How To Install WBAR on Puppy 4.2?

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wah fun
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How To Install WBAR on Puppy 4.2?

#1 Post by wah fun »

I am new to Puppy and have just installed 4.2 by ttuuxxx. It works great and now I want to play around a little with it to get better acquainted. I have and played around a bit and rtfm and not much info there so I am asking for some help.

I would like to remove the default task bar and ptray applet as well as all the desktop icons and just have wbar showing on the desktop. I have played around with removing the desktop icons and editing ptray only to really mess it up. I have looked at Puppy derivatives but can't find one that is what I want. So, can someone tell me how to do the above?


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#2 Post by Jami »

Google puppy linux and wbar to pull up the forum thread on wbar - there are some good tips there, plus the 2 pet files you will need to install wbar correctly. There is also a script to copy the desktop files in wbar (but you can do this manually by editing .wbar in root).

Once installed, you need to copy and paste a line of text from the web page (which opens during pet installation) into a file called .xinitrc - this is a hidden file in root, so you will need to left click the eye in ROX to be able to see it. If you restart X you will get a wbar at the bottom of the screen (unless you changed the options in the line you just copied) plus an annoying box in the taskbar.

To remove that annoying box...don't do anything with .jwmrc-tray (you will get the impression you should from the forum thread, but it will just lead to frustration). What I did was to edit .jwmrc and add:
Which worked a treat. For reasons I do not fully understand, these lines have now disappeared from my .jwmrc, but wbar is still working great. The file appears to get refreshed from somewhere, because if you delete the lines near 242 to get rid of the PTrays, those come back too. More reliable therefore to delete the associated .jwmrc- files (add icon, top tray, add widget).

I am not sure about completely removing the jwm taskbar, but you can set the tray to autohide in jwm configuration (desktop menu).

Hope that helps.

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#3 Post by `f00 »

however .. :lol: Using Geany (Shift+click), edit /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc file rather than .. (see the IMPORTANT in the top comment?). Also here you may comment out

Code: Select all

<!-- <tag>commented-out-stuff</tag> -->
the tray include lines (about line75 or so) for .jwmrc-tray (I think ptray is aka .jwmrc-tray-top) or include your own custom trays if you've made them for other locations left, right or.. (unless you still have the add-icon, add-widget thingies which may possibly not be in a puppy '4.2 by ttuuxxx' :) dunno, haven't tried .. still waiting for a barebones of 4.2 to arrive as it may). After you've edited, mainmenu->refresh menu (I think that's the 4.2 way now) or type "fixmenus" then enter<key> in a console, and reload jwm.

Autohide is a very nice way to keep those trays out of the way 'til needed - check out how it's done directly by looking at a tray file (and maybe some ideas on making your own!).

Getting rid of the desktop icons is 'way simple, rightclick->remove .. voila! Be very sure about removing useful 'change-state' items like the driveicons or trash (there's a menu item that opens the driveicon or pup_event manager and you can untick some checkboxes is probably better than removing them outright)

If you've already got your /root/.wbar file all tuned up, great. One thing to bear in mind is that all icons (the i: lines) must point to actual icon files that are in those paths. You can also autostart wbar from /root/Startup/<yourstartupscript>, which may be preferable to playing with /root/.xinitrc .. mine looks somewhat like this

Code: Select all

wbar -jumpf 0.0 -pos top-left -nanim 3 -zoomf 1.1 -idist 4 -isize 32 -bpress -balfa 0 -falfa 15 &
, you might want to change some of those parameters after reading 'wbar -help' and fiddling about some ;) read the fine manual, eh? Cool, not every n00B reads the Rox-filer help hiding behind that life-preserver icon on the Rox toolbar :shock:

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