post other guides or information.


Beginner guides:
-How C programming works
-Programming in C

Intermediate guides:
-imlib2 (based on C)

(Portable) Euphoria
-Euphoria Programming Language
-Portable Euphoria interpreter - Peul (scroll down to see)


Beginner guides:
-Python guide for non-programmers
-Python guide for programmers



Beginner guides:
-Tcl (Tutorial for Cool Languages)
-Puppy Wiki - Tcl/tk guide
-Learn Tcl/tk using Tcltutor
-Practical programming in Tcl and Tk (the entire book - first draft)

Posted: Mon 05 Sep 2005, 19:59
by MU
I personally had no good "feeling" for C for years, until I found this small tutorial:

Imlib was developed for Enlightenment, but is widely used for other Desktops and applications, too.

So to use it, you do not need to install Enlightenment, just imlib2 will do it.


Posted: Mon 05 Sep 2005, 20:02
by Rich
There are also TCL tutorial pages in the Wiki.


Posted: Mon 05 Sep 2005, 21:57
by menno
This is a small script language .
see :
The bin of PEU is about 156kb , I run it with (g)httpd and apache and with peu's own server . Greatings Menno .

Posted: Tue 06 Sep 2005, 07:45
by Mathiasdm
Changed ;-)

Posted: Tue 06 Sep 2005, 19:46
by Mathiasdm
Added 'Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk' (the entire first draft of the book!)'.


Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2005, 15:29
by Lobster
this version of python wxpython comes in rpm format - not sure if it s of interest . . .

Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2005, 19:08
by Mathiasdm
Oh, looks very interesting! Would anyone be willing to make a dotpup? *puppy eyes*

Posted: Thu 08 Dec 2005, 02:54
by Lobster

Posted: Thu 08 Dec 2005, 05:04
by Flash
MU wrote:I personally had no good "feeling" for C for years, until I found this small tutorial:

Imlib was developed for Enlightenment, but is widely used for other Desktops and applications, too.

So to use it, you do not need to install Enlightenment, just imlib2 will do it.

Mark, the link seems to be broken. :(

Posted: Thu 08 Dec 2005, 14:20
by MU
yes, the whole is down.

"Due to the DNS record expiring and Mandrake being missing is temporarily out of order. You can still reach the site via and"

Meanwhile get a copy here:

Other enlightenment-resources:
