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First Run Dialog for next Lucid Puppy

Posted: Sun 10 Oct 2010, 07:21
by shinobar
*This topic is continued at Additional Software » Desktop > Firstrun

s playdays says, I am working on the first-run dialog for the Lucid Puppy 5.2. I am exciting with this plan for the more user-friendly Lucid Puppy.

Attached ones are all out of date.
The most recent version is from here.
May work on Puppy 4.2x and later.

Note: The startup script is '/root/Startup/fullstart'. you can edit the script to customize first setup sequence.
The scripts '/usr/bin/' and '/usr/sbin/firstsetup' are for compatibility of various Puppy.
You can remove both as for the Lupu-515 and later.

The previous version, is built in the lucu-516.

Install the PET and restart X. Or from the virtual terminal, type: 'fistrun'
The main menu entry is 'Personalize Setting' under 'Settings', and 'Countrywizard' under 'Desktop'.

Translations: It contains translations of Dutch, French, German and Spanish. Calling for other languages and better translations.
See '/usr/share/doc/countrywizard/README.txt'. The .mo files are to be ''.

Once your changes are completed, the window does no automatically pop-up anymore. Find the menu entry 'Personalize Settings' under 'Set up'.
If you like to arrange automatic pop-up again, make the script '/root/Startup/fullstart' excutable.

/usr/bin/firstrun, 'Personalize Settings' the menu title, is a link to /usr/sbin/countrywizard.qs.
The /usr/sbin/countrywizard and /usr/sbin/xrandrshell to be replaced with a link to the same /usr/sbin/countrywizard.qs. They act as the clone of the each functions.

v1.4 to v1.5
  • Bugfix avoid *@euro.UTF-8(thanks to Béèm).
  • Refined startup script: support barks, network, test_if_connected and pupsaveconfig.
v1.1 to 1.2
  • Add support locales with '@', like 'fr_BE@euro'.
  • Add hostname
  • Improve resolution change. The fresh rate taken near 60Hz. Support nvidia driver.
  • Work as a clone of the 'Resolution Changer', xrandrshell.
  • Dialog layout
v1.0 to 1.1
  • Fixed was reverted the refresh rate with restart X
v0.9d1 to 1.0
  • Ensure taking the lowest frequency for the refresh rate of the screen
  • Xvesa support
v0.9d to v0.9d1
  • Support full install (Thanks to mick)
    There are double rout to auto-run the firstrun depending on the delayedrun.
    1. delayedrun --> --> firstrun
    2. /root/Startup/fullstart --> firstrun
    The 1st rout is for the current delayedrun having 55 seconds hold before calling Startup scripts, and will be useless if the delayedrun calls the Startup scripts soon.
  • Num Lock checkbox (Thanks to sinc, bigpup)
    The PET contains the binary /usr/bin/numlockx. Type 'numlockx --help' to see how to use.
    Note that the numlock setting is only effective under X.
  • Suppress shortcut key at the keyboard layout sandbox (Thanks to don570)
  • Dutch translation by Bert
Thanks playdayz and all the friends joining the test and discussion.

(Attached ones are out of date.)

First Run Dialog 0.8d1

Posted: Sun 10 Oct 2010, 07:36
by shinobar
The first sample:

Another idea:

One question(problem):
If i change the Time zone and etc., then press the 'CCE' button instead of 'OK',
what happens?
The changes are applied or canceled?

Posted: Sun 10 Oct 2010, 08:04
by 01micko
If i change the Time zone and etc., then press the 'CCE' button instead of 'OK',
what happens?
The changes are applied or canceled?
Maybe you could call the apply before the drop out of X? (if you hit cce)
I think it would work ok. I suppose it could be better to cancel then the whole
xorgwizard would run. Just some ideas.

Posted: Sun 10 Oct 2010, 08:47
by Iguleder
"CCE", that looks scary. You could change the text to something like "Click here to drop to a text-based interface and run a special wizard that lets you reconfigure your display resolution and color depth." and put a "Go" button.

Plus, I don't like the small icons near the drop-down lists, that's not friendly - if you don't see the (small) icons clearly or have no idea what they mean (like the resolution icon), you're a frustrated user. I think it's better to add text after the icon, so you have both visual and textual information in front of your eyes. Makes things more clear.


First Run Dialog 0.8d2

Posted: Sun 10 Oct 2010, 08:57
by shinobar
01micko wrote:I suppose it could be better to cancel then the whole
xorgwizard would run.
Thanks micko and Iguleder for joining the discussion.
Well then, back to the 1st one(0.8d) but made a grouping:
EDIT: Text appears at mouse over the icon. Isn't it enough?


If i press 'OK' or 'CCE', then the dialog disappears?
Or, the dialog comes back after the X restart?
Need a 'Close' button?

Another question:
Does the CCE asks whole 4, Keyboard, language, timezone and graphic?
or graphic(xorgwizard) only?

Posted: Sun 10 Oct 2010, 13:43
by bigpup
If i press 'OK' or 'CCE', then the dialog disappears?
Or, the dialog comes back after the X restart?
Need a 'Close' button?
Change OK button to Apply. If i press 'Apply' or 'CCE', the dialog comes back after the X restart.
Have Close button.
If all looks good, hit close. If not, can do more changes to adjust. Hit close when all looks good.

Posted: Sun 10 Oct 2010, 13:47
by bigpup
Another question:
Does the CCE asks whole 4, Keyboard, language, timezone and graphic?
or graphic(xorgwizard) only?
I say graphics only as long as the other stuff works 100%.

Change CCE button to Clasic.
Change info statement to:
Click on Clasic button If the current video driver is not optimum. Change video driver for graphics configuration using Clasic Xorgwizard.

Do you need 'CCE' button?

Posted: Mon 11 Oct 2010, 03:19
by shinobar
bigpup wrote:Change OK button to Apply. If i press 'Apply' or 'CCE', the dialog comes back after the X restart.
Have Close button.
Thanks, bigpup.

Having both 'OK' and 'Close' button is confusing. With 'Apply' and 'Close' button is better, but...
Do you need 'CCE'(or 'Clasic') button? The complexity comes from this button.

In most case if the graphic driver is wrong, they cannot see this dialog.
For the sake, LupQ has the boot menu with 'safe mode'. See: FEATURES:LupQ

I know there is another case, they can get the graphical desktop but like to change the graphic driver.
The latter case, isn't it enough to run the xorgwizard from the menu or the desktop icon?


NOTE: the last button is 'OK', means when you press this button, the dialog disappears and never arise after restating X. To re-run, from the menu.

Posted: Mon 11 Oct 2010, 04:00
by bigpup
That looks good, but what are you trying to have people be able to do at this screen?
What happens if you change the resolution to something that will not work? What will you see when you press OK? The video card may be able to handle more resolution settings then the monitor.
Just for newbies change Follow: Setup> Setup the X video to Go To: Menu>Setup> Setup the X video.

Posted: Mon 11 Oct 2010, 05:22
by technosaurus
shinobar - looks great, I swear you are my coding Doppelgänger - first the control panel then ffconvert/woo-ff and now this - fortunately I got sidetracked with what has now become bashbox

Interesting default settings in the screenshot though: en_us + jp + GMT+8

I always found the CLI version to be unnecessary, slow and clunky and had previously gotten all but the video out in HSB
goingnuts made a fast CLI version for pupngo too (he also moved all of the keymaps etc... to a single directory to speed up the process a bit)

if you need a failsafe you can check to see if an X display is open with [ -n "$DISPLAY" ]

this is how I start Xvesa+jwm without going through all of the extra stuff (or in case the xorg autosetup fails):

Code: Select all

Xvesa -br -screen `Xvesa -listmodes 2>&1 |grep 0x[123][246] |sort -r |cut -d " " -f 2|tr "\n" " "|cut -d " " -f 1` -shadow -mouse /dev/mouse -nolisten tcp -tst -I & jwm -display :0 && killall Xvesa
or to set up an always-on jwmkiosk (instead of startx) script where the CLI is extremely hard to get to:

Code: Select all

Xvesa -br -kb -nozap -screen `Xvesa -listmodes 2>&1 |grep 0x[123][246] |sort -r |cut -d " " -f 2|tr "\n" " "|cut -d " " -f 1` -shadow -mouse /dev/mouse -nolisten tcp -tst -I & jwm -display :0 && jwmkiosk

Sensible defaults

Posted: Mon 11 Oct 2010, 07:47
by drongo
I've always wondered what sensible defaults would be for Puppy. Barry seems to default to Perth timezone, which is fine because it's his distro. Presumably the "least worst" option would be to work out which keyboard, timezone, language the majority of users want and use those.

How would you find out though?

Posted: Tue 12 Oct 2010, 00:59
by maxpro4u
Iguleder wrote:"CCE", that looks scary.
The scarier the better. Every time I run the CCE, it hoses my touchpad,which works fine before,and it is hard to get it to run smooth after. Perhaps some type of red icon(devil?) would shy people away from clicking on it.

xorgwizard and the touchpad

Posted: Tue 12 Oct 2010, 01:21
by shinobar
maxpro4u wrote:Every time I run the CCE, it hoses my touchpad,which works fine before
Known issue of the xorgwizard of woof.
Japanese versions and LupQ has a bit modified.

Posted: Tue 12 Oct 2010, 05:53
by Lobster

"Personalize Settings" is all you need at the top - in the menubar

It is what it is
CCE = Configuration Wizard (put "Configuration Wizard" on the button)
- no need to explain that cce = xorgwizard - when not everyone knows what xorgwizard is

"Use UTC hardware clock" - might be clearer

If you need to restart x - do it from the program

Hope that is helpful

Changing the screen size

Posted: Tue 12 Oct 2010, 14:48
by shinobar
bigpup wrote:That looks good, but what are you trying to have people be able to do at this screen?
What happens if you change the resolution to something that will not work? What will you see when you press OK? The video card may be able to handle more resolution settings then the monitor.
Our plan is to use xrandr to change the screen size, like /usr/sbin/xrandrxshell.
I have some suspicion on the xrandr. It depends on the graphic driver.

Maybe tomorrow, i will upload a working model.

Posted: Tue 12 Oct 2010, 15:11
by Roy
Mind if I speak up?

If I don't have any changes to make (screen resolution, keyboard, etc.) via your proposed GUI, can I just close the box with the corner x ?

If I must click on "Okay" to successfully run Puppy with the default selections, would it be better to change "Click okay to save your change" to something like "Click okay to save settings"? The word 'settings' would lead me to believe that I must click "Okay" with changes -- or without changes.

Just an odd-ball perspective....


P.S. Shinobar, thank you for all of your work. Really enjoy Lupq!

Click okay to save your change

Posted: Wed 13 Oct 2010, 02:41
by shinobar
Roy wrote:If I don't have any changes to make (screen resolution, keyboard, etc.) via your proposed GUI, can I just close the box with the corner x ?

If I must click on "Okay" to successfully run Puppy with the default selections, would it be better to change "Click okay to save your change" to something like "Click okay to save settings"? The word 'settings' would lead me to believe that I must click "Okay" with changes -- or without changes.
Good point, Roy.
If you close the box with the corner x, the dialog comes up every time after X reboot.
So you must press OK even if you need no changes.
We are better to consider the explanation on the button...

a working model is available

Posted: Wed 13 Oct 2010, 06:07
by shinobar
Now a working model of the first run dialog is available open for your test and discussion. See the top of this topic.
Install the on Luci-230 or on Lupu-51x.
From the virtual terminal, type:
There are no launchers on the menu nor at the desktop icons.

For precise test, run Lupu-230 with RAM mode(pfix=ram), install the attached, and restart X-server.
The dialog pops up every time restarting X-server even you click 'OK' if the lupu runs under RAM mode.

NOTE: It also replaces the countrywizard.

Posted: Wed 13 Oct 2010, 06:08
by Lobster
If you close the box with the corner x, the dialog comes up every time after X reboot.
So you must press OK even if you need no changes.
Is this the only way it can be programmed?

Automatic pop up

Posted: Wed 13 Oct 2010, 06:16
by shinobar
Lobster wrote:
If you close the box with the corner x, the dialog comes up every time after X reboot.
So you must press OK even if you need no changes.
Is this the only way it can be programmed?
The working model firstrun-0.8.4d pops up every time restarting X-server even you click 'OK' if the lupu runs under RAM mode.

Similar one on LupQ does not pop up once you click 'OK'.
Because the one on LupQ has no difference with the country wizard, can run from the menu or from the wizardwizard.

The behaviour is the choice of the programmer.
Which is better is open for the discussion.