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How to play .wmv in SeaMonkey?

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 07:31
by DaveS
I want to be able to play embedded .wmv files within Seamonkey, but cant find a plug-in. I guess this has come up before, so could someone please point me to the link I need? Thanks................... Dave.

Posted: Wed 14 Jan 2009, 21:14
by DaveS
Bump please?

Posted: Wed 14 Jan 2009, 23:27
by liberomureddu
in puppy there should be the gxine plugin but it opens an external player window. If you want embedded video you should try the mplayer plugin.
I found a reference here: (even though I don't know which puppy version are you using and I didn't try this pup myself).
Otherwise it is also listed here: ... uppylinux/
In my experience, I have to say that I had the best result using gxine player (not the plugin).

Posted: Fri 16 Jan 2009, 18:05
by edoc
I am seeing real serious problems with gxine - trying to view common video file formats I get audio only - and no error.

4.12-Normal Frugal ext3

Will be interested to hear how things work out for you.