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Latest Opera vesion 8.5 instead of Mozilla

Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2005, 10:29
by tronkel
I wonder if Barry would consider replacing the Mozilla Suite with Opera 8.5
This has just reently been provided as totally cost and ad-free. It is both smaller and faster than the Mozilla product and is an extremely polished effort. Less clunky than Mozilla with its extensions etc.

This would be perfect for inclusion in 1.05 I think. If it's already too late for that, availabliity as PupGet package would be good as well.

have fun

Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2005, 10:45
by klhrevolutionist
It is available as a dotpup
download it here

Not being rude but look on the forum and news pages before posting.
The answers are there but you have to look!!
Take it easy and hope you enjoy puppy

Re: Latest Opera vesion 8.5 instead of Mozilla

Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2005, 22:59
by Lobster
Puppy uses and reuses many of the libraries in Mozilla. John Murga may update his OperaPuppy which uses Opera - using 1.05 as a basis. So you may be in luck. Others too may decide to create puplets based around Opera or Firefox and Thunderbird

Welcome to the kennels. 8)

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2005, 00:09
by BarryK
Yeah, with the new easy remaster-CD script PCCC, there's
going to be a litter of puplets
("puplets" is a term coined by Lobster I think).

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2005, 00:34
by Lobster
Yes the term was used here

We need a wiki page on Bow-Wow - which is the official geek-speak for Puppy
- who is up for creating it?

Kennels (Puppy forum)
Litter - Puppy gathering
Puppian - anything to do with Puppy
Rabid Pup - :evil: (Ians idea)
Puppy Masters - Barry and G2
G2 - GuestToo
woof woof - approval (sometimes used by frisky Puppys to denote interest in other Puppys)
Miow - What?????

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2005, 00:51
by Guest
What about:
Rover - Laptop Puppy with wifi
Puppy actions:
Beg - plead for new Puppy features
Roll over and play dead - Kernel panic on shutdown.

Someone has also suggested:
St Bernard Puppy - REALLY BIG Puppy
So maybe:
Newfoundland Puppy - REALLY REALLY BIG Puppy (apologies to any Canucks present).