pMusic 6.0.0

Audio editors, music players, video players, burning software, etc.
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pMusic 6.0.0

#1 Post by zigbert »

pMusic -Radio - Podcast - Music
"pMusic offers all the goodies you should expect of an audioplayer of 100kb"
Sigmund Berglund
  • Supports a wide range of file-, stream- and playlist-formats
  • Internal DB for speedy search and managing track-information
  • Metatags, albumart, lyrics, artist/album information
  • Favorites, Rating and Bookmark systems for simpler management of your music
  • Listen to, and download audio from radio-stations, podcasts, jamendo and youtube
  • Playback and ripping of audio-CD
  • Input/output sound processing like mixer, equalizer, normalize, ...
  • Graphical themes and Gui-modular - Choose your outfit or run only the backend
  • Burn/Copy/Convert files along with ordinary file management
  • Plugins to extend the builtin features
  • Language support and newbie-friendly
  • Recommended
  • wget - for web connection
  • streamripper - extended radio-rip/play
  • cdda2wav (cdrtools) - for playing/ripping CD-audio
  • Optional
  • youtube-dl - play and download youtube streams
  • pEqualizer (>= 0.9.0 )
  • timidity - for playing midi
  • soundtouch - for tempo detection (bpm)
  • pBurn - for burning audio-CD
  • libcddb - for extended CD-audio support - (Puppy Precise users; look here)
  • pFilesearch (>= 1.28 ) - for searching files

M I S C known bugs
- Avoid \ " | in filename.
- Rename file with ` in name doesn't update playlist item.

The default player within Precise Puppy is pMusic. Before I say whether it can play MP3s or not I just want to say "WOW".
Last edited by zigbert on Thu 02 Jan 2020, 08:04, edited 471 times in total.
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Re: Pmusic 0.1-TR

#2 Post by tempestuous »

Congratulations zigbert, very nice.
zigbert wrote:With Puppy 4 we lost gtk1, and it gave just one more reason to get rid of Xmms.
I totally agree. Installing the GTK1 libraries in Puppy4 just to use XMMS is ugly.
zigbert wrote:... I couldn't find I small cli-player that supported a variety of formats.
Try lamip -
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#3 Post by HairyWill »

I'm amazed (I suppose I shouldn't be, you must be the world authority on gtkdialog by now).

The first time I opened the dialog to index my music the index window kept closing and then reopening.

Looks like you've made a feature of the broken window manager close request. The player can run in the background and when you restart the gui it attaches to the running player automatically, nice. It is a good demonstration of separation of the GUI from the processes. I think I will copy this in psip if I can get past the problems with pjsua.

video player next ;), will it do fullscreen ;)
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#4 Post by aragon »

hi zigbert,

as mentioned before, now first tests. system homebrew based on dingo on notebook.

by starting from console i get:

Code: Select all

cat: /root/.pmusic/tmp/pmusic-PLAYLIST1234: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `/root/.pmusic/tmp/pmusic-playlist1': No such file or directory
/usr/local/pmusic/func: line 794: kill: (26441) - No such process
cat: /root/.pmusic/tmp/pmusic-playlist: No such file or directory
cat: /root/.pmusic/tmp/pmusic-progressbar_status: No such file or directory
last one goes into a neverending loop. but pmusic starts.

i than wanted to add a small library fo testing. i think the ways are:

1. File > Update Index
2. Edit > Add Music to Playlist > Update Index

if i do one of those, the new window is opening in endless number until i kill xwin.

so unluckily i could not test further.

but nice and clean gui.

with how much songs did you test it (with/without reading tags)?

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#5 Post by markofkane »

so, this is still in testing phase, correct? I think I'll wait if there are any problems. Looks good, though!! 8) 8) 8)
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Pmusic 0.1-TR

#6 Post by ndujoe1 »

What thoughtful and determined work on your part. I am sure the users here will let you know where fixes are needed and your finished product will reflect well on yourself and be another gem for the Puppy Linux community.
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#7 Post by zigbert »

Version 5.2.1 (2.Oct 2016)
- Search albumart alternatively at and
- Include default geometry for Radio/CD frontends
- Adjust font on smartadd filter-buttons
- Avoid echo 'false' to stdout at startup
- Bugfix: Indexing halts on corrupted file(names)
- Bugfix: Tophits plugin: Pressing a not-found item in playqueue corrupts queue
- Bugfix: Albumart search-settings are lost when opening radio/CD frontend
Version 5.2.0 (11.Sept 2016)
- Gui
. . . .- Unify look of help boxes
. . . .- Albumart search
. . . . . . . .- Size of thumbs are set depending on window size
. . . . . . . .- Simpler way to increase/decrease size of thumbs in right-click menu
. . . .- Save geometry of CD-ripper/radio streamer
. . . .- Switch to Nad5 (updated) as default graphical theme
. . . .- Included alternative frontends CD/radio/podcast always follows global GTK theme
. . . .- Add frontends to View-menu
. . . .- Cleanup Music-sources menu
. . . .- Remove frames in preferences (notebook)
. . . .- Remove frames in trackinfo window
. . . .- Added class: Highlighted button
. . . .- Bugfix: Pause-icon shows play-icon
- Sound prosessing
. . . .- Input settings does not require restart of track anymore
. . . .- Input volume slider
. . . .- Mute-status shown by icon (thanks to 01micko)
. . . .- Fade-in as spin-button
. . . .- Help button
- Smartadd
. . . .- Reorganize filtering into its own 'menu'
. . . .- Include tempo filter based on bpm detection
. . . .- Include genre filter based on ID3-tags
- Right-click menus
. . . .- No longer fixed size. Scales correct when changing NLS-strings and font size
. . . .- Flat border that works for all backgrounds
. . . .- Has got its own style in gtkrc
. . . .- Rox right-click for adding files in directory to playqueue
. . . .- New right-click menu in smartadd dock
- Radio
. . . .- Add favorite marks for radio:genre radio:country after installed index
. . . .- Updated index
- Radio Grabber
. . . .- Option to delete adds is moved to preferences
. . . .- Gui has got scalegrip and highlighted button
. . . .- Bugfix: Hard to send preset to edit. Often several clicks required
- Podcast manager is rewritten (thanks to live)
. . . .- Module is completely rewritten to integrate with pMusic's data/work-flow
. . . . . . . .- View all content of podcast channel
. . . . . . . .- Play web-stream instead of downloading file first
. . . . . . . .- Mark played podcasts
. . . . . . . .- Set timestamp to podcast to start play at specific time
. . . . . . . .- View embedded image while playing (album-art)
. . . .- Include index of alive podcast channels sorted by genre
. . . .- Support *.aif files
. . . .- Removed -u (update podcast) attribute
. . . .- Removed dependency of pSchedule
. . . .- Removed option to set max downloads
. . . .- Removed link to podcast dir in default favorites
- BPM - Beats per minute
. . . .- Add soundstretch (soundtouch lib - 100kb) to dependency check
. . . .- Function (bpm detection) added to func_C
. . . .- Show bpm (tempo) in trackinfo (stream tab)
. . . .- Included as a filter in the smartadd dock
. . . .- Save to DB (col 13) when found
. . . .- Included into MyMusic editor and indexer
. . . .- Activate bpm-column in sourcelist
- Masstagger
. . . .- Reorganized gui
. . . .- Moved info to external box
. . . .- Update sourcelist/playqueue after masstagging
. . . .- Use func_id3io to write/clear tags
- Youtube support (thanks to trio)
. . . .- Search within pMusic for youtube content.
. . . .- Play youtube URL's
. . . .- Download and include id3-tags and info to DB
- id3io
. . . .- Support embedding of albumart in audiofile
- My Music
. . . .- Fullscan option in indexer
. . . . . . . .- Based on func_trackinfo
. . . . . . . .- Download lyrics and albumart
. . . . . . . .- Build albumlists
. . . . . . . .- Detect tempo (bpm)
. . . .- Save db-file (backup) in My music setup/editor window
. . . .- Help button
- Trackinfo
. . . .- Prefer embedded albumart if available
. . . .- Bugfix: read 'comment' meta tag
. . . .- Bugfix: Show embedded albumart
- Jamendo
. . . .- Split browsing into char-groups to avoid extreme slow response
. . . .- Bugfix: Browsing albums includes alien tracks with similar name
- Plugin:
. . . .- Include 'Backend info' plugin
. . . .- 'Backend info' now shows stderr log, export cmd and visualization cmd
- Dependency check
. . . .- Graphical (gtk) output of dependency check from gui
. . . .- Remove use of ANSI escape codes
. . . .- Remove dependency check from -h terminal output
. . . .- gettext dependency info
. . . .- Click on item to go to web link (gui-mode)
. . . .- Info button in gui-mode
- Add to Favorites: Add option in the menulist to clear entry - add a mark
- Help
. . . .- Wiki at
. . . .- Help buttons has got a standard placement at upper-right corner
. . . .- New help menuitem to the wiki page
. . . .- Removed faq menuitem - link in wiki
- Export: Convert output by default if playqueue contains items that requires convertion
- Get rid of xterm/rxvt in Dependency check
- About dialog
. . . .- New tab with disclaimer
. . . .- Removed button with link to gtkdialog homepage (dead page)
. . . .- Updated credits
. . . .- Add link to disclaimer in Preferences, Export and Radio-Hits
- Symlink Rox right-click items from OpenWith to SendTo (thanks to don570)
- New func_C file for functions not using NLS
- Move icons from Hicolor gtk-theme to /usr/share/pixmaps/pmusic/
- Bugfix: Support building pot files with momanager (thanks to L18L)
- Bugfix: Search by click on album-art thumbs: Search only audio-files and playlist files
- Bugfix: Change NLS in preferences requires restart of X (thanks to vicmz)
- Bugfix: Support libcddb without the -i switch (thanks to smokey01)
- Bugfix: Show filetypes in combobox (save dialog) even if no filetype is defined
- Bugfix: Incredible long startup time at first run if wget troubles with connection.
Version 5.0.5 (9.Jul 2016)
. . . .- Increase max keep from 99 to 999 (thanks to live)
. . . .- Bugfix: Merge stack after saving playlist
. . . .- Bugfix: update gui after edit (thanks to live)
- Bugfix: Search alternative source.
- Bugfix: No 'missing meta' msg in album source field
- Bugfix: Preferences dialog doesn't show when souncard is specified
- Bugfix: Filter input to db editor (accept only files)
- Bugfix: Podcast spinbutton (max downloads) is too narrow (thanks to live)
Version 5.0.4 (25.Jun 2016)
- Bugfix: Save status when switching Normalize checkbox
- Bugfix: Tooltip for Normalize shows up in preferences even if tooltips is turned off.
Version 5.0.3 (22.Jun 2016)
- Bugfix: My music editor: button 'show DB' shows wrong format in list.
- Bugfix: Faster and more reliable albumart grabber.
- Bugfix: Merge several lines of the same track to DB.
- Bugfix: First time activation of albumart-search didn't gave space to images.
- Bugfix: Export: Syntax in dialog heading: Playlist --> Playqueue.
- Bugfix: Radio frontend: Info in search-field is to long for default gui-width.
- Bugfix: ungroup favorite group.
Version 5.0.2 (2.Jun 2016)
- Bugfix: Play 1sec files with -B switch. (thanks to don570)
- Bugfix: Rename source file.
- Bugfix: Refresh sourcelist without direct user interaction.
- Bugfix: Missing icon on search-button in dock.
Version 5.0.1 (16.Apr 2016)
- Add mime for m3u, pls
- Bugfix: First run: Show correct version in main gui if no playing track. (thanks to Flash)
- Bugfix: Masstagger failed. (thanks to Flash)
- Bugfix: LC_ALL can't be set to $LANG (thanks to Pro)
- Bugfix: Restarts gui when adding track from filebrowser
- Bugfix: Add pmu to empty playqueue start playing track nr 2 - not the first.
Version 5.0.0 (12.Mar 2016)
- Complete rewrite of code for efficiency:
. . . .- Snappier functions
. . . .- Less cpu-usage
. . . .- Smaller size
. . . .- No visible changes from version 4.7.4
Version 4.7.4 (2.Jan 2016)
- More responsive rendering of playqueue
- More responsive trackinfo of playing track
- Simplify version upgrade
- Bugfix: Hide scan msg in main gui when starting next track, and it exists in db
- Bugfix: My-music editor gives faulty searchresult for high-rated tracks
- Bugfix: Unable to scale save dialog (remove center attribute)
- Bugfix: High cpu-usage on first run (thanks to norgo)
- Bugfix: Hide indexing msg in main gui when indexing is fast at first run
- Bugfix: Ensure update of albumart in main window
- Bugfix: Verital alignment for number of existing radio/collection/tracks in setup guis (thanks to don570)
Version 4.7.3 (13.Dec 2015)
- Revert to gzip compression for compatibility with older Puppies
- Bugfix: Correct update of album-art in main window.
Version 4.7.2 (18.Nov 2015)
- Packed with xz compression
- Bugfix: Some gui-updates fails in Puppy 6.3.0 (gtkdialog checkbox: file-monitor="true" in combination with milliseconds="true")
- Bugfix: Builtin filebrowser doesn't work in Puppy 6.3.0
Version 4.7.1 (4.Nov 2015)
- Preferences
. . . .- Bugfix: Moving data storage: Merge favorites.
. . . .- Bugfix: Moving data storage: Do not overwrite existing index file.
. . . .- Bugfix: Store state of search/smartadd docks (Slacko 6.1).
- Radio index updated
- is the prefered server (thanks to 01micko)
- Bugfix: RadioHits: Click 'start grabbing' without anything specified should give error msg.
- Bugfix: Splash at first run won't hide if running pmusic in backend mode. (thanks to don570)
- Bugfix: --help/-h parameter not working at first run.
Version 4.7.0 (30.Aug 2015)
- Sound processing:
. . . .- New module for ffmpeg audio filtering.
. . . . . . . .- Bass
. . . . . . . .- Treble
. . . . . . . .- Normalize
. . . . . . . .- Tempo
. . . . . . . .- Fade in
. . . .- Change name in menu from Audio mixer to Sound processing.
. . . .- Used in 'Export' and 'Mixer' windows. Normalize still avaliable in preferences.
. . . .- Remove plugin 'Sound filter - Basic' from pet package.
- Export tracks in playlist:
. . . .- Include sound processing.
. . . .- Bugfix: volumedetect doesn't handle '` in filename.
- Mixer:
. . . .- Include sound processing module as 'Input'.
. . . .- Window is now scalable.
. . . .- Change name from Audio mixer to Sound processing.
- Preferences:
. . . .- Use 'Sound processing' module to set normalize.
- Masstagger: Clear-icon in every tag-field.
- Trackinfo:
. . . .- Bugfix: CD: If online CDDB is turned off, info for previous track is shown.
. . . .- Bugfix: CD: If missing meta-tracknr, length info misses in streaminfo.
- Plugins:
. . . .- New Plugin: 'Export Most Played' (not in pet).
. . . .- Remove plugin 'Sound filter - Basic' from pet package.
- Bugfix: Adding CD-audio track to playqueu (using libcddb) shows minutes (below 10) without leading 0.
- Bugfix: Sourcelist: Right-click menu: wrong menuitems for missing tracks in pmu (expanded album).
- Bugfix: Dependency check tells pfilesearch is missing if running version 2.x.
- Bugfix: Spelling errors. (thanks to don570)
Version 4.6.4 (14.Jun 2015)
- Bugfix: Search only for radio stations when in Radio stream frontend
Version 4.6.3 (11.Jun 2015)
- Bugfix: Store preferences values when running CD/Radio frontend.
- Bugfix: Won't play mixed playque when some tracks comes from CD-audio.
- Bugfix: Do not overwrite favorites at first run. (thanks to ASRI éducation)
- Bugfix: amazon albumart grabber search also for other stuff than music.
Version 4.6.2 (16.May 2015)
- Albumart
. . . .- as default albumart grabber. now requires human verify and fails.
. . . .- Manual links to, and
Version 4.6.1 (10.May 2015)
- Trackinfo:
. . . .- Album:
. . . . . . . .- Add edit button to open pmu in text editor.
. . . . . . . .- Add Album is now a menuitem in the right-click menu.
. . . .- Lyrics:
. . . . . . . .- Update to
. . . . . . . .- Update
. . . . . . . .- Remove because of closed license.
- Audio mixer: New mute icon.
- Plugins: Top-Hits: Help button.
- Bugfix: Add xml info to the main svg icons (usr/share/icons/hilcolor/scalable/) (thanks to SFR)
- Bugfix: Rename file fails if filename contains '
Version 4.6.0 (28.Mar 2015)
- New Radio-stream frontend:
. . . .- New frontend for streaming internet radio.
. . . .- Icons in sourcelist for country/genre.
. . . .- Faster browsing of radio stations.
. . . .- Filter favorite radio stations.
- Radio: If no index, click in sourcelist instead of msg.
- RadioHits: Add url and name as default if streaming radio.
- Right-click menu
. . . .- Sourcelist: Bugfix: Too many options for radio urls.
. . . .- Playqueue: Bugfix: urls gives option to send to masstagger.
- Use theme icons for all navigaton icons in buttons and menu.
- CD-frontend:
. . . .- Use pMusic icon in window heading.
. . . .- Bugfix: copy audio CD (with pBurn).
- Allow editing of command in myMusic editor.
- Trackinfo:
. . . .- Bugfix: Search alternative metatags corrupts db if chosen album is found twice at
. . . .- Bugfix: Album doesn't find length of track if track misses meta info.
- Updated Nad5
- Bugfix: Adding playlist including non-existing tracks loops on existing track.
- Bugfix: Missing button-icon for advanced search in Gtk theme.
Version 4.5.1 (1.Mar 2015)
- Bugfix: pls playlist won't import if missing url file:// (thanks to don570)
Version 4.5.0 (23.Feb 2015)
- Support pls playlist files - read/write/browse. (thanks to don570)
- Support asx playlist files - read only. (thanks to OscarTalks)
- Smartadd: Save user-settings for next run.
- Save box:
. . . .- Use save-file-selection box.
. . . .- Autoset correct playlist format when changing file name.
. . . .- File-selector should use pmu as default file format.
. . . .- Bugfix: gettext filetype description in save box.
- 'pmusic --help': Improved output for supported formats.
- First run:
. . . .- Msg embedded in main window during quick scan of local music files.
. . . .- Run a quick scan of tracks for db also when opening a loacl file via the filebrowser.
. . . .- Bugfix: Show name of playing track in svg if playing local file at first run.
. . . .- Bugfix: msg in main gui even if track is detected by first-run-scan.
. . . .- Bugfix: Show 'Search for music' in input field instead of path to $HOME when opening a local file.
. . . .- Bugfix: Progressbar doesn't work for autoplaying track (Hoovers at
- Trackinfo:
. . . .- New trackinfo icon in main gui.
. . . .- Albumart:
. . . . . . . .- Remove parentheses in search string.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: If artist tag contains feat/&, no match.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: If artwork exist in db, it doesn't store new source if changed.
. . . .- Bugfix: Album list: The file tmpartist${PID}_index_mymusic in storage dir should be removed.
. . . .- Bugfix: streaminfo used the same temp-file as db quickscan. Possible corruption.
- Main window:
. . . .- Allow main window to be shrinked more than the widgets allow.
. . . .- Decrease spacing of buttons below the playqueue.
. . . .- New navigation button
. . . .- Bugfix: Embedded msg's in main window force default window-size to exceed 780 pixels.
. . . .- Bugfix: right-click-menu in albumart search creates file $HOME/test.
- CD frontend: Changed button-placement to match the new navigation buttons.
- Preferences:
. . . .- Bugfix: Move db and favorites to new storage if changing storage-path.
. . . .- Bugfix: Change path to album-files (pmu) in db when changing storage-path.
- Updated radio-station index.
- Updated jamendo index.
- Updated Nad5 graphical theme.
- Bugfix: Get rid of terminal outputs at first run. Use --debug switch.
Version 4.4.8 (23.Jan 2015)
- Right-click menu: Option to add files recurively if selection is directory. (thanks to greengeek)
- NLS Polish by Robert Wojewódzki (robwoj44)
- Updated russian NLS by Aleksandr Proklov (pro)
- Bugfix: Set default browser dir in rc file. (thanks to greengeek)
- Bugfix: Gettext in right-click menu in sourcelist. (thanks to pro)
- Bugfix: Right-click menu: Add track to play as next playing track corrupts playlist.
Version 4.4.7 (15.Jan 2015)
- Show builtin file browser by default (thanks to greengeek)
- Bugfix: Loop playqueue.
- Bugfix: Rename file in sourcelist via right-click menu.
- Bugfix: Turn OFF extended trackinfo still uses streamripper info in statusbar.
Version 4.4.6 (22.Nov 2014)
- Simplify some code in func_trackinfo.
- Bugfix: Start pMusic by click on file in filebrowser (thanks to greengeek)
- Bugfix: Remove quest-icon in main gui if choose to skip 'update DB' msg.
Version 4.4.5 (19.Nov 2014)
- Snappier play-command
- Bugfix: Trackinfo search grabbed focus of add/play-module.
- Bugfix: info when playing CD-audio.
- Bugfix: Fetch-buttons in id3tagger does not work.
Version 4.4.4 (18.Nov 2014)
- Do not update db if nothing changed. (Resourse hunger):
. . . .- detection of albumart-url.
. . . .- building album list.
- Smartadd
. . . .- Smartadd can be slow when filter by rating in a huge db. Give more info in splash.
. . . .- Run Smartadd as background process.
- Reduce cpu-load when reading trackinfo for new playing track.
- Avoid grep locked db (flock) if string is written back to db. - Will corrupt db.
- Bugfix: Rox globicons file corrupted by pMusic. (thanks to greengeek)
- Bugfix: Download album art from
Version 4.4.3 (29.Oct 2014)
- Bugfix: Moving slider could give playback error and corrupt db.
- Bugfix: Show generic albumart if albumtag is missing and no connection to internet.
Version 4.4.2 (9.Oct 2014)
- Bugfix: Delete track from the 'Database mismatch' dialog should not add the file to playqueue.
- Bugfix: Press play-button after played playqueue corrupts queue.
- Bugfix: Pless play-button after first stopped playing from menu.
Version 4.4.1 (7.Sep 2014)
- Bugfix: Trackinfo: Albumlist: Doubleclick to add track to playqueue.
- Bugfix: Add searched albumart to playqueue via right-click menu when Capitals differs from jpg to pmu.
- Bugfix: Trackinfo does quick indexing even if user choose to skip this in main gui.
Version 4.4.0 (4.Sep 2014)
- Optional installation of new music files to DB (to nooby - rip).
. . . .- show quest in main gui if user want to install music from source.
. . . .- remove auto-loading of fresh music into DB.
. . . .- still updates db on first run.
. . . .- still adds played tracks to db.
- Improved packaging.
. . . .- Alternative non-puppy packages for frontends/plugins/themes.
. . . .- Mirror all packages at (thanks to 01mick0)
. . . .- Setup alternative FTP-server (
. . . . . . . .- Quick install of radio index.
. . . . . . . .- Quick install of jamendo index.
. . . . . . . .- Show FAQ.
- Update radio/webmusic indexes.
- Bugfix: installing a more recent radio/webmusic index doesn't overwrite the existing.
- Bugfix: New adress to jamendo db-dump file. pMusic fails to 'manually' build index file.
Version 4.3,9 (18.Aug 2014)
Bugfix: Rip audio-CD that contains quotes in meta-info. (thanks to charlie6)
Version 4.3,8 (7.Jul 2014)
- Bugfix: Trackinfo: Allow others than 'jpg' as extension for albumart.
- Bugfix: Albumart-search: test if mid-click can offer a actual view of artwork before open new window.
Version 4.3,7 (29.Jun 2014)
- Bugfix: Playqueue corrupts if editing metatags of playing track and then moving slider.
- Bugfix: Playqueue corrupts if renaming playing track and moving slider or go to next track in list.
- Bugfix: Trackinfo: Albumart: Do not use '&' in searchstring for
- Bugfix: Trackinfo: Search alternatives: search missed unique pid, and could give conflict in running several instances.
Version 4.3,6 (22.Jun 2014)
- Bugfix: *.pmd files shows up in both favorite lists and tracks after search.
- Bugfix: Add files inside folder doesn't keep sort order (thanks to dangfoo).
Version 4.3,5 (13.Jun 2014)
- has changed their search string. Now fixed.
- Add tooltip to smartadd - how many tracks should be added.
- My music index editor:
. . . .- Disable not editable items.
. . . .- Bugfix: Delete items in DB
- Bugfix: Favorites: Remove duplicate albumarts (case insensitive).
- Menuitem 'Export tracks' had wrong tooltip.
Version 4.3,4 (29.May 2014)
- Bugfix: Trackinfo: Album-list isn't blanked out if missing meta-info.
- Bugfix: Adds timestamp to db (rating) -->
. . . .- When moving progressbar
. . . .- Start another track from playqueue
. . . .- Press button to play next/previous track
- Bugfix: Playqueue is deleted after playing track if using playmode 'Stop after this track'.
Version 4.3,3 (25.May 2014)
- Faster 'New playqueue' - store history as background process.
- Bugfix: Playfix could get corrupted by play-next-function in func_player.
- Bugfix: Trackinfo: Albumlist got corrupted if list missed some tracks (not existing locally).
Version 4.3,2 (18.May 2014)
- Bugfix: func_config writes wrong value to pmusicrc (thanks to step).
- Bugfix: Check for autostart-plugins to run at boot fails if there are more than one.
- Bugfix: Remove terminal output at first run.
- Bugfix: Searchresult of webmusic (without a installed index) wouldn't add correct to playqueue.
- Bugfix: Show trackinfo of jamendo stream
Version 4.3,1 (16.May 2014)
- Sourcelist: Right-click menu
. . . .- Allow file management (delete / copy) on multiple selected files.
. . . .- Edit db entry.
. . . .- Render speedup.
- Album-art search: Right-click menu:
. . . .- Add to playqueue
. . . .- Edit album-art in image-editor
. . . .- Search content (left click)
- Define default image editor in preferences.
- Jamendo
. . . .- Bugfix: Add stream to favorite list from playqueue.
. . . .- Bugfix: Keep correct alignment in playqueu when adding a stream from expanded list.
. . . .- Bugfix: Add stream to playqueue from right-click menu.
. . . .- Bugfix: Add multiple streams to playqueue in one click.
. . . .- Bugfix: Show trackinfo for jamendo streams.
- Gui
. . . .- Add search-button in search-field.
. . . .- Allow background color of album-art search.
. . . .- Updated Gtk and Nad theme.
. . . .- Bugfix: missing icon for Search-dock in View menu.
- Updated Nad theme.
- Bugfix: Show path in searchfield when start browsing from MyMusic menu.
- Bugfix: 'Recent played' has unusual alignment.
- Bugfix: Add streams and files to playqueue in the same operation.
Version 4.3,0 (1.May 2014)
- Search Album-art and show result images in main gui.
. . . .- Click on pic to show content (album search result) in sourcelist.
. . . .- Turn On/Off in the search dock.
. . . .- Right-click menu.
. . . . . . . .- View album-art.
. . . . . . . .- Delete album-art image file.
. . . . . . . .- Set height/number of album-art row.
. . . .- Integrated with undo/redo.
. . . .- Works in overview-mode to show albums of the most played tracks.
- Masstagger
. . . .- Option to browse files/dirs (also recursively) and add them to action list.
. . . .- Statusbar shows how many added files.
- Trackinfo
. . . .- Refresh playlist and Now_playing when saving tags.
. . . .- Album
. . . . . . . .- Send to masstagger includes tag-info.
. . . . . . . .- Disable not valid options in right-click menu.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Add a non-found track from list gives a empty item in playlist
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: 'Edit album list' didn't show up in right-click-menu.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Accept global options (tag/edit) for list as long as it is not a CD.
. . . .- Lyrics
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Open lyrics in texteditor keeps pmusic theming.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Do not close Lyrics info if no lyrics is found.
- CD-audio: support use of libcddb (alternative).
. . . .- Improved and faster CD detection.
. . . .- Complete tagging (also year/genre) when ripping audio-CD.
. . . .- Show complete set of tags in Trackinfo.
. . . .- Show album and year in main gui for playing track.
. . . .- Album list in trackinfo is based on CD-tracks rather than content of db.
. . . .- Add track to playlist from CD-audio from Album list in Trackinfo window.
. . . .- Bugfix: Update trackinfo window at once when playing track.
- Podcast
. . . .- Remove Podcast sub-menu in Music Sources menu.
. . . .- Add Podcast storage directory to Favorites.
. . . .- Show Podcast storage directory in sourcelist when updating podcasts.
. . . .- Move Podcast setting from Preferences to Podcast setup.
. . . .- Grab pSchedule-icon from /usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/
. . . .- Bugfix: config button doesn't show correct tab in preferences.
. . . .- Bugfix: config button scales horizontaly.
- Jamendo
. . . .- Show album/year info in main window for playing track.
. . . .- Bugfix: Remove previous lyrics if not find any match at
- Preferences
. . . .- Move 'Data storage' to bottom to always be visible.
. . . .- Remove Music-Sources tab:
. . . . . . . .- Hide option 'Search while typing.
. . . . . . . .- Move Podcast setting from Preferences to Podcast setup.
. . . . . . . .- Move File-browser dir to General tab.
. . . .- Rearranged pmusicrc into 'chapters'.
. . . .- Added 'Search album-art' options to rc file.
- Gui
. . . .- Adding scale-handgrip to several guis.
. . . .- New icons for showing/hiding search/smartadd docks.
. . . .- Remove frame around statusbar.
. . . .- Updated default Gtk theme.
. . . .- Updated Nad theme.
- Sourcelist
. . . .- Bugfix: Remove a file inside an expanded album-list (pmu) in sourcelist removes the line instead of only removing file information.
. . . .- Bugfix: Send to Masstagger: Don't activate tracknumber if tracks are missing.
- Further optimizing of cpu-usage in func_progressbar.
- Updated radio index.
- Bugfix: Timestamp: Add timestamp without time definition [min:sec] should not be possible.
- Bugfix: Normalize: fails if track is silent first min. Solution: If normalize suggest more than 3 db after detecting the first min, run a full check.
- Bugfix: TopHits: Msg if no internet connection.
- Bugfix: Update interval in rc should also work for sourcelist and playing info in general.
- Bugfix: Playqueue right-click menu: Edit file in audio editor doesn't correct length in db/playqueue.
Version 4.2.8 (27.Feb 2014)
- 4.2.7 made dirs invisible when browsing :o
Version 4.2.7 (27.Feb 2014)
- Bugfix: Browse inside hidden directories (thanks to DrSunshine)
Version 4.2.6 (21.Feb 2014)
- Bugfix: Autoplay CD only if valid audio-CD (thanks to OscarTalks)
Version 4.2.5 (20.Feb 2014)
- Trackinfo: Albumart: Accept folder.jpg as local image-file.
- Bugfix: Masstagger can't import content of sourcelist if browsing.
- Bugfix: First run fails for CD-audio (thanks to OscarTalks)
Version 4.2.4 (25.Jan 2014)
- Add songs in dir from rigth-click menu.
- Bugfix: Snouldn't be possible to add separator lines from sourcelist to playlist.
Version 4.2.3 (22.Jan 2014)
- Bugfix: Poor file-locking could corrupt both db and playlist.
Version 4.2.2 (20.Jan 2014)
- Bugfix: Add stream via right-click menu in sourcelist. (thanks to sheldonisaac)
Version 4.2.1 (20.Jan 2014)
- Firstrun
. . . .- Faster startup if clicking on track in file-browser at first run. (thanks to nooby)
. . . .- Bugfix: Click on track in file-browser for first run, plays 2 instances.
- Trackinfo
. . . .- Albumart: Option to not search for any albumart for given track.
. . . .- Album
. . . . . . . .- Faster scanning of existing tracks in album.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: (Re)set track source in album-list.
. . . .- Metatags
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Choose album from discography corrupts the db.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Don't refresh all trackinfo after chosen from discography.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Sourcelist corrupts if saving metainfo of a track in list via the Favorites button.
. . . .- Bugfix: Open window fails if no track is active (first run).
- CD-audio
. . . .- Option if user wants to use info from cddb for cd-audio in preferences. (thanks to the one who mentioned this)
. . . .- Updated preferences for CD-frontend.
. . . .- Use icon from libstardust in .desktop file for CD-gui.
. . . .- Bugfix: CD-frontend: Splash on startup doesn't close if no cd-device exists.
- Sourcelist menu
. . . .- Bugfix: Syntax error in menu_sourcelist: que --> queue. (thanks to esmourguit)
. . . .- Bugfix: (Re)set track source in sourcelist.
. . . .- Bugfix: Rightclick menu: open in texteditor keeps pmusic-theme.
. . . .- Bugfix: Locales don't work in func_index. (thanks to esmourguit)
. . . .- Bugfix: Text in heading of the 'My music' window wraps. (thanks to esmourguit)
. . . .- Bugfix: Info in masstagger doesn't translate fully. (thanks to esmourguit)
. . . .- Bugfix: Installation of NLS package doesn't work. (thanks to charlie6)
- Add tracks to playlist
. . . .- Play added track if no tracks are already playing (or if empty playlist).
. . . .- Faster adding of several tracks from right-click menus (sourcelist and trackinfo albumlist).
- Updated the Sound-filter plugin.
- Include sound-filter plugin into pet
- Simplified svg-code.
- Bugfix: Open save-dialog creates file $HOME/test.
Version 4.2.0 (11.Nov 2013)
- Trackinfo:
. . . .- Splash when loading trackinfo window.
. . . .- Faster updating of data in already loaded trackinfo-window.
. . . .- Album:
. . . . . . . .- Right-click-menu
. . . . . . . . . . . .- Add to playque.
. . . . . . . . . . . .- Edit albumlist in text-editor.
. . . . . . . . . . . .- Set track source.
. . . . . . . . . . . .- Export info to masstagger.
. . . . . . . .- Multiple selction and doubleclick
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Press refresh-button should delete content of list at once to give a response.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Always clean up source-field from last track.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Don't try musicbrainz if connetion is false.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Doesn't work if missing connection to internet.
. . . .- Albumart:
. . . . . . . .- Delete now also optionally remove local image file.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Info-icon uses font (i), and is buggy if font is. Replaced with pure vector graphics.
. . . .- Metatags:
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Info about missing metatags (red arrows) failed if no internet connection.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Check connection for 'Search alternative metatags'.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Add msg when searching alternative tags and no connection to web.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Save tags should update corresponding info in sourcelist.
. . . . . . . .- Bugfix: Clear Artist/title tag removes info in db. Column 2 should be using filename.
. . . .- Add gain value (used by normalize) into stream info.
. . . .- Bugfix: 'Missing meta info' showed up in wrong column in Artist tab.
. . . .- Bugfix: Album list and album-art contains info for previous track if current track misses album tag
. . . .- Bugfix: Preferences stated 'Track info when browsing'. This is not true.
. . . .- Bugfix: Open the trackinfo window for playing track failed when the track starts playing/buffering.
. . . .- Bugfix: Clean up audio-format in stream info tab.
- Sourcelist:
. . . .- Go back to single-click to play track. Doubleclick has been troblesome on my system.
. . . .- Right-click option for non-exsisting files: Fix corrupted file in db.
. . . .- Right-click option to edit the file containing Favorites Marks.
. . . .- Bugfix: Right-click menu: Fix pmu could corrupt 'Artist - Title' in pmu.
. . . .- Bugfix: Export only valid files when 'Send to masstagger'.
. . . .- Bugfix: Update sourcelist when renaming source file.
. . . .- Bugfix: Expand *.pmd when path is not found in db.
. . . .- Bugfix: Remove expanded favorite list when other lists are expanded too corrupts sourcelist.
- Masstagger:
. . . .- More accurate progressbar during tagging.
. . . .- Bugfix: Lock index file when updating db.
. . . .- Bugfix: Send to masstagger, and masstagger window is NOT already open.
. . . .- Bugfix: Clear tags removes info in db. Column 2 should be using filename.
- My music:
. . . .- Update info in pMusic storage when moving your collection to another location.
. . . . . . . .- Update content of 'Album/Favorite lists' added to MyMysic setup.
. . . . . . . .- Check/fix playlists when expanding and adding to playqueue.
. . . .- Editor:
. . . . . . . .- Search inside editor.
. . . . . . . .- Faster loading of gui and snapier in use.
. . . . . . . .- Don't add to playqueue from editor.
. . . .- Always open Setup with indexer tab by default.
. . . .- Bugfix: Use file-locking of db when renaming file and in func_progressbar.
. . . .- Bugfix: If file does not exist and is not moved, open the fix_db dialog.
. . . .- Bugfix: Cancel 'building db' failed when function run 'remove non-existing items'.
. . . .- Bugfix: Cancel 'building db' if user closes dialog via wm.
. . . .- Bugfix: Search alternative source for playing track failed for filename with '(some text)'.
. . . .- Bugfix: Update gui (trackinfo) when playing alternative source without length description.
. . . .- Bugfix: Playlist get corrupted when playing alternative source for a track with & in filename.
- Add:
. . . .- Bugfix: Add a favorite list when path is no longer valid.
. . . .- Bugfix: Directory gets added when smartadd by sort order.
. . . .- Bugfix: Smartadd doesn't take min_rating when adding from db.
- Menu-item for 'Clear playqueue' and 'Show/hide docks' didn't use pmusic-spesific icon.
- Func_progressbar is now running with LC_ALL=C (no utf) for speed/resource usage.
- Show icon (audio_url) for radio stations when browsing genre/country.
- Use -m switch for pBurn - go straight to burn-options dialog (pBurn-4.3.0).
- Save playqueue as plain txt file - only path-list.
- 'Show location' in builtin browser if Rox is not present.
- New icon for playlist setup/repair.
- Use pSchedule-icon for button in podcast setup.
- Updated Nad theme (New icon for playlist setup/repair).
- Remove func-file Box_progress - not in use.
- FAQ: Can I get bigger font in the lyrics window?
- Bugfix: Use file-locking when writing to playqueue to prevent collapsing of que.
- Bugfix: Rename source file: if name in playlist is not meta-tags, name-column should be updated too.
- Bugfix: Playqueue corrupts when removing a track from queue when track exists more than once in queue.
- Bugfix: Use progress slider stops the audio playing.
Version 4.1.2 (23.Sep 2013)
- Play track from right-click menu.
- Bugfix: Delete a file in the builtin browser doesn't update sourcelist.
- Bugfix: Make doubleclicking in playqueue more sensitive.
- Bugfix: Use sleep (bash) instead of usleep (busybox). (thanks to pemasu)
- Bugfix: Delete (right-click-menu) item containing () doesn't update sourcelist.
- Bugfix: Update preset-list when deleting an radio-hits preset.
Version 4.1.1 (7.Aug 2013)
- Faster build of menu_sourcelist.
- Plugin: show play-engine command and output.
- Adjusted fontsize to fit 96 dpi.
- Removed /usr/local/pmusic/blank.png.
- Added copyright info in about-window.
- Removed some unused variables in pmusicrc.
- Nad5: insensitive checkboxes and adjusted fontsize.
- Bugfix: Top-Hits fails to run twice.
- Bugfix: Exit pMusic properly. (thanks to Billtoo)
- Bugfix: Menu_sourcelist: 'Show location' also for files.
Version 4.1.0 (23.Jul 2013)
- Run pMusic in a non-Puppy systems.
. . . .- Replaced 'ps' with 'ps -eo pid,command' to support full (non-busybox) ps command. (thanks to 01micko)
. . . .- Use 'type' instead of 'which' (thanks to 01micko)
- Masstagger.
. . . .- Add tracks from right-click menu in PlayQueue and sourcelist.
. . . .- Show selected files.
. . . .- Define alternative album-art image.
. . . .- Removed from PlayQueue and Music sources menu. Added to Tools menu.
. . . .- Bugfix: Masstagger fails if info-window has been opened: EXIT becomes null
- Play-engine is opened for sound filters (not realtime).
. . . .- Normalize all audio - activate in preferences.
. . . .- Transform exported tracks with activated sound filters.
. . . .- New Plugin: Poor mans equalizer - does not require extra dependencies (as pEqualizer).
. . . .- New Plugin: Basic sound filters.
- Indent content of expanded playlist.
- Most played: Move Options from menu to external window.
- Tools menu.
. . . .- Plugins are moved here.
. . . .- Masstagger are moved here.
- Smartadd.
. . . .- Rating field is now a spin-button.
. . . .- Bugfix: Don't add playlist when using smartadd.
- Remove version-check for ffmpeg when running a dependency check. all ffmpegs should work ok.
- Updated Nad theme: Sliders, tabs, insensitive buttons.
- Updated FAQ.
- Bugfix: dependency check: Yellow [MISSING] didn't show on white background. Changed to blue.
- Bugfix: Splash dialog shows wrong version of pMusic.
Version 4.0.1 (12.Jun 2013)
- Improved and fixed Tray app plugin. (thanks to 01micko)
- Updated Nad5.
- Removed terminal outputs on first run. (if not using the --debug attribute).
- Bugfix: Playback of cd-audio. (thanks to 01micko)
- Bugfix: Trackinfo/albumart doesn't update if track misses meta tags. (Thanks to R-S-H)
- Bugfix: Flip icon icon_source_manual.svg
Version 4.0.0 (8.Jun 2013)
- Bump dependencies to gtkdialog-svn_512
- Sourcelist.
. . . .- Right-click menu for Favorites/Music/File/Dir management.
. . . .- Multiple selection.
. . . .- Expand/collapse playlists by doubleclick.
. . . .- Icons for playlist and track (with rating indication).
. . . .- 'Repair playlist' is moved here from main menu.
- Favorites - New module.
. . . .- Replaces Bookmarks, Multiple playlists and Overview.
. . . .- Cooperates with the rating module.
. . . .- New internal playlist file-format (pmd) that contains info from db.
. . . .- Possible to group favorite playlists.
. . . .- Default favorite marks is $HOME and Jamendo Top100
- Moved from single-click to double-click for main actions.
- MyMusic DB
. . . .- Include DB-editor
. . . .- Remove menuitems tracks/collections from Music_sources menu
. . . .- Do not include files from /incomplete/ dir (streamripper).
. . . .- Use album column for pmu-albums (pmusic generated).
. . . .- Improve file locking to avoid db corruption.
. . . .- Save backup of db when doing a full indexing.
- Repair playlist / rebuild album.
. . . .- Moved from main menu to right-click menu in sourcelist
. . . .- Auto-repair when adding tracks from playlists. Searching db for similar info.
. . . .- New dialog to manually set missing source. Right-click in sourcelist or trackinfo - albumtab.
- Radio-Hits
. . . .- Right-click menu to browse and add to favorites.
. . . .- Remove sub-menu in main gui.
. . . .- Add radiohits dir to favorites when preset is saved.
- Browsing.
. . . .- Show icons.
. . . .- Do only search symlinks for directories.
. . . .- Expand/collapse playlists.
. . . .- Bugfix: Add a track from a dir NOT in db should update db with all tracks in dir.
- Search.
. . . .- Separate collections into My Playlists and pMusic albums.
. . . .- Tooltip-markup for search-field
. . . .- Default info-text (instead of $HOME) in search-field.
. . . .- If no 'collections' is found, skip heading(s).
- Playque.
. . . .- Right-click menu: Deactivate also icons for deactivated items.
. . . .- If source isn't found, search alternative source in db.
- Rating.
. . . .- Also provide icon to tracks rating.
- Smartadd.
. . . .- Rating filter.
. . . .- Set source.
- Dialog 'Db mismatch...'
. . . .- Bugfix: Move entire directory failed.
. . . .- Bugfix: Move entire directory could lead to double entries in db.
. . . .- Bugfix: Fix links in trackinfo album-tab.
. . . .- Bugfix: Lock db while updating.
- Webmusic
. . . .- Allow https streams.
. . . .- Bugfix: Jamendo has moved URL and ffmpeg doesn't support the new https location. We pipe it through wget.
- Trackinfo.
. . . .- Bugfix: Album: Update track-list is same artist but different album.
- Playmode has got its own menu.
- All builtin grapichs are now svg.
- Improved CD-audio detection.
- Updated FAQ.
. . . .- Explained rating model.
. . . .- Mostly removed not relevant stuff.
- Updated NAD theme.
- Updated Manager frontend with more accurate placement of volume slider.
- Removed function file box_progress --> not in use.
- Removed frame around now-playing svg in main gui.
- Updated info in about dialog.
- Top Hits plugin.
. . . .- Don't close window after building list.
. . . .- Include in pMusic pet.
. . . .- Option to add new list to favorites.
. . . .- Default date is set today.
- Bugfix: Add playlist externally: show filename default in save-dialog.
- Bugfix: Open pmu from Rox --> play/pause icon fails.
- Bugfix: import m3u list: Use current path if path is invalid
- Bugfix: Add m3u that contains link to non-existing file.
- Bugfix: Statusbar too narrow in Puppy Raring. (thanks to don570)
- Bugfix: Build DB with meta-tags if no mymusic db file doesn't already exist.
- Bugfix: Quick update of DB when adding tracks via a playlist file.
- Bugfix: missing gettext info in pmusic_cd. (thanks to robwoj44)
- Bugfix: open pMusic with all tracks in dir with command 'pmusic /dir' doesn't work (thanks to PaulR)
- Bugfix: About: Link to gtkdialog kept graphical theme of pMusic.
Version 3.3.0 (18.Mar 2013)
- Option (menuitem) to repair broken playlist.
- MyMusic database.
. . . .- If added file (to playlist) misses in db, run quick update.
. . . .- Add /initrd/mnt/dev_save to default MyMusic paths (MyMusic Setup).
. . . .- Check if MyMusic db exists on every startup. If no, quick update.
. . . .- Faster Read/write by avoiding utf-8 (LC_ALL=C)
- Search.
. . . .- Faster searching by Squeezing grep of tracks and collections. Do the separation after.
. . . .- Faster searching by not using UTF-8 in search command.
. . . .- Reintroduce 'Search while typing' (optional - set in preferences). Default is off.
. . . .- If only one line in hits: add to playlist by pressing enter. This will only happen when 'Search while typing'.
- Trackinfo.
. . . .- Faster and better albumart grabbing by using as default grabber.
. . . .- Faster internet-connection-check by adding --max-redirect 0.
. . . .- Faster Trackinfo handling by avoiding utf-8 for backend (LC_ALL=C after gui(s) are loaded.)
. . . .- Bugfix: Saving 'Blues' as meta-genre if choosing from menu.
. . . .- Bugfix: grabber suggests artwork even if album-ta
Last edited by zigbert on Sun 02 Oct 2016, 19:35, edited 161 times in total.
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#8 Post by zigbert »

HairyWill wrote:video player next :wink: , will it do fullscreen :wink:
If you fix a dynamic pixmap widget in gtkdialog, who knows what this dog are able to create :)
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#9 Post by trapster »

zigbert is "The Man"!!!!!!!!!
(Closely related to Clapton is God)
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#10 Post by yangmusa »

Takk skal du ha Zigbert!

this is a really great start. I like the features, and mostly it seemed to work ok for me.

BUG: when in the add songs dialog, X windows (JWM) froze both times. I could still ctrl+alt+backspace to drop into the command line and restart x.

I also thought it might be interesting to compare some performance stats. My machine is a Fujitsu Lifebook B2131, 400 MHz, 192 MB ram.

Puppy 4.0
Pmusic: ffmpeg, aplay and gtk3dialog take 21% ram & 17% cpu
Gxine: takes 83% mem & 30% cpu (with visualization OFF!!)

So, it looks like Pmusic will be a real winner on my dated hardware, as soon as some bugs have been worked out..

Just out of curiosity I thought I should try with DSL too..
DSL 4.2.5
xmms: 0-1% cpu, 3.4% mem

He he, I already knew at some level that DSL is what I boot when I need every last ounce of cpu power for processing rather than eye candy :wink:
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#11 Post by DreamsToGo »

Just to report a bug,

I installed Pmusic and called it from the multimedia menu entry, started OK
I took File, open song/playlist.
I chose the song I wanted and pressed the add button

At this point the system locked up. Mouse still moved but I could not click anything. I did a ctrl/alt/backspace to exit X and restart X

On reopening Pmusic, the song I had chosen was in the playlist. Now doing the same operation it works!
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#12 Post by DreamsToGo »

Zigbert, I've been playing with Pmusic and I'm liking it.

A suggestion, could you get it to open complete directories?

Unlike you, I do store my music by Artist/Album/song directories and it is great to be able to select the album and all songs are added to the playlist and start playing. Xine-UI has this feature but Gxine doesn't.
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#13 Post by charnisingh »

Pmusic working OK in puppy 4, there is slight pause when i opened
mtpaint for taking screenshot. i hope it will be further improved with some more testing.
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#14 Post by zigbert »

Thanks for the link to lamip, but I will try first to see if we can succeed with ffmpeg | aplay, since these already are in puppy.

Index time: Without tags my 18000 songs are indexed in seconds, with tags, I don't know - many hours I guess.

Takk for cpu-test.
Good to know that Pmusic aren't too hungry for resources.

Does it freeze every time? I can't reproduce it, so please test more and give as much details as possible. Your wish about indexing directories should be possible, but not with the current Pmusic-environment. I put it on the wish-list, but remember, that you can still use the 'open' dialog and add songs to playlist. Maybe the solution is to enhance this dialog rather than the add-dialog. Another solution could be to make a builtin browser (like the one in Pburn) in the add-dialog.

I guess the pause could be avoided with some kind of buffer, or to give ffmpeg higher priority.
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#15 Post by ttuuxxx »


Looks like a start to a beautiful friendship :) Excellent starting point and if I know you, Which personally I don't lol But what I've seen of your track record you'll turn this into a default player for puppy :)

I also listen to a lot of Mp3's, What Features I like the most are
well with xmms I always use stream tuner, I really like listening to online radio. News, Music, from back home in Canada, So it would be great if future models might be able to play streaming music with a Favorite station list.

Also simple stuff like eq range from 15hz-40khz or ,maybe just a treble, midrange, and low control? Balance and volume equalizer. jeese while I'm at it why not included a online video stream player also to play asx files :) I guess maybe by version 1.5 or something :)

LOL sorry I couldn't resist, I'm very happy to see this project happen.


p.s how's that new front end for prozilla coming along :) LOL I know its on a list, just seen a spot open. LOL <-- excellent site <-- Codec Test Files <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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#16 Post by DreamsToGo »


1) No, it doesn't happen everytime but most times, ie 95% of the time and always in the file selection dialog from whichever dialog that is started from. I just tested some more and I can reproduce it,

- open Pmusic
- select file, new - clear playlist
- select file
- select open song/playlist
- navigate to music collection
- select file
- press add
- it locks

If there is a song already in the playlist and you do the above without the new option it works OK.

2) Would it be possible to have the file selection dialog open at my mymusic library folder instead of at /usr/local/pmusic. I suggest that you add a preference for the start folder.

3) What I would like to be able to do, is navigate to a directory, click on it and it adds the songs in it to the playlist. The directory clicked on may contain sub-directories (for albums) of other songs too and these should be added too. This way, I can,

click on an artist and all songs in all albums for that artist are added or,
click on an album and all songs for that album are added.

I'm using 403 as frugal install.

Let me know if I can help more.
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#17 Post by magerlab »

unfortunatelly i can not test pmusic 'cause i get x-sever frozen when i try to add a song :( ( in puppy 3)

our russian team member farwater wrote a very tiny player maddog wich is very good for older machines
but the interface is in russian so it nneds to be translated and then i think we'll upload it here
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#18 Post by Taavi »

Thanks from me too. Looks like I can stop searching and trying music managers. Many of those are nice and beautiful and filled with extreme features and does everything you can imagine except play or manage your music.

I have lot of tagged flacs in directories like performer/album/ I'll try Pmusic with them tomorrow, so I'll see how long it takes from Pmusic to index them.

Thanks again for all your work you do to give us tiny working programs.

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#19 Post by mdisaster2 »

Tested with Puppy 4.0 under Virtualbox.

I did have the crashes while trying to open a song, but the second time when I restarted X the song was in the player, and after that everything went fine (I only tried out three songs though, hardly a stress test).

- keep window height < 440 so Pmusic will fit in my EeePC 701 :wink:
- keep showing the name of the currently playing track even when the progress bar is disabled. Better still, optionally show numeric info (such as % complete or elapsed time vs total time, whatever is simpler) in place of the bar.
- maybe add a volume control ?

Bottom line, in my opinion Pmusic is awesome. Simple, small, and looks great !
(I always hated overcomplicated players with lots of subpixel-size controls disguised somewhere in a cheap-looking "fake CD player" interface).

Congratulations and keep up the good work !
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#20 Post by markofkane »

I might try it tomorrow. It's downloaded, but not installed. 8) 8) 8)
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