network_connect_update-20200427, SNS 2.3.2 & NetWiz 2.1.3

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network_connect_update-20200427, SNS 2.3.2 & NetWiz 2.1.3

#1 Post by rerwin »

Package network_connect_update-20170416 is an update of shinobar's net-setup-20140422 and my net_setup-20170325 to make them compatible with woofCE, plus fixes to Simple Network Setup and refinements to the network aspect of the reboot process.

Currently, when a default manager is in effect, all network operations use that manager regardless of whether another manager is used to start a connection, giving the appearance of unreliability. Without a default, when both Simple Network Setup (SNS) and Network Wizard ( have been used, rebooting always starts SNS even if NetWiz was last used to start a connection. This generally goes unnoticed because they are both configured for the same connection. But SNS appears to sometimes fail to keep its connection active. If NetWiz is used to get around that problem, it sometimes fails to do so because SNS is used at boot-up time.

Another problem is that when switching between connection managers, the previously used manager's connection may not be disconnected, leaving the user wondering what's in charge.

To resolve these, the ConnectWizard now retains the name of the last connection manager used (in /root/.connectwizardrc), and uses that to identify the current connection manager, instead of the default connect value (in /usr/local/bin/defaultconnect). Whenever a connection manager is changed, the active manager is disconnected when the new one starts.

This clarification of ConnectWizard operation means that a user can specify a default manager but run other managers from the ConnectWizard, then click the Connect button to return to the default manager.

Although the package is based on the old "net-setup" package, the major changes are to the included supporting puppy architecture components. The package name is changed because it includes a fix to SNS to address intermittant failures to start.

This package is appropriate for 32-bit tahrpup, slacko, xenialpup and pups generated by woofCE. The package should also work with tahrpup64 6.0.6, xenialpup64 7.0.7 and slacko64. Separate packages are provided for lucid and Precise 5.7.1 (not tested in older Lucids, Wary or older Precises).

Please report any unexpected behavior by ConnectWizard and and boot-up starting of a network.

Note that an additional "network_sysinit_patch" package is required for tahrpup 6.0.5 and xenialpup64 7.0.7, but not later tahr/xenial releases. (The "patches" use the 'network_default_connect' script instead of internal network startup code.)

Note: This package depends upon having the current versions of frisbee and pgprs if they are included in a pup. Those versions are frisbee-1.4.9 [EDIT] and pgprs-2.0.2.

The frisbee and pgprs versions in older pups are incompatible. But either can be absent, just not an old version. (EDIT) The newest version of frisbee is here: ... 555#898555
The newest version of pgprs is here: ... 858#883858

ConnectWizard can be used immediately after installation of the appropriate upgrade packages, without rebooting.

Because I am unable to test this with tahrpup64 6.0.6 and xenialpup64 7.0.8.x, please consider this as beta-level for those releases. The 32-bit versions of those pups tested successfully.

UPDATE 5/17/17:
I have updated the above introduction to reflect my upgrade of the network_connect_update package from 20170418 to 20170515. The upgrade improves the switching between network managers (SNS, frisbee, network wizard), to display only one manager if other dialogs are displaying. I have also broken out simple_network_setup and network_wizard into their own packages, to allow developers to leave out any of the three network managers from a distro.

To reduce confusion as to which packages are needed for a particular case, I have limited the attachments in this message to those needed for woofCE-based distros and post versions of network_connect_update for lucid and precise pups in a separate message, here: ... 984#954984

To install the complete upgrade, these packages are required:
[EDIT (11/15/18): List removed, see list in UPDATE 11/15/18.]

UPDATE 5/20/17:
I re-uploaded network_connect_update, after download #2, with a minor change to the pinstall script, to correct the "current executable' so that an ethernet connection is detected and used without the need to use the connectwizard, in case an old, invalid setting is left over from the previous version of the network_connect_update package.

UPDATE 6/15/17:
Uploaded new versions of network_connect_update, network_wizard and simple_network_setup (and frisbee, separately), to add the capability to use WiFi channels 12-14 with devices and countries that allow use of those channels. This is an adaptation of Barry's implementation in the quirky/easy distros. To benefit from the new option, the deb package, crda, must also be installed (usually with PPM). The option to set the country of operation will appear in the quicksetup dialog only if the crda package is installed.

Although you may get channels 12-14 to work by installing only quicksetup and crda, the changes to network_connect_update, SNS, NetWiz & Frisbee handle a possible delay in those channels being enabled at boot-up time.

UPDATE 6/16/17:
Re-uploaded the network_connect_update package after download #3 to remove an old copy of /etc/rc.d/ The correct version is in the network_wizard package. If you installed network_connect_update-20170612 AFTER installing network_wizard, you are using the wrong version of -- simply re-install network_wizard to correct the problem. Otherwise, there is no problem because the correct version overwrote the old one when network_wizard was installed.

UPDATE 6/24/17:
The network_wizard and simple_network_setup packages are upgraded to show the available wireless networks listed by signal strength, strongest first. Also, network_wizard no longer shows the irrelevant "cell" number for each network.

UPDATE 6/25/17:
Updated the tahrpups network_connect patch package to include the woofCE version of report-video, to avoid an excessively tall quicksetup window (4 copies of the full report).

UPDATE 7/27/17:
Uploaded a new version of network_connect_update to use quirky's logic related to starting a default ethernet connection without using part of network_wizard ( Disconnecting with the tray icon also avoids using This allows developers to omit the new network_wizard package from a distro without impacting the default ethernet connection (one not initiated by a network manager).

Also uploaded a new network_icon_patch-quirky package to supply 8 required icons already in tahrpup and xenialpup, but not in quirky 8.2. Installation of the upgrade packages (network_connect_update, simple_network_setup, network_wizard, and frisbee) plus network_icon_patch-quirky seems to work in quirky 8.2. Pgprs-2.0.2 and the quicksetup update are already in 8.2.

UPDATE 7/28/17:
Re-uploaded network_connect_update after download #3, to add partial support for PeasyWiFi. This should avoid breaking version 4.3.

UPDATE 7/29/17:
Re-uploaded network_connect_update after download #4 to add the capability to reconnect with PeasyWiFi from the networking tray icon.

UPDATE 12/29/17:
Uploaded new version of simple_network_setup package that reverts the method of checking for connection success to match that of the quirkys but improves detection of some slower wifi devices (assisted by foxpup).

UPDATE 2/26/18:
Uploaded new versions of network_connect_update and simple_network_setup package to simplify the method of checking for connection success to match recent quirky updates. Extended peasywifi support to PWF 4.5 and added externally accessible disconnect function.

UPDATE 3/22/18:
Uploaded new version of simple_network_setup package to handle module names containing hyphens, so that they are detected with lsmod.

UPDATE 9/30/18:
Uploaded new versions of network_connect_update, simple_network_setup and network wizard. They move the network wizard components to their own /usr/local/... directory, like SNS and frisbee. Support for peasywifi is extended so that it is available in the Connect Wizard and shuts down correctly, making it possible to switch among network managers including peasywifi. SNS should now handle large numbers of wireless networks, in response to a reported problem. These versions will match those in woofCE. All 3 should be installed together.

UPDATE 11/12/18:
Uploaded simple_network_setup-2.1, which has new boot-up logic in that dramatically speeds up the initial connection of a wireless network in an environment containing many networks. If multiple "hits" are found, the network with the strongest signal is selected for connection. Thanks to Terry H for calling attention to the slowness problem and assistance with diagnosing and testing of the fix.

UPDATE 11/15/18:
Uploaded the final version of SNS 2.1, functionally identical to the beta but with minor code cleanup. The set of current packages that are part of the upgrade:
  • network_connect_update-20180930
    simple_network_setup-2.1 [replaced by 2.2.1]
    network_wizard-2.0 [replaced by 2.1.1]
    frisbee-1.4.9 (unless omitted entirely) - from above link
    pgprs-2.0.2 (unless omitted entirely) - from above link
    quicksetup-20170612 (optional, to use the CRD option - not needed for xenialpup 7.5)
As before, the appropriate "patch" package is needed for tahr-6.0.5, and xenialpup64-7.0.7 -- and now quirky-8.2+.

UPDATE 2/21/19:
Uploaded SNS version 2.2 and network wizard version 2.1, bug fixes and refinements.

UPDATE 2/25/19:
Uploaded SNS version 2.2.1 and network wizard version 2.1.1, bug fixes and refinements.

UPDATE 6/10/19:
Uploaded SNS version 2.3. Corrects waiting for module loading (b43); restores waiting for connections to complete.

UPDATE 4/9/20:
Uploaded network_connect_update-20190309 with updates to most of its components.

UPDATE 4/10/20:
Replaced 20190309 with network_connect_update-20200410, which contains only changes subsequent to 20190930 package, 5 scripts copied from woofCE. The new package is a beta because tracing is activated for initialization scripts that reconnect automatically.

UPDATE 4/11/20:
Replaced network_wizard with version 2.1.2, which is the same as 2.1.1 except that /etc/network-wizard/network/interfaces/EMPTYMARKER has been removed. It prevented a default of eth0 being detected when no network manager has been set up.

UPDATE 4/13/20:
Uploaded network_connect_update-20200412 and SNS 2.3.1 and replaced NetWiz 2.1.2 (after download #1), all with the wait maximum of 15 seconds for wired ethernet connections. For "future proofing", the components of network_connect_update have the deprecated 'ifconfig' and 'iwconfig' commands replaced by their 'ip' and 'iw' equivalents.

UPDATE 4/19/20:
Uploaded network_connect_update-20200416, to match the version submitted to woofCE. There are no functional differences from 20200412 version, only a minor coding refinement.

UPDATE 4/28/20:
Uploaded network_connect_update-20200427, to correct networkdisconnect's handling of SNS so that dhcpcd gets terminated. Previously, after an SNS connection was disconnected it could not be reconnected. This did not appear with my multicore processor due to a timing issue, but would when a delay was inserted.

UPDATE 5/22/20:
Uploaded SNS version 2.3.2 to correct damage to the Error window that causes it to not display. Corrected problem of version not showing in main window.

UPDATE 7/6/20:
Replaced network_wizard with version 2.1.3, which is the same as 2.1.2 except that /etc/network-wizard/network/wireless/interfaces/EMPTYMARKER has been removed. It did not cause any problems but should be removed. This was uploaded after download #75 and need not be installed. The file can simply be removed manually from an installation, for neatness.

Fixes damaged Error window syntax and actually shows SNS version.
(19.56 KiB) Downloaded 180 times
Connect Wizard upgrade of network manager controls and interactions -
Updates since 20180930. install after network_connect_update-20180930.
Increases wait for wired connection.
(9.78 KiB) Downloaded 186 times
Requires network_connect_update 20200412.
Several refinements to Dougal's Network Wizard, including handling of multiple
available interfaces.
Same as 2.1.1 but removes 2 EMPTYMARKERs and increases wait for connection.
(63.77 KiB) Downloaded 201 times
Connect Wizard upgrade of network manager controls and interactions.
Requires frisbee-1.4.5+, pgprs-2.0.2+, simple_network_setup, network_wizard &
quicksetup (except for quirky) packages. Supports PeasyWiFi 4.5.
(27.86 KiB) Downloaded 549 times
Icons for connectwizard and simple_network_setup, for quirky-8.2+
(1.59 KiB) Downloaded 711 times
Tahrpup[64] 6.0.5 system initialization adapted for network_connect_update --
Includes woofCE report-video for new quicksetup.
(13.79 KiB) Downloaded 721 times
Options at first startup. Now sets ID of country where WiFi being used.
Option appears only if package 'crda' is installed (from PPM or repo).
Needs network_connect_update-20170612, frisbee-1.4.5+, NetWiz
20170613+ & SNS 20170612+, to use the feature
(27.19 KiB) Downloaded 781 times
Xenialpup64 7.0.7 system initialization adapted for network_connect_update
(11.87 KiB) Downloaded 767 times
Last edited by rerwin on Mon 06 Jul 2020, 21:52, edited 71 times in total.

#2 Post by april »

Anything for precise 5.7.1?
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network_connect_update for Lucid and Precise pups

#3 Post by rerwin »

april wrote:Anything for precise 5.7.1?
Now, there is! Thanks for telling me of your interest in a version for Precise.

A new version of network_connect_update for woofCE puppies, 20170515, is in the first message of this thread.

Attached here are standalone network_connect_update packages for lucid and Precise 5.7.1. Unlike the woofCE-pup network_connect_update package, these include the content of the simple_network_setup and network_wizard packages.

Since I did not test extensively with Precise (5.7.1 retro), please consider the precise package as beta level. The only difference between these packages is the version of the rc.sysinit initialization script.

UPDATE 6/24/17:
The Lucid network_wizard package is upgraded with support for WiFi country regulation (CRD) -- allowing use of channels 12-14 where legal and blocking them where illegal -- and to show the available wireless networks listed by signal strength, strongest first. Also, network_wizard no longer shows the irrelevant "cell" number for each network. To activate the CRD option, install the 'crda' and 'iw' packages from ubuntu-main, with PPM. But they are not required otherwise. Frisbee-1.4.6 also supports these new features.

UPDATE 6/25/17:
The Precise network wizard package is now also upgraded with the same improvements as in the Lucid package.
ConnectWizard upgrade for Precise 5.7.1 installations
Requires frisbee 1.4.6 and pgprs 2.0.2 packages.
(180.11 KiB) Downloaded 691 times
ConnectWizard upgrade for Lucid installations
Requires frisbee 1.4.6 and pgprs 2.0.2 packages.
For WiFi "CRD", also requires 'crda' (ubuntu_main) and 'iw' (ubuntu-universe).
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Last edited by rerwin on Thu 27 Jul 2017, 22:34, edited 3 times in total.
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Support for WiFi channels 12-14 where appropriate

#4 Post by rerwin »

I have updated the network_connect_update, SNS, NetWiz and Frisbee packages and added a package for quicksetup, to allow use of WiFi channels 12-14 in countries where that is legal and a wifi device supports it. See the "UPDATE 6/15/2017" addition to the first message of this thread for details.
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Sorted WiFi network listings

#5 Post by rerwin »

I have updated the SNS, NetWiz and Frisbee (in its own forum thread) packages to present their WiFi network listings sorted by signal strength, with the strongest listed first. This was done in response to a request for it. If anyone objects to that decision, please tell me, here.

EDIT: The Lucid and Precise network_connect_update packages (above) now support this as well as the WiFi country upgrade.
Last edited by rerwin on Mon 26 Jun 2017, 02:36, edited 1 time in total.
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#6 Post by rerwin »

To support the new version of quicksetup, with the CRD country WiFi regulation option, I have added the report-video script to the tahrpups network_connect patch package. Tahrpup 6.0.5 users, please install the new version of the patch to avoid the distorted quicksetup window.
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#7 Post by BarryK »

Hi, I have started to look at your latest work. Have posted progress reports to my blog:
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#8 Post by tallboy » Description wrote:For WiFi "CRD", also requires 'crda' and 'iw' from ubuntu_main repo (PPM).
I found wireless-crda_1.12_i386.deb in the updated PPM, but is 'iw' the same as libiw30_30?

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#9 Post by rerwin »

I just now noticed your above message. No, the correct package is iw-0.9.19. But it is in repo ubuntu-lucid-universe. I have changed the instruction.

Thanks for bringing the error to my attention.
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#10 Post by rerwin »

I have uploaded network_connect_update-20170727, containing internal changes that complete the separation of the Network Wizard from the puppy architecture and allow developers to omit the network_wizard package from a distro without impact. It utilizes the rc.network_eth script from quirky 8.x. There is no noticeable functional change.

I also uploaded a "patch" package for quirky 8.2 and later, that provides 8 icons needed but not in quirky. The set of packages seems to work in quirky 8.2.

EDIT: I re-uploaded network_connect_update as version 20170728, to make it compatible with PeasyWiFi 4.3, so that rcrsn51 does not have to change his workarounds that keep up with my recent networking changes.
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#11 Post by rerwin »

I have uploaded network_connect_update-20180226 and simple_network_setup-20180128 to match recent updates to quirky/EasyOS and to improve interfacing to peasywifi 4.5 to work with the manager-switching process.

During testing, I discovered that both peasywifi and frisbee have not been disconnecting as expected if both wifi and ethernet connections are active. I see this in my test setup that connects to my router both by wire and wifi, so this case may be rare.

The added disconnect code for PWF (and also frisbee 1.4.7) disconnects wifi when so directed, but leaves the network icon showing an ethernet connection. Disconnecting a second time will kill any remaining ethernet connections.
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#12 Post by rerwin »

I have uploaded simple_network_setup-20180322 that now handles driver module names containing hyphens.
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#13 Post by zagreb999 »



#14 Post by stemsee »

How does one add some of the other (better?) networking apps available on puppy, such as Wifi-TrayNet, Wifi-Scanner, Peasywifi, and Wpa_Gui? Each one has its strengths and weaknesses ... you only include a very limited, and often problematic selection ... ignoring more interesting and reliable packages in the forum ... which doesn't help woof-ce "development".

It's hard to take our app seriously, when its so blinkered and un-enabling!


I Try update to check if result better..

#15 Post by hamoudoudou »

upup bionic wireless dongle, only one operator listed with SNS
I Try update to check if result better..
No Nothing better..
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latest frisbee for debiandog?

#16 Post by zagreb999 »

Mr.rerwin compliments!

is there latest frisbee for debiandog?

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#17 Post by rerwin »

The latest frisbee is 1.4.9. Last time I checked the "dog" frisbee, it appeared to be maintained close to the regular frisbee, so I assume that will continue, by whomever it is who is maintaining it.

I could check once again, but do not want to interfere with the effort by whomever is maintaining it.
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latest frisbee in xenialdog

#18 Post by zagreb999 »


latest frisbee in xenialdog -
screenshot from synaptic

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#19 Post by rerwin »

Uploaded new version of simple_network_setup (to first posting) as 2.1beta. It speeds up booting where there are many wifi networks available.

Please report any issues with it. TIA
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#20 Post by zagreb999 »

when we will have the last frisbee
for stretchdog? now is 1.2 frisbee!
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