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mpd Music Player Daemon + Clients

Posted: Mon 31 Aug 2009, 14:30
by aragon
Version: 0.15.8
Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music. Through plugins and libraries it can play a variety of sound files while being controlled by its network protocol.
Compiled and tested in 4.31.

Additional dependencies (for 4.31):
- libshout (for icecast-output)

For clients see following messages.

For icecast-output you'll need also the attached icecast-package.


Posted: Mon 31 Aug 2009, 14:30
by aragon
CLI-Clients for mpd
1. mpc
Version: 0.19
A minimalist command line interface to MPD, not to be confused with musepack.
Some might say masochistic, but it works.

2. pms
Home: h[url]ttp://[/url]
Version: 0.42
Practical Music Search is an open source client for Music Player Daemon, written in C++ and ncurses. The target audience are power users who need an MPD client which is highly configurable and accessible. PMS features a simple but powerful interface, and runs on (at least) Linux and Mac OS X.
3. ncmpc
Version: 0.16.1
ncmpc is a fully featured MPD client, which runs in a terminal (using ncurses). Its goal is to provide a keyboard oriented and consistent interface to MPD, without wasting resources.
Some may need libmpdclient (see attached).

All Clients are compiled and tested in 4.31 and do not have add. dependencies.


Posted: Mon 31 Aug 2009, 14:31
by aragon
GUI-Clients for mpd (gtk2)
1. gbemol
Version: 0.3.2
gbemol is a graphical frontend for the Music Player Daemon (MPD) it is written in C and uses the GTK+ toolkit for it's interface.

* Easy-to-use, tag-oriented library browser
* Two mode playlist
* Cover art support (APIC tag only, for now)
* System tray icon
* Song, album and artist information
Compiled in 4.31. May need libmpdclient (see previous post)

2. glurp
Version: 0.11.6
Glurp is a GTK+-2.x based graphical client for the Music Player Daemon.
No add. dependencies on 4.21.

3. gmpc
Version: 0.15.1
GMPC is a GTK2 client for Music Player Daemon. The interface is made to be easy to use, but provide full access to all the features MPD provides. Give the user several ways to browse his database while still being a lightweight client.
The needed libmpd is part of the pet. No other add. dependencies on 4.21.


Posted: Tue 01 Sep 2009, 06:14
by aragon
WEB-Clients for mpd
I first planned to make packages for some web-clients. But now i decided not to do, as the installation is much dependant on your local setup.

See here for the clients:


Posted: Tue 08 Sep 2009, 13:36
by aragon
updated pms to 0.41, see 2nd post.


Posted: Tue 13 Oct 2009, 09:29
by aragon
updated mpd to 0.15.4, see main post.


mpd 0.15.5

Posted: Sun 25 Oct 2009, 05:30
by ldolse
These mpd pets are much appreciated. Would it be possible to get a 0.15.5 pet? I can figure out how to compile my own if need be, but thought I would check here first.

Posted: Sun 25 Oct 2009, 16:21
by aragon
have been some days off. yes i got the packages allready, but they're on another machine. please check in one or two days.


Posted: Mon 26 Oct 2009, 06:57
by aragon
updated mpd to 0.15.5, see main post.


Posted: Mon 26 Oct 2009, 09:06
by ldolse
Great, Thanks!

Can't add m4a files with this mpd - version of ffmpeg??

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 04:49
by ldolse

I'm not able to add AAC m4a files to my mpd database, which is a really common format these days due to iTunes. According to mpd --version m4a is supported, but the log says this when it hits an m4a file:

Code: Select all

Oct 29 03:52 : ffmpeg: Unsupported audio codec
The default ffmpeg in Puppy looks to last have been compiled in 2007, so I'm wondering if mpd was also compiled against that, and m4a support is lacking?

I wasn't sure if I could get away with just updating my ffmpeg, but I thought it was worth a shot. I tried going to the 2008 ffmpeg using the puppy package manager. Unfortunately that's just managed to prevent mpd from running completely now, as the upgrade seemed to remove some other dependency:

from the CLI when attempting to run mpd:

Code: Select all

mpd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
From the package manager while re-installing mpd:

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HOWEVER, these dependencies are missing:
File /usr/bin/mpd has these missing library files:

The Petget package manager does not know what package has these libraries.
I got rid of the dependency complaint above by installing ffmpeg 0.5 from this link:

However, now I get a new error:

Code: Select all

mpd: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: av_crc04c11DB7
I think that error means recompiling is required, correct?

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 10:25
by aragon

i'm not sure if you're right. it's possible that it only needs to be recompiled against faad2 to play your files. i will give it a go today and post my results.


That would be nice

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 11:03
by ldolse
A newer Faad2 should be a lot easier to deal with than a full ffmpeg update. It was just the wording of the error making me lean toward ffmpeg.

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 12:24
by aragon
yes, no , but ,äh, shit,..

ok, tested. doesn't work. so yes you'll have to test a compile against the newer ffmpeg.


Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 13:44
by ldolse
Thanks for the sanity check.

What flags do you use when you compile mpd on your system? I'm using TurboPup Xtreme, which is based on 4.2, to compile here.

I got 'configure' to run successfully when I used:

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr
But when I run make I get a bunch of errors relating to ALSA, the first one being that 'alsa/asoundlib.h' is missing. I'm guessing I need to get the full source for Alsa, so I'll be trying that next.


Successfully compiled it once I got the Alsa lib/developer file (Alsa-lib-1.0.20.tar.gz) from Patriot's thread. What was a bit weird was I needed to copy the /include/alsa folder from the alsa archive into the mpd source directory, that seemed to be the place the makefile expected it to be...

This was after upgrading the following:
ALSA to 1.0.20
FAAD2 to 2.6.1

Sounds like I could get away with just FFMPEG though.

My overall plan was to make a remastered ISO that's focused on making MPD easy to get up and running. Is there anything I need to be aware of compiling on my own if I want this to be as compatible as possible across multiple systems?

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 16:54
by ldolse
One additional detail, in case you're planning to resolve this with future pets. Turns out that FAAD2 2.6 has a bug where it doesn't read m4a tags correctly, Artist gets overwritten by composer. In order to resolve that you need to compile against FAAD2 2.7. Patriot has a .pet for that here.

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 20:18
by aragon

- alsa
yes alsa from 4.2 is messed up i posted a pet to workaround that in some threads one is here

- faad2
yes 2.6 is buggy, i have 2.7 as a pet, but don't use it.

- portability/remaster
no, you don't need much to think of as long as you include the deps ;-) . i'm also running a mpdpuppy on another laptop and use mpd, ncmpc and gmpc for that. in general i would recommend to compile your 'new' needed packages on the system you later want to make the remaster on.

one note about a remaster: if you use the buildin remaster-script there is a point where it says you should investigate /tmp/root (the copied files from /root that will go into the remaster). not all files will be copied (what's correct in general, as these are 'personal' settings) so control if all you need is in. if not simple copy over from /root to /tmp/root

- compile-options
from memory :roll:

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./configure --build=i486-t2-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-pipe-output --enable-shout
but look with ./configure -h for all options.

good luck

Posted: Thu 19 Nov 2009, 17:47
by aragon
mpd updated to 0.15.6 see main post.


Posted: Tue 26 Jan 2010, 16:51
by aragon

mpd: 0.15.8 first post
mpc: 0.19 second post
ncmpc: 0.16.1 second post
gbemol: 0.3.2 third post

libmpdclient: 2.0 second post
