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NetSurf Web Browser

Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 11:17
by aragon
Version: 2.6
Sourcecode: ... src.tar.gz
Small as a mouse, fast as a cheetah and available for free. NetSurf is a multi-platform web browser for RISC OS and UNIX-like platforms, including Linux, and more.
Can handle css, no javascript, no flash,...

Compiled and tested in 4.31.

- Can't download attached pet's from this forum although it can handle downloads in general. It's a forum-problem i guess.


Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 12:07
by chrome307
Looks good - thanks :)

Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 12:55
by rjek
Might! segfault with Copy All (Ctrl-A Ctrl-C). But i couldn't reproduce that with a clean 4.21.
I suspect we'll see a bug report on the NetSurf mailing lists very soon now from you?
Can't download attached pet's from this forum although it can handle downloads in general.
I seem to recall this is due to a misconfiguration of the web server; it doesn't send the right MIME type.

Also: Note that NetSurf has a capital S, and that you are breaking the GPL by distributing a binary of NetSurf without an offer of source code, or referral to where the source can be obtained (assuming you're a non-profit entity.)


Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 14:31
by magerlab
i think that there's no problem with gpl here
you can go to NetSurf's site and find sources there

Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 14:40
by rjek
magerlab wrote:i think that there's no problem with gpl here
you can go to NetSurf's site and find sources there
Does not matter; you are required to provide a precise pointer to the location of the sources used to build the binaries (ie, not just what domain they might be found on; the chances are they aren't on the web site quoted originally by the thread's OP). And in any case, this "the sources are over there" only applies to non-profit organisations. I have no idea if the OP or represent for-profit organisations. So the safest way is to just attach the source code to these postings, or provide a link directly to the sources used.

Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 14:45
by ttuuxxx
rjek why the heck would we start posting source code links, after thousands of post, you want us to do extra, just google it, like this

Ps in the past the netsurf people even worked together with another forum member on here to build/bug blast the present release. They never even hinted at supplying the source code.


Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 14:50
by rjek
ttuuxxx wrote:rjek why the heck would we start posting source code links, after thousands of post, you want us to do extra, just google it, like this
Because it is a legal obligation of anybody distributing binaries? Did you realise that a huge quantity of software on this site is essentially pirated? (ie, distributed outside its licence terms.) Not to mention that sometimes you want/need the exact sources used to build something, not just what's currently available.
ttuuxxx wrote: Ps in the past the netsurf people even worked together with another forum member on here to build/bug blast the present release. They never even hinted at supplying the source code.
Ps, that was me.


Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 14:53
by trapster
rjek why the heck would we start posting source code links, after thousands of post, you want us to do extra, just google it, like this

How is he suppose to get to thousands of posts without posting?

Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 15:01
by aragon
rjek wrote:
Might! segfault with Copy All (Ctrl-A Ctrl-C). But i couldn't reproduce that with a clean 4.21.
I suspect we'll see a bug report on the NetSurf mailing lists very soon now from you?
if i could reproduce, yes.
Can't download attached pet's from this forum although it can handle downloads in general.
I seem to recall this is due to a misconfiguration of the web server; it doesn't send the right MIME type.
might be. dillo also has problems with that...
Also: Note that NetSurf has a capital S, and that you are breaking the GPL by distributing a binary of NetSurf without an offer of source code, or referral to where the source can be obtained (assuming you're a non-profit entity.)
i've corrected my first post with NetSurf and posted a link to the source. I've also repackaged the pet to include the license-doc in /usr/share/netsurf (originally left out for size reason). Hope your concerns are solved.

please calm down.


Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 15:11
by rjek
aragon wrote:i've corrected my first post with NetSurf and posted a link to the source. I've also repackaged the pet to include the license-doc in /usr/share/netsurf (originally left out for size reason). Hope your concerns are solved.
Where is the updated package? I can't find this extra file in the attachment. Remember, it is a legal obligation to include the licence texts that cover the software (in NetSurf's case, all of GPL, MIT and BSD.). Debian get around the problem of making the packages larger with a novel symlink hack to pre-installed licence text files IIRC; perhaps similar could be done with Puppy.

While a link to the project's SVN viewer is not ideal, it does suffice, thanks.


Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 15:23
by aragon
rjek wrote:Where is the updated package? I can't find this extra file in the attachment.
i've just exchanged the old with the new one.
rjek wrote:Debian get around the problem of making the packages larger with a novel symlink hack to pre-installed licence text files IIRC; perhaps similar could be done with Puppy.
yes, i've seen that recently. seems to be a reasonable approach.
rjek wrote:While a link to the project's SVN viewer is not ideal, it does suffice, thanks.
My pleasure, it's your right/law.


p.s: private person

Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2009, 18:52
by Caneri
@rjek , aragon
The mimes are fixed now...I hope.
My bad..I totally forgot about Opera, NetSurf and mime types when we did the recent upgrades.

If y'all catch this in the future please pm me so I can edit the minetypes file for those "other" browsers...ty


Posted: Thu 10 Sep 2009, 08:18
by aragon
@ eric,

thanks for that. one more question:
- in dillo i get a scrambled, long term as filename when i try to download a file, i have to correct it by hand.
- in netsurf i now get the name of the php as filename when i try to download a file, i have to correct it by hand.

is it possible that these 'failures' are also based on server-side settings?

thanks in advance

Posted: Thu 10 Sep 2009, 16:49
by aragon
@ eric

:oops: sorry, now that i think of your pm: the problem is not .ca, download works for both with correct filenames.

problem is see attached pics.

it seems that i actually confuse people with my posts (not intended).

sorry for the confusing.


Posted: Thu 21 Jan 2010, 18:37
by Colonel Panic
Just downloaded and am using this now, it's a decent alternative to Dillo (which I still use) as far as I can see, especially now it's got tabs.

Posted: Mon 20 Dec 2010, 20:37
by aragon
Uploaded actual stable version to post 1.
