Puppy 4 WIFI

Please post any bugs you have found
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Puppy 4 WIFI

#1 Post by ianB2 »

I just upgraded from the excellent 3.01 to 4.00. The great thing about 3.01 was that wireless just worked - one flash card boots DELL, HP and IBM laptops. With v4.00 the DHCP on my router will not assign an IP address - ifconfig reveals a 169.xxxx base address. Even when I enter a static IP and gateway, there's no traffic. I CAN see the router and store the WPA key - all looks fine - BUT no traffic. Any Ideas? I'm back working in 3.01 again. ps I tried hiding my pup_save.2fs to make it a clean install - but no change. Is there a bug?

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#2 Post by JustGreg »

There is a testing version of Puppy 4.0 that has the new kernel (2.6.25) and drivers for wireless. You can find what kernel is being used by open a console widow (rxvt) and typing uname -a. The kernel will be listed. If you are using the 2.6.25 kernel and wireless device using the RT73 chipset, then I have just posted something that may help you:
You can determine if the RT7 chip set is being used under Puppy 3.01. Once again, ope a console window (rxvt) and typing lsmod. It will provide a list of the kernel modules. Scroll through it and you should see rt73 listed.

The released version of Puppy 4.0 uses kernel This is the same as Puppy 3.01 and there are no changes to the wireless drivers. I have found the Puppy 4.0 released version works the same as Puppy 3.01. With my two systems (desktop and portable), I have found no problems with wireless networking and Puppy 4.0.

Have you tried the connect wizard (connect icon on the desktop)? It usually works.

I hope this helps.
Enjoy life, Just Greg
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#3 Post by Lobster »

Barry is recompiling the newer kernel with more support for wifi. Do test when the alpha becomes available :)
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#4 Post by setecio »

I have similar WPA wifi problems with a Netgear wg511t which works flawlessly in 3.01 but rarely connects in 4.0

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#5 Post by tempestuous »

I have mentioned quite a few times on the forum that, especialy with Puppy4, encryption-related modules need to be pre-loaded. I'm away from my normal computer while on holidays, so I don't want to have to search for the exact forum posts.


No WEP on WG511T

#6 Post by GrahamS »


Having similar problems - WEP does not seem to want to work on my cardbus card :-(( - Netgear WG511T.

Running on an old Compaq Armada 1700 laptop.

So far - impressed with puppy - have used Slax before now but Puppy seems FAR faster.

If I disable WEP on my router (which I would rather not do long-term :-O), I can connect from my Puppy 4.0 installation just fine.

Re-enable WEP on the router - press WEP and enter the key in Puppy (network Wizard) and it all fails again.

When I have a good connection (ie no WEP) I get two network status indicators on the task (is this the right Linux term - sorry just come over ;-) bar - ath0 and wifi0. With WEP enabled I just get wifi0.

I have tried various releases - having trawled through a number of postings....

4.00 2.17
4.00 2.25
4.00 BlueDog

NB I also tried the Auto Config app from the 'Network' menu - this reports errors in the config file 'restricted' is not a valid command nor is my WEP key - there's a surprise :-O. The report flashes by so quickly though - it can't reaaly be read fully.

Any help would be much appreaciated please :-)).



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Re: No WEP on WG511T

#7 Post by tempestuous »

GrahamS wrote:Re-enable WEP on the router - press WEP and enter the key in Puppy (network Wizard) and it all fails again.
OK, I'll say it for the second time in this thread; I have addressed that issue several times before on the forum. Here is the main one -
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 339#159339
under "PART 4: Troubleshooting, encryption problems"

In the case of forum member blueoscar, my suggestion solved the problem.


#8 Post by GrahamS »


Many thanks for your patience in replying and posting a link this time.

My system now connects with WEP enabled :-).

I had trawled the forum for various search terms but had not found your article.

In fact it was your Step 1 which provided results - a few simple command lines to type. Just typed these and the interface came up and is working :-O.

I guess that its just the wizards which keep getting it wrong - wouldn't seem to allow me to select WEP and Open.

For others I restate tempestuous's commands translated for my card :

ifconfig ath0 up
iwconfig atho essid MYSSID (replace with your SSID)
iwconfig ath0 key open 1234567 (replace with your key)
iwconfig ath0 mode managed

dhcpcd -t 30 -h puppypc -d atho

hey presto.....it works.

Doesn't survive a reboot though so I guess I have to add this to an autostart script somewhere....I have installed Puppy to my HD.

Thanks again for your help.



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