Dukto R6 - LAN file transfer tool

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Mike Walsh
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Dukto R6 - LAN file transfer tool

#1 Post by Mike Walsh »

Please note; the protocol in use by Dukto is File Transfer Protocol.

If (like me) you initially find problems transferring stuff in either direction, make an exception for 'ftp' in your firewall. Ftp is an old *nix standard that's been in use on Linux systems from the word go, so even old Puppies will have the exception for this in their firewall utility.


Evening, all.

I'm pretty sure Dukto has been mentioned on the Forum before.....and I know at least one person who does (or at least used to) use it regularly.

It's a very small application, with easy drag & drop capability. You simply install it on each machine on the local area network that you want to move files between, select the IP address you want to transfer files to, drag'n'drop files/folders over the 'Send data to' window.....and Dukto does the rest, automatically.

The 'home' window has the local machine's hostname, together with any & all IP addresses currently connected. There's only one machine connected at present, but this what it looks like:-


The more machines connected, the more IP addresses/hostnames will be on display. Simple, quick....and easy. To find data that's been sent to whatever machine you're currently using, simply click the 'folders' icon, to the left in the bottom bar. (To show the labels, click the three little 'dots' to the right...)

The only downside to it is that there's no security protocols in use (no encryption, no passwords).....but the developer has made it perfectly clear that this has been specifically built for use on trusted local area networks only.


I've put together .pet packages for Precise, Tahrpup, Tahr64, Xenialpup and Xenial64. You can find 'em here, at my Drive:-

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

Just navigate through, and help yourself to the one(s) that you want.


Mike. :wink:
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#2 Post by Pro »

that protocol its use?
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Home network file exchange

#3 Post by davids45 »

G'day Mike,

Thanks for a new thread on this very nifty application.

Still good on all Pups and Pup computers I have on the home network.

I have the dukto android version on a phone and tablet, and the dukto Windows version on an old XP desktop.

File transfer is very easy and fast between everything dukto-ed that is on the network.

David S.
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#4 Post by Mike Walsh »

Morning, David.

Thanks for 'chipping-in'; I know you used to use it.....I wasn't sure whether you still did.

I had it on two Pups a while back, but both got deleted (or 'upgraded', I forget which), and I seemed to have lost the app itself. I believe it was the R4 or R5 variant (can't remember off-hand). So, on coming across mention of it on OMG!Ubuntu, where I spend quite a bit of time - more for inspiration than anything! - and seeing there had been a lot of up-to-date compiles recently, I thought I'd run up a few pets.

I've only used the Precise version so far (in Slackos 560/570), but it seems to work as well as it ever did. I'm guessing the Xenial variant will probably work OK with your Bionics.....

Mike. :wink:
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#5 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Pro.
Pro wrote:that protocol its use?
Mm. I'm not entirely certain. There's very little available information on it, even on the developer, Emanuele Colombo's own blog:-


However, I'm hazarding a guess it's related to what's known as RDP, or Remote Desktop Protocol.....similar to that used by apps such as Remmina, a Linux variation of TeamViewer. Windows has the same protocol 'baked-in', so I understand....and Dukto will happily transfer between any combination of Windows and Linux machines (even Mac & Android, so it seems). It must, therefore, be something that's common to all platforms.

Don't quote me on it, though!

(EDIT:- See top of first post.)

Mike. :wink:
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Missing lib files needed in Pups

#6 Post by davids45 »


I've found dukto often needs library files not in some new Pups. And Slacko usually needs more added than UPups and DPups. On my data partition, I've a directory or two of libs needed as new Pups come along (example in screenshot has the most commonly wanted extra libs).

When my dukto links-sfs won't run in a new Pup, running it in the terminal lets me know what new lib files are needed. If I'm lucky, it's just those I have already in one of these ad-hoc directories.
I've combined my base dukto.sfs (made from a .deb file originally) with an sfs of these needed lib files to simplify adding dukto in more new Pups of the same 'breed'.

Really old Pups give fixable glib issues (e.g. add a LIBRARYPATH to the wanted dukto libs).

The other problem I have recently had in using dukto is how various devices are now logging onto my home network.
A required new router has a different IP address to an older one on the network ( versus and some devices log onto one, some to the other. I'm still only running wi-fi from the older router but ethernet from the newer.
Those on the same router show up on the dukto opening windows and file transfer is easier (second screenshot). Transferring files from one-router-device to a device on the other router requires entering the IP address of the 'other' device (third screenshot). A bit of network tidying-up is probably overdue.

The convenience of dukto once it is running outweighs for me the occasional library file problems.

David S.
directory of needed QT lib files for dukto in some Pups
(80.03 KiB) Downloaded 1000 times
example of several dukto-ed devices on same router/network
(47.09 KiB) Downloaded 969 times
when the devices are not on the same router on the same network, use this.
(39.4 KiB) Downloaded 974 times
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#7 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, David.

Yes, I agree with you about the 'ad-hoc' directory business!

I have one I've recently set-up for the various ffmpeg libs & stuff often required for getting webcam and screen-recording apps going in different Pups. The sheer number of different versions of libavcodec, libavutils, libavformat, etc., etc., in use amongst the various Pups is simply mind-boggling.....to say the least.

I have already discovered that certain combinations of wifi/ethernet network 'flow' seem to work better than others. I can send from wifi on the old Dell lappie to the big Compaq's ethernet connection with Dukto.....but I'm hanged if I can make it work the other way round. I'm suspecting the firewall.....but since I have all Pup's firewalls set-up identically, that seems unlikely.

I may give it a try, though it's simple enough to 'pull' stuff across from the Compaq to the Dell via Bill's Samba-TNG, and 'push' it in the other direction using Dukto.....which works for me, although it's not quite the solution I'd hoped for..!

Never mind, eh? At least I have a workable set-up like that, even though it's a bit of a 'patchwork' effort..... :lol:

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#8 Post by gyro »

@Mike Walsh,

Thanks for this.
I downloaded the Xenialpup verison and it works fine on xenialpup.
When I tried to run it on upupbb, it had missing libs.
I went to the PPM and downloaded a libQtCore package, but that wasn't enough, so I then downloaded a libQtGui package and that pulled in a heap of dependencies.
With these extra libs dukto now works on upupbb.
I suspect that if I had just downloaded the libQtGui package via PPM, I would have gotten all the required libs including libQtCore.

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#9 Post by gyro »

Looking at davids45's dukto image, might I humbly suggest that dukto might be a bit more user friendly if each Puppy had a meaningful unique hostname.
Make it a bit easier to identify which PC is which.

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Grandchildren might sometimes be useful...

#10 Post by davids45 »

G'day gyro,

Thanks for your post.

I had set up the three 'other' Puppy desktops on my network with icons showing a grandkid photo and number. My example in my earlier post has one showing it was #2.

I've been a bit slack when adding new Pups to these to keep the icons showing :oops: . When their parents retrieve the three of them tomorrow (grandchildren, not computers), and I get my network back :) , I should re-do these icons as a help in identifying which computer is which.

My old XP desktop (actually under the desk so it's a deskunder?) is still good with its icon, but my laptop is un-pictured as are my phone and tablet.

As is my main computer now that I mention it :roll: .

Always something left to do, or put off until it warms up again.

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#11 Post by vovchik »

Dear all,

I, too, feel the need for a little LAN-based file-sharing program, and, rather than using large, porcine apps with many dependencies, wouldn't the attached, along with a nice gtkdialog or yad gui (maybe even with DND), suffice? Luigi Auriemma http://aluigi.altervista.org/mytoolz.htm#both has written lanfile, which will compile on nearly any linux without problems. The stripped/upx'd binary for 32-bit Tahr (also in the archive) weighs in at 24k. The gui would take up some 10k, so for 35k we could basically get all the functionality we need? Any takers? Coding the gui would not be hard.

With kind regards,
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#12 Post by rufwoof »

sshfs is a nice alternative. After running the sshfs connection command you can open the other machines folders/tree as though a local folder (wherever you locally mount it), so use rox or whatever to drag/drop files to/from the systems. Personally I avoid it however as your data is the same as being local - potentially being destroyed/encrypted/whatever by a virus.

Instead I have my browser facing (desktop) system behind the main router (that I also run a web server and other internet programs on). But for data/calendar/diary ...etc. I have another box (old single core celeron system) that's behind another router so its isolated from web facing and I just scp files (that requires a password to be entered) to/from that and my desktop system ... or I just ssh -X (gui) access the data system such as running osmo (calendar/diary/notes), so all of that data is stored on the data system, but the osmo gui screen shows on the desktop system.

scp command syntax is much the same as standard cp commands i.e. source destination, but where instead of just the path/filename you prefix it with the user@machine: values. For instance if your data server is and the userid is user then on the desktop system the command would be scp user@ . (note the dot at the end so it copies to the same filename in the current directory), or scp user@ /root/someotherfile (if you want to copy it to somewhere else/different name) .... to copy a file from the data system to the desktop system. Similarly in the opposite direction .... scp somefile user@ ... to copy from the current machine to the target (data) machine. If you add the IP to /etc/hosts you can assign a name instead of IP, for instance in this example case if /etc/hosts has a entry of celeron then the scp command becomes scp ./somefile user@celeron:/home/user/somefile .... or whatever. Each time you run scp, you have to enter the password, so your data is better protected i.e. a breach of the desktop/internet facing system would require the hacker to also discover the userid and password of the data system. If instead the data system were just mounted (such as using sshfs) then they'd have direct access to that data as though it were just local files on the breached desktop system.

Whilst my data system is conceptually headless, I actually have it plugged into the main TV, along with speakers attached also. So I can ssh into it and play videos on the TV using my desktop PC as the controller.

I have ssh port forwarding disabled in the main router so no external access, ssh port forwarding is on in the second router, so only the local LAN systems can ssh into it. Like with sshfs however I do sometimes open things up, for just the period I need to i.e. I might activate sshfs when no internet programs are running just to more easily copy a load of files from one system to the other or whatever; Or open up ssh in the main router so I can control/access things remotely from anywhere in the world, but then deactivate ssh again afterwards.
[size=75]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :wq[/size]
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#13 Post by Mike Walsh »

gyro wrote:Looking at davids45's dukto image, might I humbly suggest that dukto might be a bit more user friendly if each Puppy had a meaningful unique hostname.
Make it a bit easier to identify which PC is which.

^^^ :lol: :lol:

(*No offence here, David; just a very gentle 'dig'!*)

It's a wee bit easier for me, since there's only two boxes on my LAN.....although one box is triple-booting, and t'other is running around a dozen Pups.

That's one thing I've always tried to do, for this very reason; make sure each & every Pup has a unique name. Not that very many applications actually make use of the hostname.....but it does 'pay-off' occasionally.

As for Qt, hm; I've not noticed a problem with that.....but then, it's not really surprising, considered I must have a Qt SFS loaded in almost every Pup for some application or another.


@ vovchik:- I like the sound of that. I may have a look at it tomorrow when I get time. Thanks for the link.

I can send from wifi on the old Dell lappie to the big Compaq's ethernet connection with Dukto.....but I'm hanged if I can make it work the other way round. I'm suspecting the firewall.....but since I have all Pup's firewalls set-up identically, that seems unlikely.
It was, of course, ftp.

After some head-scratching, and a bit of inspired guess-work, I allowed ftp as an exception on the Dell lappie. Fired Dukto up on both machines, and sent a file to the big Compaq indoors, and.....it worked.

The only exceptions I normally have on there are for Samba-TNG, CUPS, dhcp and port 8000 fpr the 'simple web-server'. SSH is enabled by default, but since I never, ever use it, it's the first thing I always disable when setting the firewall up. Adding ftp fixed it.

Sorted! (I've added a note to this effect at the top of the first post.)

Mike. :wink:
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Using "Hostname" to identify machines

#14 Post by gyro »

I intended to include an image of my Dukto buddies screen, but it looks like too much trouble.

This is a demonstation of the value of setting a unique and meaningful name for each machine in "Hostname:", in "Quick Setup".

I can easily identify the appropriate button without playing with the button images.

My top button has the following text beside it:
Root (You)
at gDesk

My bottom button has the following text beside it:
at pinky

My desktop has the hostname "gDesk".
The laptop has the hostname "pinky". (Yes it's colour is pink.)
Both machines are running Duckto on upupbb.

Note: I did the Qt lib thing again.
I can confirm that in upupbb using Puppy Package Manager,
search for "libqtgui", install "libqtqui4_4.8.7+dfsg", and Dukto will work.

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qt dependencies

#15 Post by norgo »

Code: Select all

ldd /usr/bin/dukto | grep Qt
	libQtDeclarative.so.4 => /usr/lib/libQtDeclarative.so.4 (0xb7396000)
	libQtGui.so.4 => /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4 (0xb68d6000)
	libQtNetwork.so.4 => /usr/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4 (0xb6780000)
	libQtCore.so.4 => /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4 (0xb647f000)
	libQtScript.so.4 => /usr/lib/libQtScript.so.4 (0xb5e99000)
	libQtSvg.so.4 => /usr/lib/libQtSvg.so.4 (0xb5e42000)
	libQtSql.so.4 => /usr/lib/libQtSql.so.4 (0xb5e02000)
	libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 => /usr/lib/libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 (0xb5a02000)
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