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Puppy - Alpha, Beta and Release Candidates

Posted: Thu 19 Mar 2009, 07:13
by Bruce B
First, this post is opinion. If you have alternate opinion or something to add or subtract please do.

What prompted this expression of my opinion was ttuuxxx relocating the Harry1949 post to the RC3 section. I'm swell, super swell with the relocation itself. I'll explain.

Fundamentally, I consider people who run Puppy's alpha, beta and RC versions as testers. Helpers in the overall development process, I consider them valuable, even indispensable in development process.

These are the people who put these versions to work, report back and help the developers discover changes which should be addressed before the Release version gets consolidated and uploaded to official sites.

The developer working in a limited environment simply cannot know how some things perform in other environments.

Nothing whatsoever to do with Harry, I mean nothing, except as a reminder of past.

This post is based on the accumulated past. I've seen many times, where people using a higher version number of Puppy may be thinking they are using the latest and (greatest). Latest yes. Greatest? Not by my general expectations. I generally expect more problems with an 'alpha' than I do with the former release candidate.

My concern, based on a sum total of my interpretation of many previous posts is: Many (even most) people probably don't know the significance of these pre-release versions, neither their role in the development process.

Typically, they might post a problem as if they are looking for help fixing it. I don't personally want to help fix a Puppy with a life span of a couple weeks. I would, if I were on the development team, sure I'd want to fix it, but the help would be something which would show up in future alpha-beta-releases.

I think best if alpha users for example, recognize their role and merely report problems, to the right people, then download the next alpha or beta continue locating the problems and reporting them to the people who are there to fix them.

Summary: My thinking is many testers may not even realize the role.


Your opinions please . . .

Especially developer opinions . . .

Posted: Thu 19 Mar 2009, 08:32
by Lobster
Your opinions please .
You are right to point it out.

Barry has about 7 machines to test on.
Warren works with older recycled computers.
Not as much as they would like . . .

Testers are very important
especially those who can pinpoint WHY something
is not working.

Pointing something out
and then having it repeatable and verifiable
is always a good step. :)

I once made some small suggestion to the Mtpaint developer
and when I looked at the credits on my Xandros powered Eeepc netbook, there I was :)
It is still there (Ed Jason) in Puppy too

A good way to report is:
- your software is great (add smiley)
I have noticed such and such happens
Many thanks for all you work
the following is not recommended:
Your software is £$%!
You are rubbish!!!!!
I am going to use something else!!!
Charming :roll:

Posted: Thu 19 Mar 2009, 12:44
by Béèm
A frustrating feeling for someone who makes a comment, not knowing if it's a bug or not, is not being responded to.

It might deter people to take part of the beta testing phase.