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Remove JWM shade/unshade feature

Posted: Wed 02 Dec 2009, 21:33
by Bruce_n_Duane

Using Barry's Puppy 4.3.1 with JWM window manager.

If I run the mouse scroll wheel on the window frame, the window shade goes up. This happen a lot on the browser.

I want to deactivate this the mouse gesture feature.

If that mean removing or deactivating the top bar right menu items for shade/unshade, I can live with that. I will minimize the window if I need to.


Also would like to deactivate the mouse scroll wheel action of changing desktops in the virtual desktop area of the panel.

Thanks again for your help in advance.

Posted: Wed 16 Dec 2009, 10:16
by disciple
I think we would have to patch and recompile jwm to disable rolling up the window. If you are happy to only have one virtual desktop you can configure jwm for that... or you could configure it to not have a pager - otherwise again you would have to patch and recompile it if you just want to disable scroll-wheel changing.

Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2009, 16:30
by `f00
.. or simply try some other wms if Jwm (out-of the-box) doesn't suit your input preferences - AfterStep is one that doesn't use a lot of maus-scroll for input, Pekwm and Fluxbox are others that may be more gui-configureable (and offer some very nice features like tabs, etc in a lightweight wm pkg). Plus pekwm has some nice documentation :)