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grafpup puplet for graphic artists and other crazy people

Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 05:24
by Nathan F
I'm pleased to announce my first working Puppy iso. This is called grafpup1.0.5 and is geared towards imaging enthusiasts. Some highlights are:

Gimp-2.3.3 development release
Cinepaint-0.19-1 motion picture retouching program
XnView-1.70 replaces gtksee for viewing
Scribus for desktop Publishing
Icewm is the default, and only, windowmanager
Default theme is a slightly modified IceBlueX, withadded rollup buttons and snazzy Puppy wallpaper

Many other apps were cut or replaced with lighter equivelents in order to give as much room as possible. I managed to keep the size down to 63mb.

Opera for browsing and email-no mozilla or sylpheed
Ted is the default wordprocessor
Leafpad but no Beaver
Sorry but no spreadsheet of presentation
Some smaller utilities were cut if they duplicated something else
I wasn't able to include Inkscape but it's on my agenda along with Blender. Unfortunately both are quite large.

I'm going to try hosting this temporarily until I can find a better home for it, and that's assuming anyone's actually interested in it. Either way it will only be here for a couple weeks at best. ... -opera.iso

As always, I'd really appreciate any and all feedback on this. The freshly compiled programs (gimp and cinepaint) are also available-see this thread: ... 5669#15669

Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 05:35
by Lobster
Congrats Nathan :)

will Cinepaint-0.19-1 motion picture retouching program be suitable for release as a dotpup or is it to tied in with your release?

Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 05:47
by Nathan F
I guess you found the answer. I've made both programs into unleashed tarballs, with a link in my above post to the appropriate thread. Glad to know someone is interested besides me.


Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 05:47
by klhrevolutionist
The new Open Office, will allow the creation of .swf files.
Otherwise known as flash, so we could create a puppy flash
showing off puppy & what it can do!

Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 06:11
by Flash
OK, I downloaded it. (In about 30 minutes, in case you're interested.) In the next few days I will burn some CDs and hand them around at work. I work at a large camera / imaging store. Many people who work there and also many customers might be interested in it. I should say that Apple is the computer of choice for most imaging pros, but they will stoop to using a PC if they have no choice. :)

Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 06:21
by Nathan F
I knew the download times would be slow. That's why I can't host this long term. I hope you find it worth the wait, and let me know what you think of it.

Nathan :)

Textprocessing and printing?

Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 13:35
by PeterSieg
Hi. First -- congratulations for this nice puplet!
I just gave it a test drive...
I saved a Ted document and wanted that to convert to pdf with the included
tool.. than I realized, that all that and also including printing requires abiword!?

I don't know in which format Ted saves the documents..?
How can you print them?
How about conversion to pdf?

(I know, that this is a graphic centric puplet.. but I feel that it doesn't make that much sence to include things, that are unable to work..?)


Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 14:22
by Nathan F
Ted's native format is rtf (rich text format). I apologize about the printing problem, I'm still learning and didn't realize that I hadn't included what was needed for printing. My main goal was to get in some heavy stuff while keeping the size down, which is hard considering the size that this latest version of Gimp has reached (over 30mb before I started trimming). I'm sure this isn't it's only deficiency as there are quite a few other things I cut in addition to Abiword. I'll see what it does to the size of the iso if I put Abiword back in place of Ted but it's already a little larger than I'd like.

Of course, you can always just pupget Abiword. I know that's taking the easy way out on my part to say that. Frankly I'm still always amazed at how complete the official release of Puppy is for a 53mb iso.

As far as conversion to pdf I'm not sure how that would work. Word processing was an afterthought here, but I made sure to include Scribus for document layout. Scribus can save as a pdf file, and it does it quite nicely. Scribus also supports some useful functions for graphic artists such as the ability to output in cmyk color for publishing, which is still lacking in Gimp, and complete color management. I don't know if the latter is enabled or not in Puppy, but the neccessary libs are included in my Cinepaint release so they are in this iso.

My next thoughts are to get Inkscape and Blender made into unleashed packages. There is a dotpup for Inkscape already so that's not a priority. There is also an excellent production tool called cinelerra which can do compositing and advanced video editing, but It's huge and needs quite a few extra libs.

Anyway, thanks for everyone who's testing this out. I'd like to try it again sometime and the feedback really helps to narrow down what should or shouldn't be included.


I am sorry...

Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 14:24
by PeterSieg
Hi. Just googled a bit. Ted is able to 'print to postscript'. Just select 'Print' instead of 'Save'. gsview than can convert it to PDF. So that works.
Printing postscript should also work.. Will try this on the weekend..

So I have combined grafpup with:
  • audacity
and we are close to a multimedia puppy..?!
I just miss ripperX - but get get that with PupGet...

Thanks. I like also the window look...


Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 14:33
by Nathan F
Thanks Peter. :)
I would have liked to make this a Multimedia puplet, but I was also trying to keep it small like the main release. I'm a big fan of Audacity myself as it's one of the only gpl programs that can handle music production.

Let me know if the postscript printing works with Ted. I think that Scribus can do the same trick, so it would be nice to have a test of that too.


Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 14:36
by Nathan F
One other important thing that I forgot to mention. This saves by default to pup101 instead of pup001, pup002, etc. so it shouldn't mess with any of your other settings. Of course this can be overriden at boot time.

Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 16:03
by Nathan F
This iso has been downloaded 12 times in the last 8 hours. I really didn't expect too many people to try it (not that I'm not pleased). Coupled with the other dotpups I've got on here and the two unleashed packages I've put up, it's getting to be a little more bandwidth than what I've got available. My apologies to anyone who has had a long wait to download it.

If anyone has any suggestions as to where I could make a more permanent home for this stuff please let me know.


Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 16:36
by PeterSieg

You can edit with Ted, 'print' it to a file. That gives a postscript file. I configured just xpdq for generic postscript printer. You can then choose print a file from xpdq and it is printed ok!

Printing from Ted didn't work? I don`t ran printer wizard, because that doesn't has an
entry for a generic postscript printer..?

The small tool convertPDF requires abiword - so better remove that one..

I am writing that with graphpup :)

BTW: Streamtuner+ripper works...


Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 17:39
by rarsa
A suggestion for pupplets is to create a torrent and ask people that is interested to keep seeding it for as longas they can. That will take the pressure down from your bandwidth.

If from the 12 people that downloaded there were at least two online simultaneously, you may have used just a third of your bandwidth.

Remember: With torrents, the more people downloads, the less stress on the original seeder.

Posted: Sat 01 Oct 2005, 01:44
by BarryK
That's great!

Have a look at /usr/bin/lprshell
It shows how to use Ted for printing, but the ted line is

I setup some apps to call lprshell to do printing. Beaver and leafpad for example.

Posted: Sat 01 Oct 2005, 03:07
by Nathan F
Thanks for the tip, Barry. And thanks for everyone else who has contributed ideas and feedback here. If I decide to do an update on this it might not be until the next Puppy release as I just don't have a whole lot of time. However, the next time I'll be sure to have printing working without having to have any workarounds. Let me know if anyone finds any other problems.


Posted: Sat 01 Oct 2005, 22:38
by gliezl
can you include inkscape? :wink:

Posted: Sun 02 Oct 2005, 01:06
by Nathan F
If I do another project like this in the future you can count on Inkscape being in there. I should have done so this time. For now there is a dotpup that will install Inkscape and it works very well. I've got it installed right now.

Several people have also put forward the idea of a multimedia pup, and I think that it would be a good idea. I may make something in that vein at some point. I think it could be somewhat similar to this puplet but with some other goodies like Blender and Audacity. My only worry is that the size could very quickly get out of hand. This one is actually a little bit larger than I intended already. If I could make it and keep it the same size or smaller than Chubby Puppy than I think it's worth it, otherwise it's just too large to run well as a live cd on older hardware.

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2005, 04:14
by jcagle
I'm downloading grafpup now.

What is the option that allows me to use pup001 if I want to use it?

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2005, 05:22
by Flash
If you already have a Linux ext2 or ext3 partition on your hard drive, you don't have to do anything but let the CD boot without choosing a boot option. Puppy will find the Linux partition and create a pup001 file on it.

If you only have a Windows NTFS partition you will need to download a file and unzip it in Windows. I haven't done this so I'll leave it up to someone who knows more than I do to explain it.

Provision is also made for a Windows FAT32 partition, but I'm not sure what you need to do in that case.