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Dell 1390 mini-PCI wireless card <SOLVED>

Posted: Wed 27 Feb 2008, 09:20
by PageMaster
No .exe archive, no .zip archive... just executables... :( :x may I run .exe on Puppy without Wine? Or did someone have the same wireless card, and was able to run its drivers on Puppy? :roll:

I tried:
sp33008.exe -> ... y_No-Fluff
sp34152.exe - sp36684.exe -> laptop producer's website (hp)

Thanks a lot...
If I solve this, perhaps I solve everything...


Posted: Wed 12 Mar 2008, 11:06
by PageMaster

Same question, same problem... HELP US!!!

Posted: Fri 14 Mar 2008, 02:59
by ncsu1983
This wireless card uses a Broadcom chipset, which is NOT Linux-friendly :( I know b/c I have the same card in my Dell Inspiron 1501.

If you open rxvt and run

Code: Select all

# lsmod
you should see the bcm43xx module listed. Unfortunately, I still have not been able to get the wifi card configured. I've even tried ndiswrapper (it only needs the .inf file, but that didn't work for me either). Ubuntu forums have several threads concerning this one card.

This particular card is junk :evil: You'll save yourself a lot of time and aggrevation if you just go buy a Linux-friendly wifi card. Visit Linux Wireless LAN Support for details.

Sorry if I sound like a wet blanket, but perhaps someone else had better luck.


Posted: Fri 14 Mar 2008, 07:55
by PageMaster
If you look in the other topic, I solved the problem with ndiswrapper.

It does not really need only .inf file, it needs .sys, too; I downloaded it from Dell or Broadcom website (sorry, I didn't write it).

My only problem now is wireless configuration for University's hotspot... but this is not a hardware problem ;)

You're right, the bcm43xx module really doesn't work.

Humm... I must edit and explain better many things in the other topic... as that one is more general than mine, I used it as a "platform" for my problem, too...

Thanks anyway, see you

PS: My next laptop will have another producer for wi-fi card hehehe


Posted: Fri 14 Mar 2008, 07:58
by PageMaster