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Can't see forum website using mozilla

Posted: Tue 06 Sep 2005, 15:57
by chrisperry
I am using moz. most websites work ok
however i can't go to the forum, i have typed in the site, tried the link on the puppy home page, cut and paste still no forum.
any ideas?
thanks chris

Posted: Tue 06 Sep 2005, 19:12
by Bruce B
I'd like to know what DOES happen before speculating the reason. For example, does it say connecting on the bottom line then eventually timeout? Does it say page not found? Does it display a blank page? If so what does the page source say? (view -> page source)

Do you have a cable modem router? Is the problem repeatable and consistent with affected sites?

Also, if you are speaking about, will you ping it and tell me if the address is: (