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alicq: broken appearance and sound module integration?

Posted: Thu 15 Dec 2005, 19:28
by deshlab
can somebody help me with these two problems with alicq (0.8.8, downloaded via pupget package manager):
  • 1. see attached image: the icq symbols cover the first 2-3 letters of the user nicknames. is that a problem of alicq or tcl/tk and can it be fixed?

    2. i understand that alicq features a system of modules that can be loaded to enhance the program and would like to use sound support. sound.tcl is present in /usr/lib/alicq-0.8.8/data/modules but does not appear in the alicq configuration menu. which file do i have to edit (and in which way) to get it working? (/root/.alicq/alicqrc ?)

Posted: Mon 19 Mar 2007, 23:01
by woddy
I have the same problem. (das interessiert wohl keinen hier)
Which encoding did you choose? ( iso88599-15 ?)

Ciao, woddy