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Three ways to levitate a magic carpet

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 05:43
by aarf

No? well how about a frog

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 05:54
by Lobster
The magic carpet is in fact the prayer rug used by Moslems
just as the lotus that the Buddha sits on is a base (lotus posture)

Flying is an internal process, unless using British Airways. :D

The frog story has been reported on
as anti-gravity (or rather gravity distortion) is fundamental
to distorting time. After all one of the effects of FTL (Faster Than Light) travel is an increase in mass - something that needs to be countered . . .

We live in a multiverse. Strange in its possibilities :)

Thanks for the info on frog levity

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 08:12
by aarf
FTL (Faster Than Light) travel is an increase in mass - something that needs to be countered
so this is your excuse for being a FAT lobster?
more here

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 09:57
by pigshed
Don't you use inertia damping ?

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 10:22
by aarf
pigshed wrote:Don't you use inertia damping ?
does that stop you from getting FAT, or stop you from levitating, or sop you from getting FAT while you are levitating, or alllll five of the above?

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 10:32
by ttuuxxx
I've had dreams about levitating, ever since I've been a kid, must had the same dream about 50 times, where if I close my eye and think real hard, I could levitate. But then I wake and figure it was just a dream :shock:

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 13:24
by pigshed
At least your subconscious mind is good enough to bring you back to earth in a safe place before it lets you leave....

Lobster can't be fat - I didn't think lobsters carried fat ? He may have used the power of his mind to re-arrange some of his muscle bulk to appear in a softer, more rounded fatty style, so as to more closely externally resemble a Buddha stereotypical form to more easily spread the transdimensional word.

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 13:50
by aarf
pigshed wrote: Lobster can't be fat - I didn't think lobsters carried fat ? He may have used the power of his mind to re-arrange some of his muscle bulk to appear in a softer, more rounded fatty style, so as to more closely externally resemble a Buddha stereotypical form to more easily spread the transdimensional word.
or he could have just been eating too may pigs.

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 14:07
by aarf
hey pigshed why not transcended over to my shopping trolley and after we get onto the same psychic plain I'll introduce you to the art of low energy frog levitation.