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Questions re: creating a puplet

Posted: Thu 18 Jun 2009, 16:36
by HPW
I'm creating a puplet based on the 421 version.

I would like to know more on regularly used applications .. and which do not go speaking for removing applications puplet ..

Puplet not yet ended but I can forward that I'm changing the package manager to put an option to choose packages from the puplet.

Something did as a repo.

and change the form of installation, so the implications are not installed by clicking on them but there is a button for this reason. (what I did for better navigation).

I also put a puppy to gdm.
s do not yet but I think I can modify the file or something speaking initrc jeje como se llama do not remember but which is loaded at the beginning of the "X".

If anyone has any idea how to do it or have decades of help is welcome.

Another thing I want to use xfce and thunar. xfce but I can not compile when I compile libxfceutils which is compiled according to package dependencies: all good, but then libsfcegui4 to do. / configure tells me that libxfceutil is not installed :-(.

But it will not download the packages. Xfce the deb and me alike. xfcelibgui4 to install the package tells me that I lack the libxfceutil units ..

Thank you.