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I had an idea for a menu item: Config

Posted: Thu 11 Mar 2010, 22:06
by bugman
i have not had time to work on this, and do not know where all the files are, but...

might it be helpful to have a section in the menu called 'config', and make .desktops that open a text editor with a variety of configuration files?

you could do rc.local, other init files, some jwm files, etc

and also, other .desktops that opened rox to important [but difficult to dig up] directories?

the .desktop folder itself, for instance, i'm sure others will come to mind [some day]

just a thought . . .

Posted: Thu 11 Mar 2010, 22:24
by dejan555
Good thought, yeah I guess you can add or even make jwm launcher or something that opens textual config files in defaulttexteditor for users that like manual configurations :)

Posted: Thu 11 Mar 2010, 23:03
by Béèm
The control center in the 4.40CE prealpha is really handy and user friendly.
It covers all the aspects (as far as I can see) to fine tune/configure puppy

Posted: Thu 11 Mar 2010, 23:09
by `f00
..and now it has company ;)


Rox already can bookmark dirs (and edit the bookmark file), I usually bookmark specialty config/wm dirs in medit's built-in file mgr (ayup, some are off the beaten path a bit like one or two oddball .desktop files) and some few 'files-of-interest' in teagtk .. mru's don't hold past whatever is set as cutoff (one of the reasons I use geany sparingly). Notecase is yet another that does a terrific job of organizing once you get familiar with it (gonna do that soon, :lol: ). Still not sure how afterstep does it's bookmarks (but I'm sure it gives some info in the db .. somewhere)

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 00:18
by bugman
`f00 wrote:Rox already can bookmark dirs
it CAN???

[oh, i am reading the help file, it CAN]

everytime 'f00 posts, i learn something new

thank you once again

[now i have a bunch of bookmarks to make]

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 02:47
by Lobster
might it be helpful to have a section in the menu called 'config', and make .desktops that open a text editor with a variety of configuration files?
This is advanced geekery and would be quite useful
These files (in the past have had a habit of wandering into different directories.
Would it be correct that Woof makes them more mainstream compliant
using the Linux Standard Base?

It makes sense (extending it a little)
a program that opens
  • bootup configuration
    menu settings
    x settings

A quick and useful method would be to setup the bookmarks in Rox (yep thanks for that foo) :)
but this sounds as if it requires a program - anyone up for it?

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 11:55
by bugman
i do mean to put some of these together, i need to get some time

many strange and varied things happening simultaneously right now

did you know that if you wear two pairs of weak glasses, one inside the other, that they have an additive effect?

both on clarity of vision, and intensity of headache

8) or not 8)

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 13:11
by Lobster
I wonder if this will work with my stenopeic glasses?

yeah it does . . .

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 13:29
by bugman
Lobster wrote:stenopeic glasses
lobster, you madman!

i tried these once, some 20 years ago, but had forgotten entirely about them, even though i was mightily impressed at the time

black cardboard, a pin, and some tape, and i'll be all set to see again

[not to mention an enormous expansion of my status as 'village idiot']

Just wondering

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 19:27
by drongo
What would the effect be of making some stenopeic glasses by scraping very small circles on the front of some mirror shades?

I have no real idea, just asking.

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 20:25
by bugman
okay, i have figured out all the changes that need to be made to the menu files to get something to show up, and have made a paltry eight .desktops to fit [see attached pic]

what i need is suggestions for more files/directories to include

right now my brain is on fire thinking about defacing mirror shades and i cannot remember what configuration files puppy uses, let alone where they are

Menu suggestions

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 20:37
by drongo
File associations

Default whatevers

IP/subnet/gateway/DNS stuff

Favourite URLs symlinked to any browser favourites directory


Probably best to avoid Xorg stuff

If mirror shades are cheap enough to experiment on why not just scrape a large asterisk on each lens? I'm still not sure about this. Presumably the holes have to be over a certain size to prevent image inversion?

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 21:09
by bugman
okay, i have no idea what/where any of that is, except file associations , and i always thought the 'open with' menu was pretty helpful already

what i am looking for are those files and folders that are continually being asked about in this forum, by new users

re the glasses, the holes have to be small, the theory is that it narrows the light hitting the misshapen retina thus eliminating the blurred edges of light [or something like that]

you can buy the glasses on ebay for under $4, shipped from hong kong

i did a test with a perforated piece of paper held over one eye and, primitive as it is, it worked great

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 21:16
by RetroTechGuy
bugman wrote:
Lobster wrote:stenopeic glasses
lobster, you madman!

i tried these once, some 20 years ago, but had forgotten entirely about them, even though i was mightily impressed at the time

black cardboard, a pin, and some tape, and i'll be all set to see again
Maybe you need a pair of these:

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 21:41
by amigo
A quicker way is to simply create a directory anywhere it's handy, then link each conf file you want to keep handy into that directory by dragging each of them in there and choosing 'link'. Then, drag the folder to the desktop so that it gets linked onto your dekstop. No editing menus, creating desktop files or anything.

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 21:53
by Lobster
a stenopeic eye patch would enable you to half see
and be a pirate

Hope that helps 8)

Open with dialogue

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 22:00
by drongo
"Open with" is very useful but if you add extra applications they don't automatically get added to the drop-down list. If I knew what I was doing I could manually add items to the drop-down - but that isn't friendly for new users.

Getting late, going to find some black card, a needle and some string for an eyepatch. Hmm, pieces of eight - that would be a Byte I'm thinking.

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 22:38
by bugman

i was thinking more long-term, something that might be included in puppies future

although a folder like /root/puppy-reference [/root/puppy-config?] is not a bad idea . . .


they're 895 f'ing dollars!

who do you think i am?

if i had that much money i'd just get some damn glasses . . .

Posted: Sat 13 Mar 2010, 04:23
by RetroTechGuy
bugman wrote:@retrotechguy

they're 895 f'ing dollars!
Ah, I didn't notice that. It looked like a variation of another fluid filled spectacle system that I saw a few years back, geared towards 3rd world countries (IIRC, those were about $10).
who do you think i am?

if i had that much money i'd just get some damn glasses . . .
OK, let me point you a different direction, since we're actually being serious about spectacles:

Posted: Sat 13 Mar 2010, 10:57
by bugman
saw that somewhere else in this forum [another one of my whinefest threads]

since i'd need a prescription though [haven't 'seen' an eye doctor since the 90s] that's not an option either [doctors i rate as worse than government]

i've tried the pinholes before and was intrigued, as i don't drive they'd be perfect for me, i could see the ground while walking [important with ice everywhere] and could read spines on shelves and in boxes [bookscouting difficult in blurworld]

$4, no script, no headaches, no lens scratching [PLUS i get to look really weird]