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GPicView 0.2.1 + Puppy GPicView 0.2.1

Posted: Tue 06 Oct 2009, 17:23
by Iguleder
A tiny image viewer used by LXDE.
I also made a modified GPicView that has less buttons, so it's more user friendly and much simpler, I called it PGPicView.

Modifications in the Puppy GPicView:
- No fullscreen
- No counter-clockwise rotation
- 1:1 zoom instead of fullscreen on double-click
- Compact right-click menu
- No open button
- The non-functioning button that sets GPicView as the default image viewer is removed

There are 4 pets:
- Default GPicView -
- Default GPicView that also sets itself as the default image viewer -
- Modified GPicView -
- Modified GPicView that also sets itself as the default image viewer -

I also included the sources.

In the screenshot, both versions appear, the original with more buttons, the modified with less.

Gpicview 0.2.3 0.2.4

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 04:54
by Pelo

Topic GPicview added to Graphics section

Posted: Wed 30 Sep 2015, 13:29
by Pelo
Topic GPicview added to Graphics section multiples exemplaires of same image

polarpup Qt005 Geeqie includes Gpicview

Posted: Wed 22 Jun 2016, 23:01
by Pelo
polarpup Qt005 Geeqie includes Gpicview. Print pdf available.

save as does not show file extension

Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2016, 08:18
by Pelo
gpicview 0.2.4 and 0.2.5 from PPM Slacko
save as does not show file extension

gpicview in Puduan, change bmp to jpeg

Posted: Sun 24 Jun 2018, 02:52
by Mayou
gpicview in Puduan, change bmp to jpeg