How to access Windows directories on my hd?

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How to access Windows directories on my hd?

#1 Post by gingerman »

How can I pull up files from my old Windows XP documents folder and such?

Can someone write down the path to finding them?

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#2 Post by T_Hobbit »

run pmount or mut
mount hda1 (if your XP is on 1st partition of your disk)/can be sda1 if you have a SATA hard disk.
open hda1 (or hda2 or sda1 or sda2)
look for a folder called documents and settings or something like that
inside that look for a folder with the name you use to logon into XP
inside that folder look for a folder called Desktop, local settings or something like that. Inside should be a My Documents folder with your documents.
I'm not on a windows machine to search for the right path. sorry

EDIT: the right path sould be something like this /mnt/hda1/Documents and Settings/windows user name here/My Documents

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