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open office installation

Posted: Fri 04 Nov 2005, 21:26
by nathaniel
i am having problem to install open office 2.0version with my puppy linux 1.5version.

Posted: Fri 04 Nov 2005, 21:37
by MU
Could you please describe what you tried?

Go here:

Click on "Packages".
Download OO.
Extract it.

Copy it (usr_more.sfs) to /mnt/home
If that is a WindowsXP NTFS-Drive, you must do that in Windows.
Reboot puppy.

In ROX-filer, drag
to your Desktop, and click on it to start Openoffice.

Greets, Mark

Posted: Fri 04 Nov 2005, 22:11
by nathaniel
i already install open office but i cannot find the file
/usr/local/bin/soffice.Where can i find it

MU wrote:Could you please describe what you tried?

Go here:

Click on "Packages".
Download OO.
Extract it.

Copy it (usr_more.sfs) to /mnt/home
If that is a WindowsXP NTFS-Drive, you must do that in Windows.
Reboot puppy.

In ROX-filer, drag
to your Desktop, and click on it to start Openoffice.

Greets, Mark

Posted: Fri 04 Nov 2005, 22:13
by MU
What message do you get, if you type
which soffice
in the console-window?

Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2005, 00:38
by Guest
can you guide me,i im quit new star office. i can't install it in my puppy linux..tnx

MU wrote:What message do you get, if you type
which soffice
in the console-window?

Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2005, 00:49
by MU
We need to find out first, if it installed correctly or not.

On your Desktop, you have an icon "console".
Click on it, and a window opens.
In this window, enter the command "which soffice".

Then you will get an "answer".
The console will say nothing, or it will say "/usr/local/bin/soffice".
If it says "/usr/local/bin/soffice", everything is ok, and I can give you more instructions.

If it says nothing, there is an error with your installation.
So please tell me the result.


Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2005, 01:01
by nathaniel
it doesn't say any thing after i type which office
i think i was not able to install it properly
Can you teach me to install open office.
tnx for the great help

Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2005, 01:17
by MU
Ok, I explained it above.
Maybe you need more details.
You could help me answering, by telling me, what you did to install OO.

I assume you downloaded OpenOffice2.0.tar.gz

Now click on the "home"-icon on your desktop.
Now the ROX-filer will open.
Try to find the downloaded OpenOffice2.0.tar.gz with it.
Maybe it is in the folder currently visible.
Maybe you have to click on the folder "my-documents" or another.

If you have found it, click with the RIGHT mousebutton in the ROX-window.
Now you should see a small context-dialog.
In this dialog, click on "xterm here".
This will open a consolewindow as we had above.
But this now is in the folder with your downloaded file.
Now type this command in it:
tar -xzvf OpenOffice2.0.tar.gz

Then a new file should be visible in the ROX-window called "usr_more.sfs".

Please tell me, if this works for you.
Be as detailed as possible.


Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2005, 09:06
by Trobin
Go here:

Click on "Packages".
Download OO.
Extract it.
I downloaded the file from that location more than once.

I extracted it once using guitar.
Copy it (usr_more.sfs) to /mnt/home
Since I'm running a HD install, instead of booting from CDRom,
I placed the file in / as the Usage File said, rebooted the computer.

I typed 'which soffice" into the console and eceived no answer

I reread your instructions, going through the process again.

I extracted it again using tar -xzvf OpenOffice2.0.tar.gz in the console.

I copied the files as indicated and rebooted the computer.

I typed 'which soffice" into the console and eceived no answe

I repeated the procedures sseveral times in both 1.0.4 and 1.0.5. In no case did it work. I finally gave it up as a waste of time.

Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2005, 09:16
by MU
Trobin, this is just what I did, and it works :?
Nearly the same.
I downloaded/extracted it with puppy, copied it to /mnt/hda8 (a Linux-ext3 partition I can acess from Puppy and from XP), and then started XP.
Now I copied it from L:\ (hda8) to c:\ using a ext2-plugin.
(I boot puppy from C: , a NTFS-drive).
Permissions are -rw-------

It will not work in Puppy 1.0.4, as usr_more.sfs just is supported/used from Puppy 1.0.5 and newer.

I'm sorry, I have no further idea at moment.


do things in packets of manageable frustration

Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2005, 09:23
by Lobster
I finally gave it up as a waste of time.
Do not give up easily Trobin - I know you have made great efforts and I know how frustrating installing can be. My first experience with Linux I finally managed to get Linux up and running and then there was the new hurdle of installing software . . . it took me 5 weeks to get a windowed desktop that could run netscape browser in lo-res (however I am notoriously stupid - even the fish laugh at me)

You have to do things in packets of manageable frustration . . . especially if they may be hard . . .

Push yourself a little then go have some fun . . .

In moments of weakness you could always go here . . .


Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2005, 09:26
by paullecorde
did you look in /usr/local/bin. most apps are located there and OO should put soffice, scalc, etc. there.

Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2005, 14:48
by Nathan F
Okay guys, I'm as stumped as all of you. Has anyone else here got a hard drive install that they can test this with? Mine is of Puppy104 so it won't work. I'd really like to know if this is a real problem that needs fixing because I don't like introducing packages that don't work for people.

To those who are having this problem, I'm very sorry and I want to help. There are ways to mount the file manually and take the OpenOffice files out of it, but you'd have to be willing to work a little on the command line. Also, you could go to the website and download the official release from them. The problem is that for OpenOffice2.0 they decided to make the whole thing as easy to install as possible by using rpm files for everything. Unfortunately, not all Linux distributions use rpm for package installation. There is a utility available as a dotpup that can extract the contents of an rpm, which could be used to get a working installation. Again you'd have to be willing to work at it.



Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2005, 16:59
by menno
I noticed that you have puppy on HD .
So I put the usr_more.sfs (wich I rename to usr_more_OO.sfs because I have also a usr_more_wine.sfs) somewhere on a drive .
I make a dir /opt which a sudir /OO (and /WINE) .

Code: Select all

# mount -t squashfs /mnt/hdd1/usr_more_OO.sfs /opt/OO -o loop
# mount -t squashfs /mnt/hdd1/usr_more_wine.sfs /opt/WINE -o loop
# mount -t unionfs -o dirs=/usr/local:/opt/OO/local=ro none /usr/local
# mount -t unionfs -o dirs=/usr:/opt/WINE=ro none /usr      
From a rxvt I say soffice , he its run's or wine notepad and it give you notepad .
The OpenOffice compain's that it cann't find the Java Runtime Env. and if you close the applications it says lpc: lpstat: not found .
For this time I didn't look at these error .
To umount say umount /usr/local and umount /usr before you umount the *.sfs .
I running this under Puppy 1.0.5 . I hope this helps , Menno

OO2 HD install

Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2005, 23:34
by moritzes
HD install works for me. Per directions, I extracted the .sfs to /.

A couple of caveats?
I have 1.05 Chubby Puppy, and OO1.1 is still on my system. The file at /usr/local/bin/soffice is the 1.1 executable.

BUT OO2 executable is installed at /usr/local/OOo-2.0/program/soffice. Click on that and it runs fine.

So if you're not getting it to work, you might look there.

[As a more general tip for finding files, you should really grab the findutils dotpup and use updatedb and locate. After the database is created by updatedb, finding files with locate is lightning fast!]

Nathan: thanks for packing this thing up into the .sfs. I'm going to try wine later, and thanks for that, too.

Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2005, 01:57
by Nathan F
I'm glad to know that the squash file gets mounted correctly for someone who's running a hd install. I intend to update my hd install sometime in the next few days just to check into it and see for myself that it's working. I did look at the bootup scripts while I had a minute today at work and I couldn't see anything out of place.

I should mention that this wasn't originally intended for the regular garden variety Puppy, but was put together specifically for Grafpup. It does work just fine in Puppy but you have to find the program and figure out how to get it started yourself. That's not exactly newbie freindly. In Grafpup as soon as you do the reboot the program will show up in the icewm menu. I think that should also be the case with Puppy if you're running icewm, but icewm is not the default wm so it's probably not the case for most people. It would be easy to make a simple dotpup to add a launcher in my-roxapps or my-applications, and I guess maybe I'll do just that if noone else does it first.

I've at least confirmed that the instructions are correct as per where the file should be placed. Plus I know it's working for at least one person. I don't mean to be a jerk but that leads me to believe there might be some user error somewhere along the line.

The executable soffice is located in /usr/local/OOo-2.0/program. As long as you aren't running Chubby there will be symlinks to it in /usr/local/bin. You can confirm that the squash file has been mounted by opening rox, going all the way up as far as it will go, and pressing the unhide button to show the hidden files. If usr_more.sfs has been mounted there will be a directory by the name .usr_more. Please check this first if you are having problems launching OpenOffice2.0, as that piece of info is vital to figuring out your problem.



Posted: Mon 07 Nov 2005, 11:12
by menno
I try it on puppy 0.0.9 because this doesn't have the unionfs .
This works to . Mount your drive , if it is a seperate one .
Then mount the usr_more_OO.sfs (with -o loop) to something like /opt/oo .
To run it type in rxvt /opt/oo/local/OOo-2.0/program/soffice and it wil start .
If you get the error : Java Runtime Env not found . It's posseble that you donn't have it . But to besurre try : find -name jre . It posseble that it somewhere on your disk . Because instalations have it buildin (as CmapTools) . If you found one than put into your PATH by export PATH=$PATH:/where_jre_is . Then give the start command again .
One thing I didn't solve is the error 'lpc not found' and 'lpstat not found' . As far I know 'lpstat' is not in puppy . I thing it belong to Cups ?


Posted: Mon 07 Nov 2005, 17:22
by menno
I made a link in /usr/bin for lpc to lprshell . And it prints .