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How to take picture of screen?

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 11:54
by divisionmd

I want a tool to take a picture of the screen - previously i used scrot anyone know of any alternative to this?

Best regards,

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 12:01
by dejan555

Code: Select all

mtpaint -s
? :lol:

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 12:27
by xorg
If you have gimp installed you can also take a screenshot from there.Open Gimp and go to File>>>Acquire>>>Screenshot...

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 12:52
by Sylvander
I like Captura.
It allows you to choose/capture a specified rectangular region of screen, and save it as a jpg file, with a name you specify, to a location of your choosing.

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 13:10
by vovchik
Dear divisionmd,

Please see my post here: This is a QT4 program and it is much smaller than captura, provided you already have qt4 libs installed. If not, captura is smaller. Ksnapshot isn't bad either, but it requires all of KDE installed, which you probably don't want to do if you don't have to.

With kind regards,

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 14:04
by divisionmd
Hello All,

- Thanks for all the input!

- Will go through and test all of these options.

- i want to take a picture silently - not open a window - mtpaint -s works but a window show up.. .

Best regards,

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 14:40
by looseSCREWorTWO
In Puppy 421 Retro I always go Menu / Graphic / mtPaint Screen Snapshot and it giives me a choice to take the pic right away, or I can type in how much of a delay I want.

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 18:37
by Makoto
There's also ttuuxxx's Pup-Shots utility:

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 19:08
by RetroTechGuy
divisionmd wrote:Hello All,

- Thanks for all the input!

- Will go through and test all of these options.

- i want to take a picture silently - not open a window - mtpaint -s works but a window show up.. .

Best regards,
Sounds like you're trying to do some computer monitoring (kids being bad?).

If you need regular/multiple snapshots, you may want to set up a "chron" job, which would allow you to perform periodic program runs.

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 19:09
by jafadmin
dejan555 wrote:

Code: Select all

mtpaint -s
? :lol:
This is the correct motorcycle...

Create a script with that line of code in it, then put a link to the script on yuor desktop. When you want a screen snapshop just click the shortcut.

Werks like a charm

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 20:13
by dejan555
And if you want delay you can use something like

Code: Select all

sleep 10 && mtpaint -s 

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 20:32
by Jim1911
Try Menu > Graphic > mtPaint-snapshot-screen-capture. If you don't want to bother with the Menu, copy /usr/share/applications/mtpaint-snapshot-screen-capture.desktop to your desktop.

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 20:33
by CatDude
divisionmd wrote: I want a tool to take a picture of the screen - previously i used scrot anyone know of any alternative to this?
So why not use scrot now ?
Makoto wrote:There's also ttuuxxx's Pup-Shots utility:
Here is a snippet from the link above:
ttuuxxx wrote: The package below is all you need to install, It contains the following files

Packages were compiled on 4.3.1
Apparently scrot is also included in dpup,
gposil said in this thread: dpup-482beta testing
gposil doesn't need scrot either, that's already in Dpup...the current screenshot app uses it..


Posted: Fri 21 May 2010, 17:33
by samarai
dejan555 wrote:And if you want delay you can use something like

Code: Select all

sleep 10 && mtpaint -s 
I like this,short n ordinary,but nice.

Code: Select all

sleep 10 && mtpaint -s &
then exit terminal.

Posted: Fri 21 May 2010, 17:42
by Béèm
If you install DuDE, you'll have a bar which pops into view if you touch the top of the screen in which there is an icon to take a screen shot.
Could it be easier?

Posted: Sat 22 May 2010, 08:07
by divisionmd
Hello All,

- Thanks again for all input.

- Catudue: i used scrot before but noticed some "delay" about 1 second when it did capture the screen.

- but i will test that dpup might be that when i tested with scrot i had old glibs or something..

Best regards,