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How to use long file names in Truecrypt?

Posted: Fri 19 Oct 2007, 12:40
by koker
Hello, I,m new member of the list and that distro, really funny and quick,

I use linux at my work. Last year ubuntu and I,ve not problems when open or create files named with long names as i..e "puppylinux" but when I ope fi¡les o create using truecrypt with puppy they transform in other in teh way windows did 8 caracter for the name of the file and 3 more for tehe tip orf file, so gnumeric files become xxxxx.gun.

Do anybody why? it,s there a solution? thanks an excuse my english. koker

Posted: Fri 19 Oct 2007, 13:04
by kkpity
Hi koker

To fix the 8.3 names you have to use the following command when monting the volumes:

truecrypt --mount-options "rw,sync,utf8,uid=1000,umask=0007" <your volume name> <mount dir>

Basically¸ the option utf8 is the one that fix the 8.3 issue but the others ones should be useful.

more useful links regarding truecrypt/puppy:



Posted: Fri 19 Oct 2007, 14:39
by koker
Thanksa lot, it works with utf8, te rest I,ve not test yet. One more thing, Are teh options form mount truecrypt different form those or "mount"? I,ve not found these in the help of truecrypt. Thanks again.

Posted: Fri 19 Oct 2007, 20:50
by kkpity

I think these options belong to "mount" command and not specifically for truecrypt.

I think because that they do not appear at truecrypt help.
