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lupu-510.sfs not found and

Posted: Sat 14 Aug 2010, 20:02
by Rilla927

I'm new to this forum hoping I can learn something about Linux.

I installed Lucid Puppy 5.1 and everything went good until it asked me to save a file. I was reading the list and the screen changed before I could choose something, now when I boot from the CD I get the above error. I tried all the options in boot options and nothing worked. Hopefully, someone can steer me in the right direction to fix this.

I did use the search function, but I didn't find anything that pertained to my situation.

Kind Regards,


Posted: Sat 14 Aug 2010, 20:08
by Béèm
Please describe in detail how you installed and what happened afterwards.

Posted: Sat 14 Aug 2010, 20:30
by kilgour
LiveCD was recorded in multisession mode to record personal pup_sav file?

Posted: Sat 14 Aug 2010, 22:42
by Rilla927
Oh gosh, I'm sorry, I thought I posted that....

I'm using the live cd. At the end when I was going to shut down it asked where to save the file; by the time I was done reading the choices it changed to another screen. So I tried rebooting the disc again and got the error. I really like this distro

It's not a multisession disc, it's finalized.

Posted: Sat 14 Aug 2010, 23:24
by cthisbear

If you are using a laptop and then saved to a cd
you're hosed.

Most laptops use cut down cd-dvds and they fail to reboot.

If you can boot into Windows check your hard drives
properties >> for the amount of free space.
I f you have sufficient space on a partition or drive
then create a Folder called

1 Test Puppy or similar.

This will sit at the top of your hard drive,
as numerals generally show up first before letters.

When you can burn another disk
( if it is a laptop issue )
and boot into Puppy
click on the drives to see if your new folder shows up.

That is the drive to save to.
Make a note of the name...write it down.

Puppy will also ask you to copy the >> sfs file >> to that drive.
Let it do that for a fast boot.

Your drives might show as SDA1 etc.
256 will do as a save file >>> for testing.

Always best to post your hardware specs.

I know that this is mainly for Puppy 4.3.1
but halfway down the page you will see pics of the hard drives
showing up in Puppy on the bottom of the desktop.

Always unmount drives when shutting down.

Some laptops can have 4 partitions -
3 of them hidden.

Never save anything to them. ... vista.html

My post here has other small Windows burners. ... 6&start=75


Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010, 06:17
by Rilla927
This is a desktop. I never had a chance to save the file cuz the screen changed. I did burn another disc and it does the same thing. I did make a folder on D drive for Puppy. I will try the Test Puppy, but I don't remember seeing that option. I'm running Vista 32bit.
Edit: I'm trying to upload .rar file.

My hardware specs are attached. Thank you.

I tried uploading my hardware specs and it says it doesn't take .txt files.


Okay, I tried to boot the disc again and I hit F2 for boot options and there is a bunch of options written in red. I have tried all of them and nothing worked. If I don't choose boot options I automatically get the error.

It says can't find kernel image and then it starts scanning the drives and then the files and this is when it throws up the error reading:

lupu-510.sfs not found
Drop ping out to initial ramdisk console in red
/bin/sh; can't access tty; job control turned off

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010, 10:09
by Béèm
So you boot from the LiveCD, right?
When you push F2 type puppy pfix=ram.
Then do your configuration.

At the end of the session (f.e. doing a reboot) you do get the panel asking if you want to save.

What happens then?

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010, 12:03
by Rilla927
Béèm wrote:So you boot from the LiveCD, right?
When you push F2 type puppy pfix=ram.
Then do your configuration.

Yes, I'm booting from a Live CD. I used pfix=ram and I stll get the:
lupu-510.sfs not found
Drop ping out to initial ramdisk console in red
/bin/sh; can't access tty; job control turned off
At the end of the session (f.e. doing a reboot) you do get the panel asking if you want to save.
No, I only got the panel where it asked to save the file the first time I booted it up and after that I get the error. Can't make it to the desktop.

Where did this file go? I checked my other drives and found nothing.

What happens then?

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010, 12:08
by Iguleder
Check the size of lupu-510.iso and make sure the MD5 is correct through gtkhash if the size looks good.

Could be a corrupt ISO.

EDIT: don't boot from NTFS partitions, btw.

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010, 12:18
by Béèm
You speak of a first time save.
Where did you save the save file to?
To CD? To HDD?
If to CD is your CD a multisession open CD?
If not, nothing is saved I think.

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010, 12:26
by Rilla927

I did check that and it matched.


I mean the very first time I booted the disc. I never got a chance to save it cuz the screen changed on me by the time I had finished reading the options and ever since I get the error.

The CD was finalized, no multisession.

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010, 12:48
by Béèm
So to resume
You boot from the LiveCD
You get the desktop and you can work.
You end the session and you get the panel to create a save file, but it disappears before you can take an action.
Right all this?

I really don't have an idea.
I don't think this issue has been raised before.

The best advice I can give is post the problem in the special 5.10 thread in the bugs section.
You will have much more attention also from the developers.

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010, 12:51
by HouseMouse
Actually that issue hs been raised before.

This is exactly how my problem started, when being asked where to store the personal data file. Screen zoomed into next mode and guess I hit wrong option as well. Glad to see I'm not the only one who got into trouble with that.

Shouldn't that become an issue which needs looking into?

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010, 12:59
by HouseMouse
Maybe the suggestions in this link will work?

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010, 13:00
by Béèm
Rilla927, Do as I told you. Post in the special 5.10 thread in the bugs section.

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010, 21:53
by Rilla927
I had to stop and think of exactly what I did to initiate the saved file thingie.
I done a hard reset looking for a way to shut down like my Fedora 13 disc does and the system shut down before I could save the file.

That's my fault not the program. It sounds like I corrupted it. You let me know if you still want me to post in the bug fix thread.

Re: lupu-510.sfs not found and

Posted: Mon 16 Aug 2010, 23:42
Rilla927 wrote:when I boot from the CD I get the above error.
IIRC, this is usually because it don't like the IDE controller the optical drive is connected to.

This is a known problem with the Marvel 88SExx PATA IDE controller. And/or the Toshiba-Samsung TSSTxx optical drives.
The workaround is to use UNetbootin and make a live USB stick.

Posted: Wed 18 Aug 2010, 02:19
by Rilla927
I have a sata optical drive.

Posted: Wed 18 Aug 2010, 04:29
by Karl Godt
The error of .sfs not found and dropping to initial ramdisk is now reproduceable to me.
The first time I write from a ""frugal"" install :
I did not run the GUI-installer but copied the entire CD to the second HDD with another LinuxOS (1xreiserfs+1xswap(1.6GB)).
The problem was that I did move the .sfs file several dirs deep. Even links down there do not work (absolute+relative both)

Code: Select all

# ls /initrd/mnt/dev_ro2
boot       Desktop  etc      lib       media   opt        proc   sbin  success  usr      XEPHEM  date        dev      find-script-1.txt    home           LOGS      mnt     option.ko  PUPPY  src   sys      var bin   DIV      fsck.script-a.0.txt   MANPAGES  NewDir        root   srv   tmp      VARIUS-LINUX
# ls /initrd/mnt/dev_ro2/PUPPY
FOX  FOXY3  Opera2  ORGL431  pup-430.sfs  zp430305.sfs
# ls /initrd/mnt/dev_ro2/PUPPY/FOX
boot  rest
# ls /initrd/mnt/dev_ro2/PUPPY/FOX/boot
initrd.gz  pup-430.sfs  vmlinuz  zp430305.sfs
# ls /initrd/mnt/dev_ro2/PUPPY/FOX/rest
boot  boot.catalog  boot.msg  help.msg  isolinux.bin  isolinux.cfg  logo.16
# ls /initrd/mnt/dev_ro2/PUPPY/FOX/rest/boot
# ls /initrd/mnt/dev_ro2/PUPPY/FOX/rest/boot/grub
bottom  menu.lst  stage2_eltorito
and these are working grub entries:

Code: Select all

title FOX FR 2
    rootnoverify (hd1,0)
    kernel (hd1,0)/PUPPY/FOX/boot/vmlinuz PMEDIA=atahd PDEV1=sdb1 psubdir=PUPPY
    initrd (hd1,0)/PUPPY/FOX/boot/initrd.gz
   title FOX FR 2 root=/dev/ram0 pmedia=atahd psubdir=PUPPY
   root (hd1,0)
   kernel /PUPPY/FOX/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 pmedia=atahd psubdir=PUPPY
   initrd /PUPPY/FOX/boot/initrd.gz
   title FOX FR 2 root=/dev/ram0 pdev1=sdb1 psubdir=PUPPY
   root (hd1,0)
   kernel /PUPPY/FOX/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 pdev1=sdb1 psubdir=PUPPY
   initrd /PUPPY/FOX/boot/initrd.gz
   title FOX FR 2  pdev=sdb1 psubdir=PUPPY
   root (hd1,0)
   kernel /PUPPY/FOX/boot/vmlinuz pdev=sdb1 psubdir=PUPPY
   initrd /PUPPY/FOX/boot/initrd.gz
   title FOX FR 2  root=/dev/sdb1 psubdir=PUPPY
   root (hd1,0)
   kernel /PUPPY/FOX/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sdb1 psubdir=PUPPY
   initrd /PUPPY/FOX/boot/initrd.gz
   title FOX FR 2  root=/dev/sdb1 ro vga=normal
   root (hd1,0)
   kernel /PUPPY/FOX/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sdb1 ro vga=normal
   initrd /PUPPY/FOX/boot/initrd.gz
   title FOX FR 2  pmedia=sdb1 psubdir1=PUPPY psubdir2=FOX psubdir3=sfs
   root (hd1,0)
   kernel /PUPPY/FOX/boot/vmlinuz  pmedia=sdb1 psubdir1=PUPPY psubdir2=FOX psubdir3=sfs
   initrd /PUPPY/FOX/boot/initrd.gz
It seems that the bootup script just uses the variable WHEREISSFSFILE=`find /*/pup.sfs` whithout wrapping a deeper searching loop around it.
If the .sfs file is outside of FIRSTPUPPYFOLDERversion on the '/' partition or one deeper like /PUPPY/5/LUPU/KERNEL/NR/ the bootchain breaks.

Posted: Wed 18 Aug 2010, 06:55
by Wateroo
I know how to deal this problem.
The key is the difference between "LUPU-510.SFS" and "LUPU_510.SFS".
So,just rename your filename.
Maybe it is a bug of 5.10.