In Praise of Puppy

Using applications, configuring, problems
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In Praise of Puppy

#1 Post by cymberlaen »

First, my test hardware consists of a 100 MHz PIII with 448 Mbytes RAM and a 1 GB flash drive on USB. That's right, no CD and no HDD. With this I have Web browsing, MP3 playing, PDF viewing, and with a couple of tricks from ActiveState, a much better Perl and syntax-checking editor ( their Komodo ).
The discussion comes from this ; Google's Android is their Linux/Java software for cell phones, with their own proprietary virtual machine. There have been phones shown at shows, but they remain expensive, and are not yet available. Puppy is here now, and appears to do most everything a phone user needs very well without the Google software stack ( and, no doubt, advertisements that will be beamed at the captive users ).
Does anyone know of a phone-sized device that could have Puppy installed on it NOW, rather than wait for a year for the Google devices ?
Second question, what has everyone run as a phone application ( if they have ) on Puppy, including desktops ?

Thanks in advance.
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Joined: Sun 27 May 2007, 17:31
Location: Bucharest, Romania

#2 Post by Th3_uN1Qu3 »

Skype is known to run well in Puppy, i don't use it though so i don't know myself.

Heh, glad to see someone who has all his things working fine. On my laptop, what could go wrong did go wrong, and there's still stuff left to fix.

I think the phone idea has been discussed before, with the conclusion that it isn't worth it. Installing a desktop distro on a phone would take quite a bit of hacking. The best bet would be to develop something from scratch again, which Barry won't do.
[b]Toshi Portege 4010[/b] | PIII Tualatin 933MHz | 512MB RAM | Cyberblade 16MB | 30GB | WiFi, IrDA | ~5 hrs runtime | WinMe :( |

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