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How do I exit X?

Posted: Sat 22 Dec 2007, 06:55
by tarambuka
I've installed EZpup and it totally changed the interface. I tried to install nVidia drivers and it asks me to exit X. EZpup there was an option in the main menu "exit to prompt (conole), now there is only "restart X server". I typed exit X but nothing happened,
tryed . How can I "exit X"?

Posted: Sat 22 Dec 2007, 10:33
by trapster


Posted: Sun 23 Dec 2007, 22:42
by tarambuka
Ctrl + Alt + Backspace just shuts down the machine.

Re: X

Posted: Sun 23 Dec 2007, 22:51
by Bruce B
tarambuka wrote:Ctrl + Alt + Backspace just shuts down the machine.
This is standard for killing X

Hope you didn't alt+ctrl+delete because that's to reboot.

If you didn't maybe Nvidia drivers didn't take well and you've got problems.

How about try again?

Posted: Mon 24 Dec 2007, 02:33
by Pizzasgood
EZpup should have changed the windowmanager to IceWM. That means there will probably be a new entry in the Start Menu that says "Logout". That entry doesn't actually log you out in Puppy. Instead, it kills X and dumps you out at the commandline. I don't know if it actually does log you out on fancier Linux distros either. I thought I read somewhere "official" that it's broken.

I use that method when my hand is already on the mouse. Otherwise I usually use ctrl-alt-backspace. If you were feeling masochistic, you could probably run something like this:
killall X
Or, if that didn't work,
killall -9 X

EDIT: Actually, maybe don't use that last one. I mentioned it because in Puppy's reboot scripts, they first use 'killall X', then have a delay, then use 'exec killall -9 X', which should only happen if 'killall X' didn't work. But today I finally got around to investigating an occasional freeze I'd experience when shutting down, and it seems to be related to 'killall -9 X'. I'm going to go start a new thread about it, to see what people more knowledgeable than myself think.