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Logical path to Kmymoney (SOLVED)

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 21:34
by obxjerry
Puppy is working great for me on 2 computers and hopefully soon a third. My needs are small. The dependency I have that takes me back to MS Windows is Quicken. I've been searching a path to Kmymoney. I have hours invested and still no clear way forward. Much of what I read is over my head or dated. Some of the possibilities I've found are; LighthousePup, TeenPup, Jaunty Puppy, Upupto and a Kmymoney sfs. That's just telling you I have been looking. I don't know if any of them are viable for me.

Please don't suggest I go to another (non-Puppy) distro. I tried that. I feel like I'm learning, achieving and having fun with Puppy, none of those with the other Linux.

I'll take them but I don't need a lot of hows or whys, hopefully I'll learn that later, just some advice. Sad but true, I do need step by step. For instance, if I go LighthousePup do I download the base iso. and mariner? Kde? voyager? Can I put everything on the same CD, I'm hoping live-cd? RTFM is fine with me if you'll point me toward it.


Posted: Fri 19 Feb 2010, 01:37
by Jim1911
KmyMoney is working fine for me on Lighthouse, dpup484, and 432 experimental. I believe it will work in Lighthouse with just the base Lighthouse but can't be certain because I also have KDE and Mariner installed. Although, I haven't tried it, I think you should be able to export each account individually from Quicken and import them in Kmymoney. If you have multiple accounts in your Quicken file that could be a chore.

Posted: Fri 19 Feb 2010, 11:10
by Bligh
I;ve used Lighthouse with good results. Try posting to one of the Lighthouse threads. Tazoc has been very responsive and helpful.

Posted: Fri 19 Feb 2010, 13:06
by sidders
I did a sfs for Kymoney on 431, because i need to get organised. It has all the KDE dependencies built in. Just load the sfs and away you go.

PS. I also run Lighthouse Pup, its one of my favourites and with Compiz great to show off to Windows users

Posted: Fri 19 Feb 2010, 16:10
by obxjerry
Thanks for the replies folks.

If I understand sidders right, from box stock Puppy 4.3.1 I click and download the sfs. file and I'm good to go. I saw the thread but thought it sounded to good to be true.

As another project Lighthouse Pup intrigues me. Would I be right in assuming I could burn the base iso and the add ons to the same live-cd?

Sorry to be such a PITA. You know what they say, there's no noob like a old noob and that's me in a nutshell. The wonderful thing is I'm loving every minute of it.


Posted: Fri 19 Feb 2010, 16:24
by Jim1911
I am using sidders' fine Kmymoney2_0.8.9-1.sfs

Assuming that you have a frugal installation, when you download the sfs file, it must be placed in the /mnt/home/ directory in order for your pup to find it. You will also need to rename the file to Kmymoney2_0.8.9-1_431.sfs, otherwise your pup will not find it. If your pup isn't 431, just replace that with your pups number. It's much more complicated if you have a full hd installation.

Then, click on Menu, System, Boot Manager configure bootup. Next select "choose which extra sfs to open" and in the next window, move the Kmymoney.sfs from the left pane to the right pane. Close bootmanager and reboot your system. It should then show up as a menu item. If you want it to appear as an icon on your desktop, go to /usr/share/applications and copy the Kmymoney.desktop file to the desktop.

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2010, 02:46
by obxjerry
Jim1911 thanks for the help. Of course I shot my self in the foot and did a full install. I wasn't absolutely sure the second paragraph wasn't the step by step for a full install version, so I tried it. It didn't work so I guess it is "much more complicated if you have a full hd installation". Hey, I was giddy with success from finally getting a usb wireless network adaptor working on the old laptop I bought last night.

I'll have to weigh my options to see if I want to reinstall a frugal installation or try to muddle through the complicated route. It may be awhile, I have a lot of irons in the fire, but I'll get there.

Thanks again

PS It says the sfs file isn't in mnt/home or it has the wrong version number. It is there and it is named correctly....I think.

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2010, 15:57
by Jim1911
Try this SFS installer, if that doesn't work. You'll need to mount the sfs by clicking on it and copy over each directory/subdirectory to it's proper location.

You've discovered that simple installation of sfs files is one hugh advantage of frugal installations. However, on an old laptop with limited ram, a full install is probably the best choice.

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2010, 15:59
by obxjerry
I found this I don't understand it on the quick read through and it's over 2 years old but hopefully it will get me there. I'll post my progress in case another newbie wants to do something similar.

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2010, 16:05
by obxjerry
Thanks Jim1911. Yours looks much more promising than mine. Today the weather is the warmest it's been in a month so, chores beckon. Hopefully in a day or two I'll post back my success.

Thanks again

Posted: Sun 28 Feb 2010, 15:59
by obxjerry
For anyone that comes across this thread, I didn't go any further on this project. I got busy on non-computer stuff and in the midst of that my son's computer crashed. He brought it over. I assumed he had a hardware problem. In attempting to diagnose his computer, swapping floppies, I infected 2 of our computers. So now I have 3 computers so badly infected they won't boot, one of them being the computer I was writing about.

The moral to this story is; don't get complacent about viruses. They are out there and they can get beyond those protections that you endure to feel safe. And, of course, always assume a computer that isn't acting right has a virus and quarantine it absolutely, 100%, completely. Since I didn't open any files, I believe I spread the virus to my computers as soon as I put the floppy in the drive.

I know most of you are too smart to make the mistakes I did. In hindsight, I see I knew better than to do what I did. Years of battling viruses and winning, in a way, set me up.

Take care

Posted: Fri 26 Mar 2010, 16:20
by obxjerry
Oh, how I have procrastinated. It's hard to believe almost a month has passed. The good part is I'm smarter and wiser now. All of the computers survived thanks to help from forum members.

I went 1 for 2 on this one. I did a frugal install on a laptop. As part of learning to work with a frugal install I tried to install sidders Kmymoney.sfs. I fluffed that one. I didn't check the md5sum until it didn't work. They didn't match so I did a search for kmymoney files on my computer and deleted all 43 of them.

The second time through I did check the md5sum. After the install Kmymoney didn't show up on the Puppy menu and I didn't get it to run. I didn't want it on that machine permanently and that machine has bigger issues I'm working on so I decided to go for an install on a desktop with a full install.

I already had the sfs file on the desktop. It was just a matter of running the SFS installer. I was done in 20 minutes. The only hangup was I didn't know how to install the pet files. Wow, it can't get much easier than left click on them and install. I didn't find the "You'll need to mount the sfs by clicking on it and copy over each directory/subdirectory to it's proper location." I saw it as a one click on install.

The bookkeeping is my wife's department. With the viruses she has started doing our financial stuff on HomeBank. She is looking forward to trying Kmymoney although she says HomeBank could work for us.

Thank you jim1911 and sidders for getting me there and thank you both + Bligh for the Lighthouse recommendation. I still have a computer that needs a Linux OS.

Take care

Edit- Kmymoney is a BIG hit. I took a nap and in about an hour my wife had our accounts step up. All of them reconcile. I'm not real certain what that is but the way my wife kept saying it that dog can hunt.
With April 15 right around the corner, we should be seeing some folks joining this bandwagon.
Thanks again