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Would someone make a .PET package of Minitube?

Posted: Wed 27 Jan 2010, 22:43
by panzerpuppy
Can anyone make a working .PET package of this app (complete package including all dependencies):


It needs Qt >= 4.5, Phonon and GStreamer

Preferably a .PET package that works on Puppy 4.2 / Turbopup Xtreme (k2.6.25.16)

I don't like to install a bloated distro (e.g. Ubuntu) just for this awesome little app.
I prefer to use Puppy :)

Posted: Thu 28 Jan 2010, 01:01
by mikeb
Yeah but once you spend a week adding all the dependancies it will be as bloated as Ubuntu.....

Posted: Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:32
by GrumpyWolfe
Hi panzerpuppy

I looked into putting this into a package for you but I am not that good at compiling and get a lot of my libs from the Debian libs. Right now the OT4.5 is just not in common use and that would mean that all the libs needed by the QT4.5 would have to be compiled against QT4.5 that would be a lot of work so you may have to what a bit no this one.


Just an update I did manage to get qt4.5.3 and have even been able to get it to run to some degree just one problem remains and if someone know an answer I may have it working soon. It seams that QT 4.5.3 and libphonon do not want to work together. Have to get some sleep so can work tonight and will look for the QT 4.5.0 libs the are suppose to work but did not find them just yes.

Minitube 2.4 - package for puppy please

Posted: Sat 01 Aug 2015, 02:03
by sindi
I downloaded the binary from the author's site then attempted to add all the required libraries. libphonon 4, and a phonon-backend. I tried vlc, which required a vlc library, and did not work. I tried the xine backend, which required a which I could not even find. I downloaded debs (dpkg-deb -x filename . to extract[/url] and rpms (click to extract, and choose the file you want). Minitube loads but will not play videos.

Tahr 6.02. I found minitube packages for older Ubuntus. You need version 2.4 to deal with the latest changes in Youtube.
I also gave up on smtube. gkt-youtube-viewer got broken by Youtube in April.

Is there any puppy package of any post-April-2015 standalone youtube player? I am resorting to a search engine, and the URL after youtube-dl and playing with mplayer (in X or framebuffer console). Tahr lacks mplayer but I can copy it from lupu. My Pentium III can play at 480p that way but a combination search-engine and player would be helpful.

movgrab also broke. It used to work with a 1999 linux.

youtube-dl -F http://.... to list available modes, choose a mode (flv, mp4)
youtube-dl -f 36 (for mode 36) .....[/url]

Posted: Sat 01 Aug 2015, 04:27
by starhawk
siindi, is (or should be!) a symlink to[version] -- you need a libxine package... make the symlink (relative, always!) if the package does not make it for you...

Posted: Sat 01 Aug 2015, 09:38
by 8Geee
I also highly doubt you will get this up and running. You should check the Author's forum at the website you provided. Google has limited BW... resulting in needing a googleapi. And no one to the best of my knowledge has asked for a dependency list.

Yeah the D/L is small 3/4 Mb but its dependency hell neediing an api. GL

phonon backends

Posted: Sun 02 Aug 2015, 23:29
by sindi
I tried vlc first because it was already on the Tahr menu.
You can use also xine, gstreamer, or mplayer, says minitube site (or one of the links I was following).

I would prefer to use mplayer in lupu, not vlc or xine.
The site where I was downloading from did not have an mplayer phonon-backend. Does this simply refer to the mplayer binary and libraries?

I don't understand some of the vocabulary in people's replies - BW? googleapi?

is smtube easier to get going? It is used in Windows with smplayer/mplayer and I am familiar with the keyboard controls.

All I really want is some sort of youtube search engine, preferably command-line. No thumbnails of results.

Posted: Sun 02 Aug 2015, 23:44
by Semme
YT's a moving target. See here..