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pcPuppyOS - with Citrix, Cisco VPN, OOffice/Oxygen, WPA2

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 00:55
by friedsonjm
New puplet at
RC2 posted 22 Jan 08; Upgraded WINE, upgraded JAVA, SAMBA fixed for printer sharing.

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 02:13
by changturkey
Nice, is there any chance a XFCE version will be realeased? And what version of Wine is included?

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 02:21
by friedsonjm
Wine is 0.9.52 - the latest version, I believe. Latest stable versions of just about everything are included, Firefox, Open Office, etc.
I'm not sure about other versions yet - I'd like some usage of this one and I'd like to get it 'polished' first. I invested a lot of $$ in this version, but if you would like to 'support' the effort, we could certainly bring an XFCE version to the forefront!

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 02:31
by friedsonjm
NOTE: New ISO 3.01 based being uploaded now... jf

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 02:37
by cb88
in relation to you remark about an XFCE version....

an LXDE + PCManFM is almost as good as XFCE (about the same runtime requirements i think) but useing them would free up even more .iso space because they are much smaller than XFCE what window manager could be used i am not sure but openbox is used in grafpup... are there any nice small gtk WMs?


Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 06:05
by 8-bit
There seems to be an error in the clam_wrapper script.
line 11 the "$@" that is used to pass a file or directory name gives the error and then prompts you to press ENTER and falls back to the command prompt.
Also, I tried using the toggle to kill the analog clock startup. I assume it did not work because of being hardwired on the cd.
I also tried a BMP file from windows (clouds.bmp) and the win_xp theme and really came close to a windows looking desktop.
It boots and accesses the cd slow. So I guess a hard drive install would be necessary to speed things up.
Running from cd on a 900mhz pentium with 384 megs of ram, rage XL 8meg video, 2 20meg hard drives, IBM G70 montior, USB2.
Oh, almost forgot. I downloaded and am talking about ver. 3.00
I guess I downloaded it just before you made ver. 3.01 available.

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 06:27
by Pizzasgood
Yes, that's a somewhat old version. John forgot that we'd updated to a 3.01 base and didn't correct the link until I noticed and reminded him. I was already in the process of uploading a new version of the iso too, which is finished. I don't know if his link is direct to that or if he needs to move it in.

But that bug with clam_wrapper. He had it too, but I haven't been able to reproduce it. Could you give me any more details about how you used it?

Yes, it's pretty slow from a CD, unless you have 640 MB of ram so it can copy the pup_301.sfs file off the cd into ram. Running from the harddrive is more zippy.

Screenshot John took:

New Version Posted 12:40 Sunday 6 Jan 07

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 17:37
by friedsonjm
Newer 3.01 version now uploaded... USB bug squashed, and option to turn off bootsplash added

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 18:11
by 8-bit
But that bug with clam_wrapper. He had it too, but I haven't been able to reproduce it. Could you give me any more details about how you used it?

Yes, it's pretty slow from a CD, unless you have 640 MB of ram so it can copy the pup_301.sfs file off the cd into ram. Running from the harddrive is more zippy.

I used the GUI interface to it and it did not seem to make any difference as to if I selected a file or directory to scan.
It would fire up an rxvt window with the line 11 error, prompt for pressing ENTER, and drop back to the GUI interface.

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 18:16
by Pizzasgood
Hmm... Well, the error part is wrong (obviously), but thw rxvt window is normal. What it should be doing is showing you the results of scanning. You ran it from the menu? It shouldn't matter though.

I'll go look over the script to see if I can figure out what might be happening.

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 19:31
by Pizzasgood
I can't see anything erroneous, and it works every time I try it. Maybe it was just an issue with that old version. If the new one behaves the same way, and the md5sum was correct, then I need to know the exact steps you took to launch and use the program.

Speaking of md5sums, John forgot to add a link to it on the download page. This is the one for the latest iso, uploaded last night:
05ae50bdf23e16d8d52170677d0c65b9 puppy-3.01-Firefox.iso

Code: Select all

Also, I tried using the toggle to kill the analog clock startup. I assume it did not work because of being hardwired on the cd. 
If you rebooted without saving the settings, then yes, that's right. You need to either install it or create a save file before the toggles will work over a reboot. However, the clock is started each time X starts, so you could test it by restarting X.

Then again, you were using an old version, and I'm not sure what was working and not working in that one (it was a good ways back, at least 20 hours of work, probably more).

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 19:55
by jcoder24
Is a cisco vpn client gui included?

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 20:22
by Pizzasgood
Not sure. I know theres a cisco client, and it came with a gui tool (vpnui). I don't know if that's what you're talking about or if it's just for configuration though. I know nothing about Cisco; I just put in whatever John told me to.

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 21:58
by ralphv
Pizzasgood wrote:
Speaking of md5sums, John forgot to add a link to it on the download page. This is the one for the latest iso, uploaded last night:
05ae50bdf23e16d8d52170677d0c65b9 puppy-3.01-Firefox.iso
last night, mountain time, I downloaded a file over 300M. It didn't work.
So this morning I used wget and it gave the size as this

Length: 194,333,811 (185M) [text/plain]

then I ctrl-c to stop, do something, then I restarted and it said

Length: 251,351,702 (240M), 234,652,526 (224M) remaining [text/plain]

So I ended up with a bad file again.
Did the file change between --09:16:31-- MT
and --09:27:11-- MT?

Starting at 2:51 this afternoon, it says
Length: 625,776,640 (597M) [text/plain]


Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 22:19
by cthisbear
I Liked:

Automount....deleted usual XP files...recycle problemo.
Internet ready...........but is firewall enabled by default?
Bootsplash logo.
Clam antivirus.
Quite to quick to boot.......for the size..........Celeron 2.8 512 ram.

When I saw password...grrrrrr...but hit enter OK..I hate passwords but I know others like that thing.
Wine would not be fair it was just a quick boot. I have never tried Wine before I shouldn't WhINGE..ha! ha! Faked rive probs?

Would be interesting to make a save file and reboot...too busy now.

I wonder if you could send ecomoney a it would be a good base for the next Puppy Community Edition.
I would be prepared to make a small donation for you to post it.
PM me if you do so that I don't I'm Scrooge McPuppy ... c4505627fb

To Puppy regulars in Australia...
like Muggins...on dialup?
WhoDo, gray, ttuuxxx, john biles, richard.a, craftybytes, Neville Richter, Gekko...( IF YOU ARE STILL AROUND-hello )
and others who regularly contribute to this forum....
I can't remember all the names...but please don't be wallflowers...I will post a free copy around Oz if you wish....PM me.

Obviously limits apply....I'm not MR Ubuntu.

Barry will get one soonest.

Anyway good effort


Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 22:28
by Caneri

What about us here in Canada...or are we just cheese..;)

I just had to poke your Chris.


Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 23:39
by friedsonjm
ralphv wrote:
last night, mountain time, I downloaded a file over 300M. It didn't work.
So this morning I used wget and it gave the size as this

Length: 194,333,811 (185M) [text/plain]

then I ctrl-c to stop, do something, then I restarted and it said

Length: 251,351,702 (240M), 234,652,526 (224M) remaining [text/plain]

So I ended up with a bad file again.
Did the file change between --09:16:31-- MT
and --09:27:11-- MT?

Starting at 2:51 this afternoon, it says
Length: 625,776,640 (597M) [text/plain]

Sorry, Ralph... we uploaded a couple of versions one after the other; you caught one before it was finished uploading.
Yes, the much larger size is correct!

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2008, 23:41
by friedsonjm
jcoder24 wrote:Is a cisco vpn client gui included?
Yes, and it works quite well. In fact, my old 384MB Ram Crusoe processer laptop on Puppy runs Cisco/Citrix much snappier than my 1 year old 2GB Windows laptop! Of course, when I'm in the office, I just use Citrix, don't need the Cisco VPN.

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2008, 00:10
by friedsonjm
cthisbear wrote:I
Wine would not be fair it was just a quick boot. I have never tried Wine before I shouldn't WhINGE..ha! ha! Faked rive probs?
You may need to install the It is separate due to license issues.

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2008, 01:47
by Pizzasgood
No, the firewall isn't automatically set. I should set it to do that, considering it runs dhcpd automatically. Today is my day off though, and maybe tomorrow (classes start so I'll be busy and drained). We're probably going to wait a couple days before uploading an iso with cumulative changes, but I haven't talked to John about it yet. He might rather do nightly updates or something.

This was actually the beta; I don't think he mentioned that. But it should be a fairly stable beta. I used it as my main operating system over Christmas break ;)

I'll give Wine another run when I start working again. One important distinction with this version of Puppy is that Wine is automatically run as spot. Partly because otherwise WineTools complains, and partly because it's just safer. It should mostly be transparent to the user, but some things to remember are that the wine directories are in /root/spot rather than /root, and that any files you want Wine to modify need to be owned by spot (which is what the "re-own spot" option is for in the start->utilities->wine menu: it sets spot as the owner and group of /root/spot and everything inside).

It should work fine without the WineTools addon. If you do add that, keep in mind that it will change any settings you might have set in Wine.