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Puppy Qbit - can't save sessions?

Posted: Sat 30 Aug 2008, 19:49
by mikemason
I downloaded & burned Qbit based on Puppy 4....
But at shut down it asks about saving a file like Puppy does, but then says: Session Not Saved

anyone know why?


Posted: Sun 31 Aug 2008, 07:04
by geekster
I installed to my hard drive, and my settings are saving normally. The website said this was a free trial. Maybe they disabled the saving function. The puppy installer was not in the menu. I had to find it to put it on my hd. Anyway, I really like it.

Re: Puppy Qbit - can't save sessions?

Posted: Sun 31 Aug 2008, 07:21
by Lobster
mikemason wrote:I downloaded & burned Qbit based on Puppy 4....
But at shut down it asks about saving a file like Puppy does, but then says: Session Not Saved

anyone know why?

The usual reason is not even space on any available save media (usually hard disk or hard disk partition)

Posted: Sun 31 Aug 2008, 13:17
by mikemason
Maybe they did disable it, I have two free partitions on my HD that are ex2 + ex3 formatted.

Anyways I downloaded DingoPlus & it's working great.

Thanks for writing :)